
Filecoin is a distributed storage network based on a blockchain mechanism. Filecoin miners can elect to provide storage capacity for the network, and thereby earn units of the Filecoin cryptocurrency (FIL) by periodically producing cryptographic proofs that certify that they are providing the capacity specified. In addition, Filecoin enables parties to exchange FIL currency through transactions recorded in a shared ledger on the Filecoin blockchain. Rather than using Nakamoto-style proof of work to maintain consensus on the chain, however, Filecoin uses proof of storage itself: a miner’s power in the consensus protocol is proportional to the amount of storage it provides.

The Filecoin blockchain not only maintains the ledger for FIL transactions and accounts, but also implements the Filecoin VM, a replicated state machine which executes a variety of cryptographic contracts and market mechanisms among participants on the network. These contracts include storage deals, in which clients pay FIL currency to miners in exchange for storing the specific file data that the clients request. Via the distributed implementation of the Filecoin VM, storage deals and other contract mechanisms recorded on the chain continue to be processed over time, without requiring further interaction from the original parties (such as the clients who requested the data storage).

Spec Status

Each section of the spec must be stable and audited before it is considered done. The state of each section is tracked below.

  • The State column indicates the stability as defined in the legend.
  • The Theory Audit column shows the date of the last theory audit with a link to the report.

Spec Status Legend

Spec state Label
Unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. Stable
All content is correct. Important details are covered. Reliable
All content is correct. Details are being worked on. Draft/WIP
Do not follow. Important things have changed. Incorrect
No work has been done yet. Missing

Spec Status Overview

Section State Theory Audit
1 Introduction Reliable
1.2 Architecture Diagrams Reliable
1.3 Key Concepts Reliable
1.4 Filecoin VM Reliable
1.5 System Decomposition Reliable
1.5.1 What are Systems? How do they work? Reliable
1.5.2 Implementing Systems Reliable
2 Systems Draft/WIP
2.1 Filecoin Nodes Reliable
2.1.1 Node Types Stable
2.1.2 Node Repository Stable Key Store Reliable IPLD Store Stable Draft/WIP
2.1.3 Network Interface Stable
2.1.4 Clock Reliable
2.2 Files & Data Reliable
2.2.1 File Reliable FileStore - Local Storage for Files Reliable
2.2.2 The Filecoin Piece Stable
2.2.3 Data Transfer in Filecoin Stable
2.2.4 Data Formats and Serialization Reliable
2.3 Virtual Machine Reliable
2.3.1 VM Actor Interface Reliable Draft/WIP
2.3.2 State Tree Reliable Draft/WIP
2.3.3 VM Message - Actor Method Invocation Reliable Draft/WIP
2.3.4 VM Runtime Environment (Inside the VM) Reliable
2.3.5 Gas Fees Reliable Report Coming Soon
2.3.6 System Actors Reliable Reports
2.3.7 VM Interpreter - Message Invocation (Outside VM) Draft/WIP Draft/WIP
2.4 Blockchain Reliable Draft/WIP
2.4.1 Blocks Reliable Block Reliable Tipset Reliable Chain Manager Reliable Block Producer Reliable Draft/WIP
2.4.2 Message Pool Stable Draft/WIP Message Propagation Stable Message Storage Stable
2.4.3 ChainSync Stable
2.4.4 Storage Power Consensus Reliable Draft/WIP Storage Power Actor Reliable Draft/WIP
2.5 Token Reliable
2.5.1 Minting Model Reliable
2.5.2 Block Reward Minting Reliable
2.5.3 Token Allocation Reliable
2.5.4 Payment Channels Stable Draft/WIP
2.5.5 Multisig Wallet & Actor Reliable Reports
2.6 Storage Mining Reliable Draft/WIP
2.6.1 Sector Stable Sector Lifecycle Stable Sector Quality Stable Sector Sealing Stable Draft/WIP Sector Faults Stable Draft/WIP Sector Recovery Reliable Draft/WIP Adding Storage Stable Draft/WIP Upgrading Sectors Stable Draft/WIP
2.6.2 Storage Miner Reliable Draft/WIP Storage Mining Cycle Reliable Draft/WIP Storage Miner Actor Draft/WIP Reports
2.6.3 Miner Collaterals Reliable
2.6.4 Storage Proving Draft/WIP Draft/WIP Sector Poster Draft/WIP Draft/WIP Sector Sealer Draft/WIP Draft/WIP
2.7 Markets Stable
2.7.1 Storage Market in Filecoin Stable Draft/WIP
2.7.2 Storage Market On-Chain Components Reliable Draft/WIP Storage Market Actor Reliable Reports Storage Deal Flow Reliable Draft/WIP Storage Deal States Reliable Faults Reliable Draft/WIP
2.7.3 Retrieval Market in Filecoin Stable Retrieval Peer Resolver Stable Retrieval Protocols Stable Retrieval Client Stable Retrieval Provider (Miner) Stable Retrieval Deal Status Stable
3 Libraries Reliable
3.1 DRAND Stable Reports
3.2 IPFS Stable Draft/WIP
3.3 Multiformats Stable
3.4 IPLD Stable
3.5 Libp2p Stable Draft/WIP
4 Algorithms Draft/WIP
4.1 Expected Consensus Reliable Draft/WIP
4.2 Proof-of-Storage Reliable Draft/WIP
4.2.2 Proof-of-Replication (PoRep) Reliable Draft/WIP
4.2.3 Proof-of-Spacetime (PoSt) Reliable Draft/WIP
4.3 Stacked DRG Proof of Replication Stable Report Coming Soon
4.3.16 SDR Notation, Constants, and Types Stable Report Coming Soon
4.4 BlockSync Stable
4.5 GossipSub Stable Reports
4.6 Cryptographic Primitives Draft/WIP
4.6.1 Signatures Draft/WIP Report Coming Soon
4.6.2 Verifiable Random Function Incorrect
4.6.3 Randomness Reliable Draft/WIP
4.6.4 Poseidon Incorrect Missing
4.7 Verified Clients Draft/WIP Draft/WIP
4.8 Filecoin CryptoEconomics Reliable Draft/WIP
5 Glossary Reliable
6 Appendix Draft/WIP
6.1 Filecoin Address Reliable
6.2 Data Structures Reliable
6.3 Filecoin Parameters Draft/WIP
6.4 Audit Reports Reliable
7 Filecoin Implementations Reliable
7.1 Lotus Reliable
7.2 Venus Reliable
7.3 Forest Reliable
7.4 Fuhon (cpp-filecoin) Reliable
8 Releases

Spec Stabilization Progress

This progress bar shows what percentage of the spec sections are considered stable.

WIP 11% Reliable 55% Stable 32%

Implementations Status

Known implementations of the filecoin spec are tracked below, with their current CI build status, their test coverage as reported by, and a link to their last security audit report where one exists.

Repo Language CI Test Coverage Security Audit
lotus go Failed 40% Reports
go-fil-markets go Passed 58% Reports
specs-actors go Unknown 69% Reports
rust Unknown Unknown Reports
venus go Passed 23% Missing
forest rust Passed 56% Missing
cpp-filecoin c++ Passed 45% Missing

Architecture Diagrams

Actor State Diagram

Actor State Diagram

Key Concepts

For clarity, we refer the following types of entities to describe implementations of the Filecoin protocol:

  • Data structures are collections of semantically-tagged data members (e.g., structs, interfaces, or enums).

  • Functions are computational procedures that do not depend on external state (i.e., mathematical functions, or programming language functions that do not refer to global variables).

  • Components are sets of functionality that are intended to be represented as single software units in the implementation structure. Depending on the choice of language and the particular component, this might correspond to a single software module, a thread or process running some main loop, a disk-backed database, or a variety of other design choices. For example, the ChainSync is a component: it could be implemented as a process or thread running a single specified main loop, which waits for network messages and responds accordingly by recording and/or forwarding block data.

  • APIs are the interfaces for delivering messages to components. A client’s view of a given sub-protocol, such as a request to a miner node’s Storage Provider component to store files in the storage market, may require the execution of a series of API requests.

  • Nodes are complete software and hardware systems that interact with the protocol. A node might be constantly running several of the above components, participating in several subsystems, and exposing APIs locally and/or over the network, depending on the node configuration. The term full node refers to a system that runs all of the above components and supports all of the APIs detailed in the spec.

