System Actors

System Actors

There are eleven (11) builtin System Actors in total, but not all of them interact with the VM. Each actor is identified by a Code ID (or CID).

There are four (4) system actors required for VM processing:

  • the InitActor, which initializes new actors and records the network name, and
  • the CronActor, a scheduler actor that runs critical functions at every epoch.

There are another two actors that interact with the VM:

  • the AccountActor responsible for user accounts (non-singleton), and
  • the RewardActor for block reward and token vesting (singleton).

The remaining seven (7) builtin System Actors that do not interact directly with the VM are the following:

  • StorageMarketActor: responsible for managing storage and retrieval deals [ Market Actor Repo]
  • StorageMinerActor: actor responsible to deal with storage mining operations and collect proofs [ Storage Miner Actor Repo]
  • MultisigActor (or Multi-Signature Wallet Actor): responsible for dealing with operations involving the Filecoin wallet [ Multisig Actor Repo]
  • PaymentChannelActor: responsible for setting up and settling funds related to payment channels [ Paych Actor Repo]
  • StoragePowerActor: responsible for keeping track of the storage power allocated at each storage miner [ Storage Power Actor]
  • VerifiedRegistryActor: responsible for managing verified clients [ Verifreg Actor Repo]
  • SystemActor: general system actor [ System Actor Repo]


Built in to the genesis state, the CronActor’s dispatch table invokes the StoragePowerActor and StorageMarketActor for them to maintain internal state and process deferred events. It could in principle invoke other actors after a network upgrade.

package cron

import (
	rtt ""
	cron0 ""


// The cron actor is a built-in singleton that sends messages to other registered actors at the end of each epoch.
type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		builtin.MethodConstructor: a.Constructor,
		2:                         a.EpochTick,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.CronActorCodeID

func (a Actor) IsSingleton() bool {
	return true

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er {
	return new(State)

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

//type ConstructorParams struct {
//	Entries []Entry
type ConstructorParams = cron0.ConstructorParams

type EntryParam = cron0.Entry

func (a Actor) Constructor(rt runtime.Runtime, params *ConstructorParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	entries := make([]Entry, len(params.Entries))
	for i, e := range params.Entries {
		entries[i] = Entry(e) // Identical
	return nil

// Invoked by the system after all other messages in the epoch have been processed.
func (a Actor) EpochTick(rt runtime.Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *abi.EmptyValue {

	var st State

	for _, entry := range st.Entries {
		code := rt.Send(entry.Receiver, entry.MethodNum, nil, abi.NewTokenAmount(0), &builtin.Discard{})
		// Any error and return value are ignored.
		if code.IsError() {
			rt.Log(rtt.ERROR, "cron failed to send entry to %s, send error code %d", entry.Receiver, code)

	return nil


The InitActor has the power to create new actors, e.g., those that enter the system. It maintains a table resolving a public key and temporary actor addresses to their canonical ID-addresses. Invalid CIDs should not get committed to the state tree.

Note that the canonical ID address does not persist in case of chain re-organization. The actor address or public key survives chain re-organization.

package init

import (
	addr ""
	init0 ""
	cid ""


// The init actor uniquely has the power to create new actors.
// It maintains a table resolving pubkey and temporary actor addresses to the canonical ID-addresses.
type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		builtin.MethodConstructor: a.Constructor,
		2:                         a.Exec,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.InitActorCodeID

func (a Actor) IsSingleton() bool {
	return true

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er { return new(State) }

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

//type ConstructorParams struct {
//	NetworkName string
type ConstructorParams = init0.ConstructorParams

func (a Actor) Constructor(rt runtime.Runtime, params *ConstructorParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	st, err := ConstructState(adt.AsStore(rt), params.NetworkName)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to construct state")
	return nil

//type ExecParams struct {
//	CodeCID           cid.Cid `checked:"true"` // invalid CIDs won't get committed to the state tree
//	ConstructorParams []byte
type ExecParams = init0.ExecParams

//type ExecReturn struct {
//	IDAddress     addr.Address // The canonical ID-based address for the actor.
//	RobustAddress addr.Address // A more expensive but re-org-safe address for the newly created actor.
type ExecReturn = init0.ExecReturn

func (a Actor) Exec(rt runtime.Runtime, params *ExecParams) *ExecReturn {
	callerCodeCID, ok := rt.GetActorCodeCID(rt.Caller())
	builtin.RequireState(rt, ok, "no code for caller at %s", rt.Caller())
	if !canExec(callerCodeCID, params.CodeCID) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "caller type %v cannot exec actor type %v", callerCodeCID, params.CodeCID)