  • Subsystems are conceptual divisions of the entire Filecoin protocol, either in terms of complete protocols (such as the Storage Market or Retrieval Market), or in terms of functionality (such as the VM - Virtual Machine). They do not necessarily correspond to any particular node or software component.

  • Actors are virtual entities embodied in the state of the Filecoin VM. Protocol actors are analogous to participants in smart contracts; an actor carries a FIL currency balance and can interact with other actors via the operations of the VM, but does not necessarily correspond to any particular node or software component.

Filecoin VM

The majority of Filecoin’s user facing functionality (payments, storage market, power table, etc) is managed through the Filecoin Virtual Machine (Filecoin VM). The network generates a series of blocks, and agrees which ‘chain’ of blocks is the correct one. Each block contains a series of state transitions called messages, and a checkpoint of the current global state after the application of those messages.

The global state here consists of a set of actors, each with their own private state.

An actor is the Filecoin equivalent of Ethereum’s smart contracts, it is essentially an ‘object’ in the filecoin network with state and a set of methods that can be used to interact with it. Every actor has a Filecoin balance attributed to it, a state pointer, a code CID which tells the system what type of actor it is, and a nonce which tracks the number of messages sent by this actor.

There are two routes to calling a method on an actor. First, to call a method as an external participant of the system (aka, a normal user with Filecoin) you must send a signed message to the network, and pay a fee to the miner that includes your message. The signature on the message must match the key associated with an account with sufficient Filecoin to pay for the message’s execution. The fee here is equivalent to transaction fees in Bitcoin and Ethereum, where it is proportional to the work that is done to process the message (Bitcoin prices messages per byte, Ethereum uses the concept of ‘gas’. We also use ‘gas’).

Second, an actor may call a method on another actor during the invocation of one of its methods. However, the only time this may happen is as a result of some actor being invoked by an external users message (note: an actor called by a user may call another actor that then calls another actor, as many layers deep as the execution can afford to run for).

For full implementation details, see the VM Subsystem.

System Decomposition

What are Systems? How do they work?

Filecoin decouples and modularizes functionality into loosely-joined systems. Each system adds significant functionality, usually to achieve a set of important and tightly related goals.

For example, the Blockchain System provides structures like Block, Tipset, and Chain, and provides functionality like Block Sync, Block Propagation, Block Validation, Chain Selection, and Chain Access. This is separated from the Files, Pieces, Piece Preparation, and Data Transfer. Both of these systems are separated from the Markets, which provide Orders, Deals, Market Visibility, and Deal Settlement.

Why is System decoupling useful?

This decoupling is useful for:

  • Implementation Boundaries: it is possible to build implementations of Filecoin that only implement a subset of systems. This is especially useful for Implementation Diversity: we want many implementations of security critical systems (eg Blockchain), but do not need many implementations of Systems that can be decoupled.
  • Runtime Decoupling: system decoupling makes it easier to build and run Filecoin Nodes that isolate Systems into separate programs, and even separate physical computers.
  • Security Isolation: some systems require higher operational security than others. System decoupling allows implementations to meet their security and functionality needs. A good example of this is separating Blockchain processing from Data Transfer.
  • Scalability: systems, and various use cases, may drive different performance requirements for different operators. System decoupling makes it easier for operators to scale their deployments along system boundaries.

Filecoin Nodes don’t need all the systems

Filecoin Nodes vary significantly and do not need all the systems. Most systems are only needed for a subset of use cases.

For example, the Blockchain System is required for synchronizing the chain, participating in secure consensus, storage mining, and chain validation. Many Filecoin Nodes do not need the chain and can perform their work by just fetching content from the latest StateTree, from a node they trust.

Note: Filecoin does not use the “full node” or “light client” terminology, in wide use in Bitcoin and other blockchain networks. In filecoin, these terms are not well defined. It is best to define nodes in terms of their capabilities, and therefore, in terms of the Systems they run. For example:

  • Chain Verifier Node: Runs the Blockchain system. Can sync and validate the chain. Cannot mine or produce blocks.
  • Client Node: Runs the Blockchain, Market, and Data Transfer systems. Can sync and validate the chain. Cannot mine or produce blocks.
  • Retrieval Miner Node: Runs the Market and Data Transfer systems. Does not need the chain. Can make Retrieval Deals (Retrieval Provider side). Can send Clients data, and get paid for it.
  • Storage Miner Node: Runs the Blockchain, Storage Market, Storage Mining systems. Can sync and validate the chain. Can make Storage Deals (Storage Provider side). Can seal stored data into sectors. Can acquire storage consensus power. Can mine and produce blocks.

Separating Systems

How do we determine what functionality belongs in one system vs another?

Drawing boundaries between systems is the art of separating tightly related functionality from unrelated parts. In a sense, we seek to keep tightly integrated components in the same system, and away from other unrelated components. This is sometimes straightforward, the boundaries naturally spring from the data structures or functionality. For example, it is straightforward to observe that Clients and Miners negotiating a deal with each other is very unrelated to VM Execution.

Sometimes this is harder, and it requires detangling, adding, or removing abstractions. For example, the StoragePowerActor and the StorageMarketActor were a single Actor previously. This caused a large coupling of functionality across StorageDeal making, the StorageMarket, markets in general, with Storage Mining, Sector Sealing, PoSt Generation, and more. Detangling these two sets of related functionality required breaking apart the one actor into two.

Decomposing within a System

Systems themselves decompose into smaller subunits. These are sometimes called “subsystems” to avoid confusion with the much larger, first-class Systems. Subsystems themselves may break down further. The naming here is not strictly enforced, as these subdivisions are more related to protocol and implementation engineering concerns than to user capabilities.

Implementing Systems

System Requirements

In order to make it easier to decouple functionality into systems, the Filecoin Protocol assumes a set of functionality available to all systems. This functionality can be achieved by implementations in a variety of ways, and should take the guidance here as a recommendation (SHOULD).

All Systems, as defined in this document, require the following:

  • Repository:
    • Local IpldStore. Some amount of persistent local storage for data structures (small structured objects). Systems expect to be initialized with an IpldStore in which to store data structures they expect to persist across crashes.
    • User Configuration Values. A small amount of user-editable configuration values. These should be easy for end-users to access, view, and edit.
    • Local, Secure KeyStore. A facility to use to generate and use cryptographic keys, which MUST remain secret to the Filecoin Node. Systems SHOULD NOT access the keys directly, and should do so over an abstraction (ie the KeyStore) which provides the ability to Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign, SigVerify, and more.
  • Local FileStore. Some amount of persistent local storage for files (large byte arrays). Systems expect to be initialized with a FileStore in which to store large files. Some systems (like Markets) may need to store and delete large volumes of smaller files (1MB - 10GB). Other systems (like Storage Mining) may need to store and delete large volumes of large files (1GB - 1TB).
  • Network. Most systems need access to the network, to be able to connect to their counterparts in other Filecoin Nodes. Systems expect to be initialized with a libp2p.Node on which they can mount their own protocols.
  • Clock. Some systems need access to current network time, some with low tolerance for drift. Systems expect to be initialized with a Clock from which to tell network time. Some systems (like Blockchain) require very little clock drift, and require secure time.

For this purpose, we use the FilecoinNode data structure, which is passed into all systems at initialization.

System Limitations

Further, Systems MUST abide by the following limitations:

  • Random crashes. A Filecoin Node may crash at any moment. Systems must be secure and consistent through crashes. This is primarily achieved by limiting the use of persistent state, persisting such state through Ipld data structures, and through the use of initialization routines that check state, and perhaps correct errors.
  • Isolation. Systems must communicate over well-defined, isolated interfaces. They must not build their critical functionality over a shared memory space. (Note: for performance, shared memory abstractions can be used to power IpldStore, FileStore, and libp2p, but the systems themselves should not require it.) This is not just an operational concern; it also significantly simplifies the protocol and makes it easier to understand, analyze, debug, and change.
  • No direct access to host OS Filesystem or Disk. Systems cannot access disks directly – they do so over the FileStore and IpldStore abstractions. This is to provide a high degree of portability and flexibility for end-users, especially storage miners and clients of large amounts of data, which need to be able to easily replace how their Filecoin Nodes access local storage.
  • No direct access to host OS Network stack or TCP/IP. Systems cannot access the network directly – they do so over the libp2p library. There must not be any other kind of network access. This provides a high degree of portability across platforms and network protocols, enabling Filecoin Nodes (and all their critical systems) to run in a wide variety of settings, using all kinds of protocols (eg Bluetooth, LANs, etc).