	// Compute a re-org-stable address.
	// This address exists for use by messages coming from outside the system, in order to
	// stably address the newly created actor even if a chain re-org causes it to end up with
	// a different ID.
	uniqueAddress := rt.NewActorAddress()

	// Allocate an ID for this actor.
	// Store mapping of pubkey or actor address to actor ID
	var st State
	var idAddr addr.Address
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		var err error
		idAddr, err = st.MapAddressToNewID(adt.AsStore(rt), uniqueAddress)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to allocate ID address")

	// Create an empty actor.
	rt.CreateActor(params.CodeCID, idAddr)

	// Invoke constructor.
	code := rt.Send(idAddr, builtin.MethodConstructor, builtin.CBORBytes(params.ConstructorParams), rt.ValueReceived(), &builtin.Discard{})
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "constructor failed")

	return &ExecReturn{IDAddress: idAddr, RobustAddress: uniqueAddress}

func canExec(callerCodeID cid.Cid, execCodeID cid.Cid) bool {
	switch execCodeID {
	case builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
		if callerCodeID == builtin.StoragePowerActorCodeID {
			return true
		return false
	case builtin.PaymentChannelActorCodeID, builtin.MultisigActorCodeID:
		return true
		return false


The RewardActor is where unminted Filecoin tokens are kept. The actor distributes rewards directly to miner actors, where they are locked for vesting. The reward value used for the current epoch is updated at the end of an epoch through a cron tick.

package reward

import (
	rtt ""
	reward0 ""
	reward6 ""


// PenaltyMultiplier is the factor miner penaltys are scaled up by
const PenaltyMultiplier = 3

type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		builtin.MethodConstructor: a.Constructor,
		2:                         a.AwardBlockReward,
		3:                         a.ThisEpochReward,
		4:                         a.UpdateNetworkKPI,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.RewardActorCodeID

func (a Actor) IsSingleton() bool {
	return true

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er {
	return new(State)

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

func (a Actor) Constructor(rt runtime.Runtime, currRealizedPower *abi.StoragePower) *abi.EmptyValue {

	if currRealizedPower == nil {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "argument should not be nil")
		return nil // linter does not understand abort exiting
	st := ConstructState(*currRealizedPower)
	return nil

//type AwardBlockRewardParams struct {
//	Miner     address.Address
//	Penalty   abi.TokenAmount // penalty for including bad messages in a block, >= 0
//	GasReward abi.TokenAmount // gas reward from all gas fees in a block, >= 0
//	WinCount  int64           // number of reward units won, > 0
type AwardBlockRewardParams = reward0.AwardBlockRewardParams

// Awards a reward to a block producer.
// This method is called only by the system actor, implicitly, as the last message in the evaluation of a block.
// The system actor thus computes the parameters and attached value.
// The reward includes two components:
// - the epoch block reward, computed and paid from the reward actor's balance,
// - the block gas reward, expected to be transferred to the reward actor with this invocation.
// The reward is reduced before the residual is credited to the block producer, by:
// - a penalty amount, provided as a parameter, which is burnt,
func (a Actor) AwardBlockReward(rt runtime.Runtime, params *AwardBlockRewardParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	priorBalance := rt.CurrentBalance()
	if params.Penalty.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "negative penalty %v", params.Penalty)
	if params.GasReward.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "negative gas reward %v", params.GasReward)
	if priorBalance.LessThan(params.GasReward) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "actor current balance %v insufficient to pay gas reward %v",
			priorBalance, params.GasReward)
	if params.WinCount <= 0 {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid win count %d", params.WinCount)

	minerAddr, ok := rt.ResolveAddress(params.Miner)
	if !ok {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrNotFound, "failed to resolve given owner address")
	// The miner penalty is scaled up by a factor of PenaltyMultiplier
	penalty := big.Mul(big.NewInt(PenaltyMultiplier), params.Penalty)
	totalReward := big.Zero()
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		blockReward := big.Mul(st.ThisEpochReward, big.NewInt(params.WinCount))
		blockReward = big.Div(blockReward, big.NewInt(builtin.ExpectedLeadersPerEpoch))
		totalReward = big.Add(blockReward, params.GasReward)
		currBalance := rt.CurrentBalance()
		if totalReward.GreaterThan(currBalance) {
			rt.Log(rtt.WARN, "reward actor balance %d below totalReward expected %d, paying out rest of balance", currBalance, totalReward)
			totalReward = currBalance