In this section we are detailing all the system components one by one in increasing level of complexity and/or interdependence to other system components. The interaction of the components between each other is only briefly discussed where appropriate, but the overall workflow is given in the Introduction section. In particular, in this section we discuss:

  • Filecoin Nodes: the different types of nodes that participate in the Filecoin Network, as well as important parts and processes that these nodes run, such as the key store and IPLD store, as well as the network interface to libp2p.
  • Files & Data: the data units of Filecoin, such as the Sectors and the Pieces.
  • Virtual Machine: the subcomponents of the Filecoin VM, such as the actors, i.e., the smart contracts that run on the Filecoin Blockchain, and the State Tree.
  • Blockchain: the main building blocks of the Filecoin blockchain, such as the structure of messages and blocks, the message pool, as well as how nodes synchronise the blockchain when they first join the network.
  • Token: the components needed for a wallet.
  • Storage Mining: the details of storage mining, storage power consensus, and how storage miners prove storage (without going into details of proofs, which are discussed later).
  • Markets: the storage and retrieval markets, which are primarily processes that take place off-chain, but are very important for the smooth operation of the decentralised storage market.

Filecoin Nodes

This section starts by discussing the concept of Filecoin Nodes. Although different node types in the Lotus implementation of Filecoin are less strictly defined than in other blockchain networks, there are different properties and features that different types of nodes should implement. In short, nodes are defined based on the set of services they provide.

In this section we also discuss issues related to storage of system files in Filecoin nodes. Note that by storage in this section we do not refer to the storage that a node commits for mining in the network, but rather the local storage repositories that it needs to have available for keys and IPLD data among other things.

In this section we are also discussing the network interface and how nodes find and connect with each other, how they interact and propagate messages using libp2p, as well as how to set the node’s clock.

Node Types

Nodes in the Filecoin network are primarily identified in terms of the services they provide. The type of node, therefore, depends on which services a node provides. A basic set of services in the Filecoin network include:

  • chain verification
  • storage market client
  • storage market provider
  • retrieval market client
  • retrieval market provider
  • storage mining

Any node participating in the Filecoin network should provide the chain verification service as a minimum. Depending on which extra services a node provides on top of chain verification, it gets the corresponding functionality and Node Type “label”.

Nodes can be realized with a repository (directory) in the host in a one-to-one relationship - that is, one repo belongs to a single node. That said, one host can implement multiple Filecoin nodes by having the corresponding repositories.

A Filecoin implementation can support the following subsystems, or types of nodes:

  • Chain Verifier Node: this is the minimum functionality that a node needs to have in order to participate in the Filecoin network. This type of node cannot play an active role in the network, unless it implements Client Node functionality, described below. A Chain Verifier Node must synchronise the chain (ChainSync) when it first joins the network to reach current consensus. From then on, the node must constantly be fetching any addition to the chain (i.e., receive the latest blocks) and validate them to reach consensus state.
  • Client Node: this type of node builds on top of the Chain Verifier Node and must be implemented by any application that is building on the Filecoin network. This can be thought of as the main infrastructure node (at least as far as interaction with the blockchain is concerned) of applications such as exchanges or decentralised storage applications building on Filecoin. The node should implement the storage market and retrieval market client services. The client node should interact with the Storage and Retrieval Markets and be able to do Data Transfers through the Data Transfer Module.
  • Retrieval Miner Node: this node type is extending the Chain Verifier Node to add retrieval miner functionality, that is, participate in the retrieval market. As such, this node type needs to implement the retrieval market provider service and be able to do Data Transfers through the Data Transfer Module.
  • Storage Miner Node: this type of node must implement all of the required functionality for validating, creating and adding blocks to extend the blockchain. It should implement the chain verification, storage mining and storage market provider services and be able to do Data Transfers through the Data Transfer Module.

Node Interface

The Lotus implementation of the Node Interface can be found here.

Chain Verifier Node

type ChainVerifierNode interface {


The Lotus implementation of the Chain Verifier Node can be found here.

Client Node

type ClientNode struct {


The Lotus implementation of the Client Node can be found here.

Storage Miner Node

type StorageMinerNode interface {


The Lotus implementation of the Storage Miner Node can be found here.

Retrieval Miner Node

type RetrievalMinerNode interface {


Relayer Node

type RelayerNode interface {


Node Configuration

The Lotus implementation of Filecoin Node configuration values can be found here.

Node Repository

The Filecoin node repository is simply local storage for system and chain data. It is an abstraction of the data which any functional Filecoin node needs to store locally in order to run correctly.

The repository is accessible to the node’s systems and subsystems and can be compartmentalized from the node’s FileStore.

The repository stores the node’s keys, the IPLD data structures of stateful objects as well as the node configuration settings.

The Lotus implementation of the FileStore Repository can be found here.

Key Store

The Key Store is a fundamental abstraction in any full Filecoin node used to store the keypairs associated with a given miner’s address (see actual definition further down) and distinct workers (should the miner choose to run multiple workers).

Node security depends in large part on keeping these keys secure. To that end we strongly recommend: 1) keeping keys separate from all subsystems, 2) using a separate key store to sign requests as required by other subsystems, and 3) keeping those keys that are not used as part of mining in cold storage.

Filecoin storage miners rely on three main components:

  • The storage miner actor address is uniquely assigned to a given storage miner actor upon calling registerMiner() in the Storage Power Consensus Subsystem. In effect, the storage miner does not have an address itself, but is rather identified by the address of the actor it is tied to. This is a unique identifier for a given storage miner to which its power and other keys will be associated. The actor value specifies the address of an already created miner actor.
  • The owner keypair is provided by the miner ahead of registration and its public key associated with the miner address. The owner keypair can be used to administer a miner and withdraw funds.
  • The worker keypair is the public key associated with the storage miner actor address. It can be chosen and changed by the miner. The worker keypair is used to sign blocks and may also be used to sign other messages. It must be a BLS keypair given its use as part of the Verifiable Random Function.

Multiple storage miner actors can share one owner public key or likewise a worker public key.

The process for changing the worker keypairs on-chain (i.e. the worker Key associated with a storage miner actor) is specified in Storage Miner Actor. Note that this is a two-step process. First, a miner stages a change by sending a message to the chain. Then, the miner confirms the key change after the randomness lookback time. Finally, the miner will begin signing blocks with the new key after an additional randomness lookback time. This delay exists to prevent adaptive key selection attacks.

Key security is of utmost importance in Filecoin, as is also the case with keys in every blockchain. Failure to securely store and use keys or exposure of private keys to adversaries can result in the adversary having access to the miner’s funds.

IPLD Store

InterPlanetary Linked Data (IPLD) is a set of libraries which allow for the interoperability of content-addressed data structures across different distributed systems and protocols. It provides a fundamental ‘common language’ to primitive cryptographic hashing, enabling data structures to be verifiably referenced and retrieved between two independent protocols. For example, a user can reference an IPFS directory in an Ethereum transaction or smart contract.

The IPLD Store of a Filecoin Node is local storage for hash-linked data.

IPLD is fundamentally comprised of three layers:

  • the Block Layer, which focuses on block formats and addressing, how blocks can advertise or self-describe their codec
  • the Data Model Layer, which defines a set of required types that need to be included in any implementation - discussed in more detail below.
  • the Schema Layer, which allows for extension of the Data Model to interact with more complex structures without the need for custom translation abstractions.

Further details about IPLD can be found in its specification.

The Data Model

At its core, IPLD defines a Data Model for representing data. The Data Model is designed for practical implementation across a wide variety of programming languages, while maintaining usability for content-addressed data and a broad range of generalized tools that interact with that data.

The Data Model includes a range of standard primitive types (or “kinds”), such as booleans, integers, strings, nulls and byte arrays, as well as two recursive types: lists and maps. Because IPLD is designed for content-addressed data, it also includes a “link” primitive in its Data Model. In practice, links use the CID specification. IPLD data is organized into “blocks”, where a block is represented by the raw, encoded data and its content-address, or CID. Every content-addressable chunk of data can be represented as a block, and together, blocks can form a coherent graph, or Merkle DAG.

Applications interact with IPLD via the Data Model, and IPLD handles marshalling and unmarshalling via a suite of codecs. IPLD codecs may support the complete Data Model or part of the Data Model. Two codecs that support the complete Data Model are DAG-CBOR and DAG-JSON. These codecs are respectively based on the CBOR and JSON serialization formats but include formalizations that allow them to encapsulate the IPLD Data Model (including its link type) and additional rules that create a strict mapping between any set of data and it’s respective content address (or hash digest). These rules include the mandating of particular ordering of keys when encoding maps, or the sizing of integer types when stored.

IPLD in Filecoin

IPLD is used in two ways in the Filecoin network:

  • All system datastructures are stored using DAG-CBOR (an IPLD codec). DAG-CBOR is a more strict subset of CBOR with a predefined tagging scheme, designed for storage, retrieval and traversal of hash-linked data DAGs. As compared to CBOR, DAG-CBOR can guarantee determinism.
  • Files and data stored on the Filecoin network are also stored using various IPLD codecs (not necessarily DAG-CBOR).

IPLD provides a consistent and coherent abstraction above data that allows Filecoin to build and interact with complex, multi-block data structures, such as HAMT and AMT. Filecoin uses the DAG-CBOR codec for the serialization and deserialization of its data structures and interacts with that data using the IPLD Data Model, upon which various tools are built. IPLD Selectors can also be used to address specific nodes within a linked data structure.


The Filecoin network relies primarily on two distinct IPLD GraphStores:

  • One ChainStore which stores the blockchain, including block headers, associated messages, etc.
  • One StateStore which stores the payload state from a given blockchain, or the stateTree resulting from all block messages in a given chain being applied to the genesis state by the Filecoin VM.

The ChainStore is downloaded by a node from their peers during the bootstrapping phase of Chain Sync and is stored by the node thereafter. It is updated on every new block reception, or if the node syncs to a new best chain.

The StateStore is computed through the execution of all block messages in a given ChainStore and is stored by the node thereafter. It is updated with every new incoming block’s processing by the VM Interpreter, and referenced accordingly by new blocks produced atop it in the block header’s ParentState field.

Network Interface

Filecoin nodes use several protocols of the libp2p networking stack for peer discovery, peer routing and block and message propagation. Libp2p is a modular networking stack for peer-to-peer networks. It includes several protocols and mechanisms to enable efficient, secure and resilient peer-to-peer communication. Libp2p nodes open connections with one another and mount different protocols or streams over the same connection. In the initial handshake, nodes exchange the protocols that each of them supports and all Filecoin related protocols will be mounted under /fil/... protocol identifiers.

The complete specification of libp2p can be found at Here is the list of libp2p protocols used by Filecoin.

  • Graphsync: Graphsync is a protocol to synchronize graphs across peers. It is used to reference, address, request and transfer blockchain and user data between Filecoin nodes. The draft specification of GraphSync provides more details on the concepts, the interfaces and the network messages used by GraphSync. There are no Filecoin-specific modifications to the protocol id.

  • Gossipsub: Block headers and messages are propagating through the Filecoin network using a gossip-based pubsub protocol acronymed GossipSub. As is traditionally the case with pubsub protocols, nodes subscribe to topics and receive messages published on those topics. When nodes receive messages from a topic they are subscribed to, they run a validation process and i) pass the message to the application, ii) forward the message further to nodes they know of being subscribed to the same topic. Furthermore, v1.1 version of GossipSub, which is the one used in Filecoin is enhanced with security mechanisms that make the protocol resilient against security attacks. The GossipSub Specification provides all the protocol details pertaining to its design and implementation, as well as specific settings for the protocols parameters. There have been no Filecoin-specific modifications to the protocol id. However the topic identifiers MUST be of the form fil/blocks/<network-name> and fil/msgs/<network-name>

  • Kademlia DHT: The Kademlia DHT is a distributed hash table with a logarithmic bound on the maximum number of lookups for a particular node. In the Filecoin network, the Kademlia DHT is used primarily for peer discovery and peer routing. In particular, when a node wants to store data in the Filecoin network, they get a list of miners and their node information. This node information includes (among other things) the PeerID of the miner. In order to connect to the miner and exchange data, the node that wants to store data in the network has to find the Multiaddress of the miner, which they do by querying the DHT. The libp2p Kad DHT Specification provides implementation details of the DHT structure. For the Filecoin network, the protocol id must be of the form fil/<network-name>/kad/1.0.0.

  • Bootstrap List: This is a list of nodes that a new node attempts to connect to upon joining the network. The list of bootstrap nodes and their addresses are defined by the users (i.e., applications).

  • Peer Exchange: This protocol is the realisation of the peer discovery process discussed above at Kademlia DHT. It enables peers to find information and addresses of other peers in the network by interfacing with the DHT and create and issue queries for the peers they want to connect to.


Filecoin assumes weak clock synchrony amongst participants in the system. That is, the system relies on participants having access to a globally synchronized clock (tolerating some bounded offset).

Filecoin relies on this system clock in order to secure consensus. Specifically, the clock is necessary to support validation rules that prevent block producers from mining blocks with a future timestamp and running leader elections more frequently than the protocol allows.

Clock uses

The Filecoin system clock is used:

  • by syncing nodes to validate that incoming blocks were mined in the appropriate epoch given their timestamp (see Block Validation). This is possible because the system clock maps all times to a unique epoch number totally determined by the start time in the genesis block.
  • by syncing nodes to drop blocks coming from a future epoch
  • by mining nodes to maintain protocol liveness by allowing participants to try leader election in the next round if no one has produced a block in the current round (see Storage Power Consensus).

In order to allow miners to do the above, the system clock must:

  1. Have low enough offset relative to other nodes so that blocks are not mined in epochs considered future epochs from the perspective of other nodes (those blocks should not be validated until the proper epoch/time as per validation rules).
  2. Set epoch number on node initialization equal to epoch = Floor[(current_time - genesis_time) / epoch_time]

It is expected that other subsystems will register to a NewRound() event from the clock subsystem.

Clock Requirements

Clocks used as part of the Filecoin protocol should be kept in sync, with offset less than 1 second so as to enable appropriate validation.

Computer-grade crystals can be expected to deviate by 1ppm (i.e. 1 microsecond every second, or 0.6 seconds per week). Therefore, in order to respect the requirement above:

  • Nodes SHOULD run an NTP daemon (e.g. timesyncd, ntpd, chronyd) to keep their clocks synchronized to one or more reliable external references.
    • We recommend the following sources:
  • Larger mining operations MAY consider using local NTP/PTP servers with GPS references and/or frequency-stable external clocks for improved timekeeping.

Mining operations have a strong incentive to prevent their clock skewing ahead more than one epoch to keep their block submissions from being rejected. Likewise they have an incentive to prevent their clocks skewing behind more than one epoch to avoid partitioning themselves off from the synchronized nodes in the network.

Files & Data

Filecoin’s primary aim is to store client’s Files and Data. This section details data structures and tooling related to working with files, chunking, encoding, graph representations, Pieces, storage abstractions, and more.


// Path is an opaque locator for a file (e.g. in a unix-style filesystem).
type Path string

// File is a variable length data container.
// The File interface is modeled after a unix-style file, but abstracts the
// underlying storage system.
type File interface {
    Path()   Path
    Size()   int
    Close()  error

    // Read reads from File into buf, starting at offset, and for size bytes.
    Read(offset int, size int, buf Bytes) struct {size int, e error}

    // Write writes from buf into File, starting at offset, and for size bytes.
    Write(offset int, size int, buf Bytes) struct {size int, e error}

FileStore - Local Storage for Files

The FileStore is an abstraction used to refer to any underlying system or device that Filecoin will store its data to. It is based on Unix filesystem semantics, and includes the notion of Paths. This abstraction is here in order to make sure Filecoin implementations make it easy for end-users to replace the underlying storage system with whatever suits their needs. The simplest version of FileStore is just the host operating system’s file system.