			blockReward = big.Sub(totalReward, params.GasReward)
			// Since we have already asserted the balance is greater than gas reward blockReward is >= 0
			builtin.RequireState(rt, blockReward.GreaterThanEqual(big.Zero()), "programming error, block reward %v below zero", blockReward)
		st.TotalStoragePowerReward = big.Add(st.TotalStoragePowerReward, blockReward)

	builtin.RequireState(rt, totalReward.LessThanEqual(priorBalance), "reward %v exceeds balance %v", totalReward, priorBalance)

	// if this fails, we can assume the miner is responsible and avoid failing here.
	rewardParams := builtin.ApplyRewardParams{
		Reward:  totalReward,
		Penalty: penalty,
	code := rt.Send(minerAddr, builtin.MethodsMiner.ApplyRewards, &rewardParams, totalReward, &builtin.Discard{})
	if !code.IsSuccess() {
		rt.Log(rtt.ERROR, "failed to send ApplyRewards call to the miner actor with funds: %v, code: %v", totalReward, code)
		code := rt.Send(builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr, builtin.MethodSend, nil, totalReward, &builtin.Discard{})
		if !code.IsSuccess() {
			rt.Log(rtt.ERROR, "failed to send unsent reward to the burnt funds actor, code: %v", code)

	return nil

// Changed since v0:
// - removed ThisEpochReward (unsmoothed)
//type ThisEpochRewardReturn struct {
//	ThisEpochRewardSmoothed smoothing.FilterEstimate
//	ThisEpochBaselinePower  abi.StoragePower
type ThisEpochRewardReturn = reward6.ThisEpochRewardReturn

// The award value used for the current epoch, updated at the end of an epoch
// through cron tick.  In the case previous epochs were null blocks this
// is the reward value as calculated at the last non-null epoch.
func (a Actor) ThisEpochReward(rt runtime.Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *ThisEpochRewardReturn {

	var st State
	return &ThisEpochRewardReturn{
		ThisEpochRewardSmoothed: st.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed,
		ThisEpochBaselinePower:  st.ThisEpochBaselinePower,

// Called at the end of each epoch by the power actor (in turn by its cron hook).
// This is only invoked for non-empty tipsets, but catches up any number of null
// epochs to compute the next epoch reward.
func (a Actor) UpdateNetworkKPI(rt runtime.Runtime, currRealizedPower *abi.StoragePower) *abi.EmptyValue {
	if currRealizedPower == nil {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "argument should not be nil")

	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		prev := st.Epoch
		// if there were null runs catch up the computation until
		// st.Epoch == rt.CurrEpoch()
		for st.Epoch < rt.CurrEpoch() {
			// Update to next epoch to process null rounds

		// only update smoothed estimates after updating reward and epoch
		st.updateSmoothedEstimates(st.Epoch - prev)
	return nil


The AccountActor is responsible for user accounts. Account actors are not created by the InitActor, but their constructor is called by the system. Account actors are created by sending a message to a public-key style address. The address must be BLS or SECP, or otherwise there should be an exit error. The account actor is updating the state tree with the new actor address.

package account

import (
	addr ""


type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		1: a.Constructor,
		2: a.PubkeyAddress,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.AccountActorCodeID

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er {
	return new(State)

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

type State struct {
	Address addr.Address

func (a Actor) Constructor(rt runtime.Runtime, address *addr.Address) *abi.EmptyValue {
	// Account actors are created implicitly by sending a message to a pubkey-style address.
	// This constructor is not invoked by the InitActor, but by the system.
	switch address.Protocol() {
	case addr.SECP256K1:
	case addr.BLS:
		break // ok
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "address must use BLS or SECP protocol, got %v", address.Protocol())
	st := State{Address: *address}
	return nil

// Fetches the pubkey-type address from this actor.
func (a Actor) PubkeyAddress(rt runtime.Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *addr.Address {
	var st State
	return &st.Address