// FileStore is an object that can store and retrieve files by path.
type FileStore struct {
    Open(p Path)           union {f File, e error}
    Create(p Path)         union {f File, e error}
    Store(p Path, f File)  error
    Delete(p Path)         error

    // maybe add:
    // Copy(SrcPath, DstPath)
Varying user needs

Filecoin user needs vary significantly, and many users – especially miners – will implement complex storage architectures underneath and around Filecoin. The FileStore abstraction is here to make it easy for these varying needs to be easy to satisfy. All file and sector local data storage in the Filecoin Protocol is defined in terms of this FileStore interface, which makes it easy for implementations to make swappable, and for end-users to swap out with their system of choice.

Implementation examples

The FileStore interface may be implemented by many kinds of backing data storage systems. For example:

  • The host Operating System file system
  • Any Unix/Posix file system
  • RAID-backed file systems
  • Networked of distributed file systems (NFS, HDFS, etc)
  • IPFS
  • Databases
  • NAS systems
  • Raw serial or block devices
  • Raw hard drives (hdd sectors, etc)

Implementations SHOULD implement support for the host OS file system. Implementations MAY implement support for other storage systems.

The Filecoin Piece

The Filecoin Piece is the main unit of negotiation for data that users store on the Filecoin network. The Filecoin Piece is not a unit of storage, it is not of a specific size, but is upper-bounded by the size of the Sector. A Filecoin Piece can be of any size, but if a Piece is larger than the size of a Sector that the miner supports it has to be split into more Pieces so that each Piece fits into a Sector.

A Piece is an object that represents a whole or part of a File, and is used by Storage Clients and Storage Miners in Deals. Storage Clients hire Storage Miners to store Pieces.

The Piece data structure is designed for proving storage of arbitrary IPLD graphs and client data. This diagram shows the detailed composition of a Piece and its proving tree, including both full and bandwidth-optimized Piece data structures.

Pieces, Proving Trees, and Piece Data Structures

Data Representation

It is important to highlight that data submitted to the Filecoin network go through several transformations before they come to the format at which the StorageProvider stores it.

Below is the process followed from the point a user starts preparing a file to store in Filecoin to the point that the provider produces all the identifiers of Pieces stored in a Sector.

The first three steps take place on the client side.

  1. When a client wants to store a file in the Filecoin network, they start by producing the IPLD DAG of the file. The hash that represents the root node of the DAG is an IPFS-style CID, called Payload CID.

  2. In order to make a Filecoin Piece, the IPLD DAG is serialised into a “Content-Addressable aRchive” (.car) file, which is in raw bytes format. A CAR file is an opaque blob of data that packs together and transfers IPLD nodes. The Payload CID is common between the CAR’ed and un-CAR’ed constructions. This helps later during data retrieval, when data is transferred between the storage client and the storage provider as we discuss later.

  3. The resulting .car file is padded with extra zero bits in order for the file to make a binary Merkle tree. To achieve a clean binary Merkle Tree the .car file size has to be in some power of two (^2) size. A padding process, called Fr32 padding, which adds two (2) zero bits to every 254 out of every 256 bits is applied to the input file. At the next step, the padding process takes the output of the Fr32 padding process and finds the size above it that makes for a power of two size. This gap between the result of the Fr32 padding and the next power of two size is padded with zeros.

In order to justify the reasoning behind these steps, it is important to understand the overall negotiation process between the StorageClient and a StorageProvider. The piece CID or CommP is what is included in the deal that the client negotiates and agrees with the storage provider. When the deal is agreed, the client sends the file to the provider (using GraphSync). The provider has to construct the CAR file out of the file received and derive the Piece CID on their side. In order to avoid the client sending a different file to the one agreed, the Piece CID that the provider generates has to be the same as the one included in the deal negotiated earlier.

The following steps take place on the StorageProvider side (apart from step 4 that can also take place at the client side).

  1. Once the StorageProvider receives the file from the client, they calculate the Merkle root out of the hashes of the Piece (padded .car file). The resulting root of the clean binary Merkle tree is the Piece CID. This is also referred to as CommP or Piece Commitment and as mentioned earlier, has to be the same with the one included in the deal.

  2. The Piece is included in a Sector together with data from other deals. The StorageProvider then calculates Merkle root for all the Pieces inside the Sector. The root of this tree is CommD (aka Commitment of Data or UnsealedSectorCID).

  3. The StorageProvider is then sealing the sector and the root of the resulting Merkle root is the CommRLast.

  4. Proof of Replication (PoRep), SDR in particular, generates another Merkle root hash called CommC, as an attestation that replication of the data whose commitment is CommD has been performed correctly.

  5. Finally, CommR (or Commitment of Replication) is the hash of CommC || CommRLast.


  • Fr32 is a 32-bit representation of a field element (which, in our case, is the arithmetic field of BLS12-381). To be well-formed, a value of type Fr32 must actually fit within that field, but this is not enforced by the type system. It is an invariant which must be perserved by correct usage. In the case of so-called Fr32 padding, two zero bits are inserted ‘after’ a number requiring at most 254 bits to represent. This guarantees that the result will be Fr32, regardless of the value of the initial 254 bits. This is a ‘conservative’ technique, since for some initial values, only one bit of zero-padding would actually be required.
  • Steps 2 and 3 above are specific to the Lotus implementation. The same outcome can be achieved in different ways, e.g., without using Fr32 bit-padding. However, any implementation has to make sure that the initial IPLD DAG is serialised and padded so that it gives a clean binary tree, and therefore, calculating the Merkle root out of the resulting blob of data gives the same Piece CID. As long as this is the case, implementations can deviate from the first three steps above.
  • Finally, it is important to add a note related to the Payload CID (discussed in the first two steps above) and the data retrieval process. The retrieval deal is negotiated on the basis of the Payload CID. When the retrieval deal is agreed, the retrieval miner starts sending the unsealed and “un-CAR’ed” file to the client. The transfer starts from the root node of the IPLD Merkle Tree and in this way the client can validate the Payload CID from the beginning of the transfer and verify that the file they are receiving is the file they negotiated in the deal and not random bits.


The PieceStore module allows for storage and retrieval of Pieces from some local storage. The piecestore’s main goal is to help the storage and retrieval market modules to find where sealed data lives inside of sectors. The storage market writes the data, and retrieval market reads it in order to send out to retrieval clients.

The implementation of the PieceStore module can be found here.

Data Transfer in Filecoin

The Data Transfer Protocol is a protocol for transferring all or part of a Piece across the network when a deal is made. The overall goal for the data transfer module is for it to be an abstraction of the underlying transport medium over which data is transferred between different parties in the Filecoin network. Currently, the underlying medium or protocol used to actually do the data transfer is GraphSync. As such, the Data Transfer Protocol can be thought of as a negotiation protocol.

The Data Transfer Protocol is used both for Storage and for Retrieval Deals. In both cases, the data transfer request is initiated by the client. The primary reason for this is that clients will more often than not be behind NATs and therefore, it is more convenient to start any data transfer from their side. In the case of Storage Deals the data transfer request is initiated as a push request to send data to the storage provider. In the case of Retrieval Deals the data transfer request is initiated as a pull request to retrieve data by the storage provider.

The request to initiate a data transfer includes a voucher or token (none to be confused with the Payment Channel voucher) that points to a specific deal that the two parties have agreed to before. This is so that the storage provider can identify and link the request to a deal it has agreed to and not disregard the request. As described below the case might be slightly different for retrieval deals, where both a deal proposal and a data transfer request can be sent at once.


This diagram shows how Data Transfer and its modules fit into the picture with the Storage and Retrieval Markets. In particular, note how the Data Transfer Request Validators from the markets are plugged into the Data Transfer module, but their code belongs in the Markets system.

Data Transfer


  • Push Request: A request to send data to the other party - normally initiated by the client and primarily in case of a Storage Deal.
  • Pull Request: A request to have the other party send data - normally initiated by the client and primarily in case of a Retrieval Deal.
  • Requestor: The party that initiates the data transfer request (whether Push or Pull) - normally the client, at least as currently implemented in Filecoin, to overcome NAT-traversal problems.
  • Responder: The party that receives the data transfer request - normally the storage provider.
  • Data Transfer Voucher or Token: A wrapper around storage- or retrieval-related data that can identify and validate the transfer request to the other party.
  • Request Validator: The data transfer module only initiates a transfer when the responder can validate that the request is tied directly to either an existing storage or retrieval deal. Validation is not performed by the data transfer module itself. Instead, a request validator inspects the data transfer voucher to determine whether to respond to the request or disregard the request.
  • Transporter: Once a request is negotiated and validated, the actual transfer is managed by a transporter on both sides. The transporter is part of the data transfer module but is isolated from the negotiation process. It has access to an underlying verifiable transport protocol and uses it to send data and track progress.
  • Subscriber: An external component that monitors progress of a data transfer by subscribing to data transfer events, such as progress or completion.
  • GraphSync: The default underlying transport protocol used by the Transporter. The full graphsync specification can be found here

Request Phases

There are two basic phases to any data transfer:

  1. Negotiation: the requestor and responder agree to the transfer by validating it with the data transfer voucher.
  2. Transfer: once the negotiation phase is complete, the data is actually transferred. The default protocol used to do the transfer is Graphsync.

Note that the Negotiation and Transfer stages can occur in separate round trips, or potentially the same round trip, where the requesting party implicitly agrees by sending the request, and the responding party can agree and immediately send or receive data. Whether the process is taking place in a single or multiple round-trips depends in part on whether the request is a push request (storage deal) or a pull request (retrieval deal), and on whether the data transfer negotiation process is able to piggy back on the underlying transport mechanism. In the case of GraphSync as transport mechanism, data transfer requests can piggy back as an extension to the GraphSync protocol using GraphSync’s built-in extensibility. So, only a single round trip is required for Pull Requests. However, because Graphsync is a request/response protocol with no direct support for push type requests, in the Push case, negotiation happens in a seperate request over data transfer’s own libp2p protocol /fil/datatransfer/1.0.0. Other future transport mechanisms might handle both Push and Pull, either, or neither as a single round trip. Upon receiving a data transfer request, the data transfer module does the decoding the voucher and delivers it to the request validators. In storage deals, the request validator checks if the deal included is one that the recipient has agreed to before. For retrieval deals the request includes the proposal for the retrieval deal itself. As long as request validator accepts the deal proposal, everything is done at once as a single round-trip.

It is worth noting that in the case of retrieval the provider can accept the deal and the data transfer request, but then pause the retrieval itself in order to carry out the unsealing process. The storage provider has to unseal all of the requested data before initiating the actual data transfer. Furthermore, the storage provider has the option of pausing the retrieval flow before starting the unsealing process in order to ask for an unsealing payment request. Storage providers have the option to request for this payment in order to cover unsealing computation costs and avoid falling victims of misbehaving clients.

Example Flows

Push Flow

Data Transfer - Push Flow

  1. A requestor initiates a Push transfer when it wants to send data to another party.
  2. The requestors’ data transfer module will send a push request to the responder along with the data transfer voucher.
  3. The responder’s data transfer module validates the data transfer request via the Validator provided as a dependency by the responder.
  4. The responder’s data transfer module initiates the transfer by making a GraphSync request.
  5. The requestor receives the GraphSync request, verifies that it recognises the data transfer and begins sending data.
  6. The responder receives data and can produce an indication of progress.
  7. The responder completes receiving data, and notifies any listeners.

The push flow is ideal for storage deals, where the client initiates the data transfer straightaway once the provider indicates their intent to accept and publish the client’s deal proposal.

Pull Flow - Single Round Trip

Data Transfer - Single Round Trip Pull Flow

  1. A requestor initiates a Pull transfer when it wants to receive data from another party.
  2. The requestor’s data transfer module initiates the transfer by making a pull request embedded in the GraphSync request to the responder. The request includes the data transfer voucher.
  3. The responder receives the GraphSync request, and forwards the data transfer request to the data transfer module.
  4. The responder’s data transfer module validates the data transfer request via a PullValidator provided as a dependency by the responder.
  5. The responder accepts the GraphSync request and sends the accepted response along with the data transfer level acceptance response.
  6. The requestor receives data and can produce an indication of progress. This timing of this step comes later in time, after the storage provider has finished unsealing the data.
  7. The requestor completes receiving data, and notifies any listeners.


A data transfer CAN be negotiated over the network via the Data Transfer Protocol, a libp2p protocol type.

Using the Data Transfer Protocol as an independent libp2p communication mechanism is not a hard requirement – as long as both parties have an implementation of the Data Transfer Subsystem that can talk to the other, any transport mechanism (including offline mechanisms) is acceptable.

Data Structures

package datatransfer

import (

	cbg ""

//go:generate cbor-gen-for ChannelID ChannelStages ChannelStage Log

// TypeIdentifier is a unique string identifier for a type of encodable object in a
// registry
type TypeIdentifier string

// EmptyTypeIdentifier means there is no voucher present
const EmptyTypeIdentifier = TypeIdentifier("")

// TypedVoucher is a voucher or voucher result in IPLD form and an associated
// type identifier for that voucher or voucher result
type TypedVoucher struct {
	Voucher datamodel.Node
	Type    TypeIdentifier

// Equals is a utility to compare that two TypedVouchers are the same - both type
// and the voucher's IPLD content
func (tv1 TypedVoucher) Equals(tv2 TypedVoucher) bool {
	return tv1.Type == tv2.Type && ipld.DeepEqual(tv1.Voucher, tv2.Voucher)

// TransferID is an identifier for a data transfer, shared between
// request/responder and unique to the requester
type TransferID uint64

// ChannelID is a unique identifier for a channel, distinct by both the other
// party's peer ID + the transfer ID
type ChannelID struct {
	Initiator peer.ID
	Responder peer.ID
	ID        TransferID

func (c ChannelID) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", c.Initiator, c.Responder, c.ID)

// OtherParty returns the peer on the other side of the request, depending
// on whether this peer is the initiator or responder
func (c ChannelID) OtherParty(thisPeer peer.ID) peer.ID {
	if thisPeer == c.Initiator {
		return c.Responder
	return c.Initiator

// Channel represents all the parameters for a single data transfer
type Channel interface {
	// TransferID returns the transfer id for this channel
	TransferID() TransferID

	// BaseCID returns the CID that is at the root of this data transfer
	BaseCID() cid.Cid

	// Selector returns the IPLD selector for this data transfer (represented as
	// an IPLD node)
	Selector() datamodel.Node

	// Voucher returns the initial voucher for this data transfer
	Voucher() TypedVoucher

	// Sender returns the peer id for the node that is sending data
	Sender() peer.ID

	// Recipient returns the peer id for the node that is receiving data
	Recipient() peer.ID

	// TotalSize returns the total size for the data being transferred
	TotalSize() uint64

	// IsPull returns whether this is a pull request
	IsPull() bool

	// ChannelID returns the ChannelID for this request
	ChannelID() ChannelID

	// OtherPeer returns the counter party peer for this channel
	OtherPeer() peer.ID

// ChannelState is channel parameters plus it's current state
type ChannelState interface {

	// SelfPeer returns the peer this channel belongs to
	SelfPeer() peer.ID

	// Status is the current status of this channel
	Status() Status

	// Sent returns the number of bytes sent
	Sent() uint64

	// Received returns the number of bytes received
	Received() uint64

	// Message offers additional information about the current status
	Message() string

	// Vouchers returns all vouchers sent on this channel
	Vouchers() []TypedVoucher

	// VoucherResults are results of vouchers sent on the channel
	VoucherResults() []TypedVoucher

	// LastVoucher returns the last voucher sent on the channel
	LastVoucher() TypedVoucher

	// LastVoucherResult returns the last voucher result sent on the channel
	LastVoucherResult() TypedVoucher

	// ReceivedCidsTotal returns the number of (non-unique) cids received so far
	// on the channel - note that a block can exist in more than one place in the DAG
	ReceivedCidsTotal() int64

	// QueuedCidsTotal returns the number of (non-unique) cids queued so far
	// on the channel - note that a block can exist in more than one place in the DAG
	QueuedCidsTotal() int64

	// SentCidsTotal returns the number of (non-unique) cids sent so far
	// on the channel - note that a block can exist in more than one place in the DAG
	SentCidsTotal() int64

	// Queued returns the number of bytes read from the node and queued for sending
	Queued() uint64

	// DataLimit is the maximum data that can be transferred on this channel before
	// revalidation. 0 indicates no limit.
	DataLimit() uint64

	// RequiresFinalization indicates at the end of the transfer, the channel should
	// be left open for a final settlement
	RequiresFinalization() bool

	// InitiatorPaused indicates whether the initiator of this channel is in a paused state
	InitiatorPaused() bool

	// ResponderPaused indicates whether the responder of this channel is in a paused state
	ResponderPaused() bool

	// BothPaused indicates both sides of the transfer have paused the transfer
	BothPaused() bool

	// SelfPaused indicates whether the local peer for this channel is in a paused state
	SelfPaused() bool

	// Stages returns the timeline of events this data transfer has gone through,
	// for observability purposes.
	// It is unsafe for the caller to modify the return value, and changes
	// may not be persisted. It should be treated as immutable.
	Stages() *ChannelStages

// ChannelStages captures a timeline of the progress of a data transfer channel,
// grouped by stages.
// EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.
type ChannelStages struct {
	// Stages contains an entry for every stage the channel has gone through.
	// Each stage then contains logs.
	Stages []*ChannelStage

// ChannelStage traces the execution of a data transfer channel stage.
// EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.
type ChannelStage struct {
	// Human-readable fields.
	// TODO: these _will_ need to be converted to canonical representations, so
	//  they are machine readable.
	Name        string
	Description string

	// Timestamps.
	// TODO: may be worth adding an exit timestamp. It _could_ be inferred from
	//  the start of the next stage, or from the timestamp of the last log line
	//  if this is a terminal stage. But that's non-determistic and it relies on
	//  assumptions.
	CreatedTime cbg.CborTime
	UpdatedTime cbg.CborTime

	// Logs contains a detailed timeline of events that occurred inside
	// this stage.
	Logs []*Log

// Log represents a point-in-time event that occurred inside a channel stage.
// EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.
type Log struct {
	// Log is a human readable message.
	// TODO: this _may_ need to be converted to a canonical data model so it
	//  is machine-readable.
	Log string

	UpdatedTime cbg.CborTime

// AddLog adds a log to the specified stage, creating the stage if
// it doesn't exist yet.
// EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.
func (cs *ChannelStages) AddLog(stage, msg string) {
	if cs == nil {

	now := curTime()
	st := cs.GetStage(stage)
	if st == nil {
		st = &ChannelStage{
			CreatedTime: now,
		cs.Stages = append(cs.Stages, st)

	st.Name = stage
	st.UpdatedTime = now
	if msg != "" && (len(st.Logs) == 0 || st.Logs[len(st.Logs)-1].Log != msg) {
		// only add the log if it's not a duplicate.
		st.Logs = append(st.Logs, &Log{msg, now})

// GetStage returns the ChannelStage object for a named stage, or nil if not found.
// TODO: the input should be a strongly-typed enum instead of a free-form string.
// TODO: drop Get from GetStage to make this code more idiomatic. Return a
//	second ok boolean to make it even more idiomatic.
// EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.
func (cs *ChannelStages) GetStage(stage string) *ChannelStage {
	if cs == nil {
		return nil

	for _, s := range cs.Stages {
		if s.Name == stage {
			return s

	return nil

func curTime() cbg.CborTime {
	now := time.Now()
	return cbg.CborTime(time.Unix(0, now.UnixNano()).UTC())
package datatransfer

import ""

// Status is the status of transfer for a given channel
type Status uint64

const (
	// Requested means a data transfer was requested by has not yet been approved
	Requested Status = iota

	// Ongoing means the data transfer is in progress

	// TransferFinished indicates the initiator is done sending/receiving
	// data but is awaiting confirmation from the responder

	// ResponderCompleted indicates the initiator received a message from the
	// responder that it's completed

	// Finalizing means the responder is awaiting a final message from the initator to
	// consider the transfer done

	// Completing just means we have some final cleanup for a completed request

	// Completed means the data transfer is completed successfully

	// Failing just means we have some final cleanup for a failed request

	// Failed means the data transfer failed

	// Cancelling just means we have some final cleanup for a cancelled request

	// Cancelled means the data transfer ended prematurely

	// DEPRECATED: Use InitiatorPaused() method on ChannelState

	// DEPRECATED: Use ResponderPaused() method on ChannelState

	// DEPRECATED: Use BothPaused() method on ChannelState

	// ResponderFinalizing is a unique state where the responder is awaiting a final voucher

	// ResponderFinalizingTransferFinished is a unique state where the responder is awaiting a final voucher
	// and we have received all data

	// ChannelNotFoundError means the searched for data transfer does not exist

	// Queued indicates a data transfer request has been accepted, but is not actively transfering yet

	// AwaitingAcceptance indicates a transfer request is actively being processed by the transport
	// even if the remote has not yet responded that it's accepted the transfer. Such a state can
	// occur, for example, in a requestor-initiated transfer that starts processing prior to receiving
	// acceptance from the server.

type statusList []Status

func (sl statusList) Contains(s Status) bool {
	for _, ts := range sl {
		if ts == s {
			return true
	return false

func (sl statusList) AsFSMStates() []fsm.StateKey {
	sk := make([]fsm.StateKey, 0, len(sl))
	for _, s := range sl {
		sk = append(sk, s)
	return sk

var NotAcceptedStates = statusList{

func (s Status) IsAccepted() bool {
	return !NotAcceptedStates.Contains(s)
func (s Status) String() string {
	return Statuses[s]

var FinalizationStatuses = statusList{Finalizing, Completed, Completing}

func (s Status) InFinalization() bool {
	return FinalizationStatuses.Contains(s)

var TransferCompleteStates = statusList{

func (s Status) TransferComplete() bool {
	return TransferCompleteStates.Contains(s)

var TransferringStates = statusList{

func (s Status) Transferring() bool {
	return TransferringStates.Contains(s)

// Statuses are human readable names for data transfer states
var Statuses = map[Status]string{
	// Requested means a data transfer was requested by has not yet been approved
	Requested:                           "Requested",
	Ongoing:                             "Ongoing",
	TransferFinished:                    "TransferFinished",
	ResponderCompleted:                  "ResponderCompleted",
	Finalizing:                          "Finalizing",
	Completing:                          "Completing",
	Completed:                           "Completed",
	Failing:                             "Failing",
	Failed:                              "Failed",
	Cancelling:                          "Cancelling",
	Cancelled:                           "Cancelled",
	InitiatorPaused:                     "InitiatorPaused",
	ResponderPaused:                     "ResponderPaused",
	BothPaused:                          "BothPaused",
	ResponderFinalizing:                 "ResponderFinalizing",
	ResponderFinalizingTransferFinished: "ResponderFinalizingTransferFinished",
	ChannelNotFoundError:                "ChannelNotFoundError",
	Queued:                              "Queued",
	AwaitingAcceptance:                  "AwaitingAcceptance",
Manager is the core interface presented by all implementations of of the data transfer sub system
type Manager interface {

	// Start initializes data transfer processing
	Start(ctx context.Context) error

	// OnReady registers a listener for when the data transfer comes on line

	// Stop terminates all data transfers and ends processing
	Stop(ctx context.Context) error

	// RegisterVoucherType registers a validator for the given voucher type
	// will error if voucher type does not implement voucher
	// or if there is a voucher type registered with an identical identifier
	RegisterVoucherType(voucherType TypeIdentifier, validator RequestValidator) error

	// RegisterTransportConfigurer registers the given transport configurer to be run on requests with the given voucher
	// type
	RegisterTransportConfigurer(voucherType TypeIdentifier, configurer TransportConfigurer) error

	// open a data transfer that will send data to the recipient peer and
	// transfer parts of the piece that match the selector
	OpenPushDataChannel(ctx context.Context, to peer.ID, voucher TypedVoucher, baseCid cid.Cid, selector datamodel.Node, options ...TransferOption) (ChannelID, error)

	// open a data transfer that will request data from the sending peer and
	// transfer parts of the piece that match the selector
	OpenPullDataChannel(ctx context.Context, to peer.ID, voucher TypedVoucher, baseCid cid.Cid, selector datamodel.Node, options ...TransferOption) (ChannelID, error)

	// send an intermediate voucher as needed when the receiver sends a request for revalidation
	SendVoucher(ctx context.Context, chid ChannelID, voucher TypedVoucher) error

	// send information from the responder to update the initiator on the state of their voucher
	SendVoucherResult(ctx context.Context, chid ChannelID, voucherResult TypedVoucher) error

	// Update the validation status for a given channel, to change data limits, finalization, accepted status, and pause state
	// and send new voucher results as
	UpdateValidationStatus(ctx context.Context, chid ChannelID, validationResult ValidationResult) error

	// close an open channel (effectively a cancel)
	CloseDataTransferChannel(ctx context.Context, chid ChannelID) error

	// pause a data transfer channel (only allowed if transport supports it)
	PauseDataTransferChannel(ctx context.Context, chid ChannelID) error

	// resume a data transfer channel (only allowed if transport supports it)
	ResumeDataTransferChannel(ctx context.Context, chid ChannelID) error

	// get status of a transfer
	TransferChannelStatus(ctx context.Context, x ChannelID) Status

	// get channel state
	ChannelState(ctx context.Context, chid ChannelID) (ChannelState, error)

	// get notified when certain types of events happen
	SubscribeToEvents(subscriber Subscriber) Unsubscribe

	// get all in progress transfers
	InProgressChannels(ctx context.Context) (map[ChannelID]ChannelState, error)

	// RestartDataTransferChannel restarts an existing data transfer channel
	RestartDataTransferChannel(ctx context.Context, chid ChannelID) error

Data Formats and Serialization

Filecoin seeks to make use of as few data formats as needed, with well-specced serialization rules to better protocol security through simplicity and enable interoperability amongst implementations of the Filecoin protocol.

Read more on design considerations here for CBOR-usage and here for int types in Filecoin.

Data Formats

Filecoin in-memory data types are mostly straightforward. Implementations should support two integer types: Int (meaning native 64-bit integer), and BigInt (meaning arbitrary length) and avoid dealing with floating-point numbers to minimize interoperability issues across programming languages and implementations.

You can also read more on data formats as part of randomness generation in the Filecoin protocol.


Data Serialization in Filecoin ensures a consistent format for serializing in-memory data for transfer in-flight and in-storage. Serialization is critical to protocol security and interoperability across implementations of the Filecoin protocol, enabling consistent state updates across Filecoin nodes.

All data structures in Filecoin are CBOR-tuple encoded. That is, any data structures used in the Filecoin system (structs in this spec) should be serialized as CBOR-arrays with items corresponding to the data structure fields in their order of declaration.

You can find the encoding structure for major data types in CBOR here.

For illustration, an in-memory map would be represented as a CBOR-array of the keys and values listed in some pre-determined order. A near-term update to the serialization format will involve tagging fields appropriately to ensure appropriate serialization/deserialization as the protocol evolves.

Virtual Machine

An Actor in the Filecoin Blockchain is the equivalent of the smart contract in the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

The Filecoin Virtual Machine (VM) is the system component that is in charge of execution of all actors code. Execution of actors on the Filecoin VM (i.e., on-chain executions) incur a gas cost.

Any operation applied (i.e., executed) on the Filecoin VM produces an output in the form of a State Tree (discussed below). The latest State Tree is the current source of truth in the Filecoin Blockchain. The State Tree is identified by a CID, which is stored in the IPLD store.

VM Actor Interface

As mentioned above, Actors are the Filecoin equivalent of smart contracts in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. As such, Actors are very central components of the system. Any change to the current state of the Filecoin blockchain has to be triggered through an actor method invocation.

This sub-section describes the interface between Actors and the Filecoin Virtual Machine. This means that most of what is described below does not strictly belong to the VM. Instead it is logic that sits on the interface between the VM and Actors logic.

There are eleven (11) types of builtin Actors in total, not all of which interact with the VM. Some Actors do not invoke changes to the StateTree of the blockchain and therefore, do not need to have an interface to the VM. We discuss the details of all System Actors later on in the System Actors subsection.

The actor address is a stable address generated by hashing the sender’s public key and a creation nonce. It should be stable across chain re-organizations. The actor ID address on the other hand, is an auto-incrementing address that is compact but can change in case of chain re-organizations. That being said, after being created, actors should use an actor address.

package builtin

import (
	addr ""

// Addresses for singleton system actors.
var (
	// Distinguished AccountActor that is the source of system implicit messages.
	SystemActorAddr           = mustMakeAddress(0)
	InitActorAddr             = mustMakeAddress(1)
	RewardActorAddr           = mustMakeAddress(2)
	CronActorAddr             = mustMakeAddress(3)
	StoragePowerActorAddr     = mustMakeAddress(4)
	StorageMarketActorAddr    = mustMakeAddress(5)
	VerifiedRegistryActorAddr = mustMakeAddress(6)
	// Distinguished AccountActor that is the destination of all burnt funds.
	BurntFundsActorAddr = mustMakeAddress(99)

const FirstNonSingletonActorId = 100

func mustMakeAddress(id uint64) addr.Address {
	address, err := addr.NewIDAddress(id)
	if err != nil {
	return address

The ActorState structure is composed of the actor’s balance, in terms of tokens held by this actor, as well as a group of state methods used to query, inspect and interact with chain state.

State Tree

The State Tree is the output of the execution of any operation applied on the Filecoin Blockchain. The on-chain (i.e., VM) state data structure is a map (in the form of a Hash Array Mapped Trie - HAMT) that binds addresses to actor states. The current State Tree function is called by the VM upon every actor method invocation.

StateTree stores actors state by their ID.
type StateTree struct {
	root        adt.Map
	version     types.StateTreeVersion
	info        cid.Cid
	Store       cbor.IpldStore
	lookupIDFun func(address.Address) (address.Address, error)

	snaps *stateSnaps

VM Message - Actor Method Invocation

A message is the unit of communication between two actors, and thus the primitive cause of changes in state. A message combines:

  • a token amount to be transferred from the sender to the receiver, and
  • a method with parameters to be invoked on the receiver (optional/where applicable).

Actor code may send additional messages to other actors while processing a received message. Messages are processed synchronously, that is, an actor waits for a sent message to complete before resuming control.

The processing of a message consumes units of computation and storage, both of which are denominated in gas. A message’s gas limit provides an upper bound on the computation required to process it. The sender of a message pays for the gas units consumed by a message’s execution (including all nested messages) at a gas price they determine. A block producer chooses which messages to include in a block and is rewarded according to each message’s gas price and consumption, forming a market.

Message syntax validation

A syntactically invalid message must not be transmitted, retained in a message pool, or included in a block. If an invalid message is received, it should be dropped and not propagated further.

When transmitted individually (before inclusion in a block), a message is packaged as SignedMessage, regardless of signature scheme used. A valid signed message has a total serialized size no greater than message.MessageMaxSize.

type SignedMessage struct {
	Message   Message
	Signature crypto.Signature

A syntactically valid UnsignedMessage:

  • has a well-formed, non-empty To address,
  • has a well-formed, non-empty From address,
  • has Value no less than zero and no greater than the total token supply (2e9 * 1e18), and
  • has non-negative GasPrice,
  • has GasLimit that is at least equal to the gas consumption associated with the message’s serialized bytes,
  • has GasLimit that is no greater than the block gas limit network parameter.
type Message struct {
	// Version of this message (has to be non-negative)
	Version uint64

	// Address of the receiving actor.
	To   address.Address
	// Address of the sending actor.
	From address.Address

	CallSeqNum uint64

	// Value to transfer from sender's to receiver's balance.
	Value BigInt

	// GasPrice is a Gas-to-FIL cost
	GasPrice BigInt
	// Maximum Gas to be spent on the processing of this message
	GasLimit int64

	// Optional method to invoke on receiver, zero for a plain value transfer.
	Method abi.MethodNum
	//Serialized parameters to the method.
	Params []byte

There should be several functions able to extract information from the Message struct, such as the sender and recipient addresses, the value to be transferred, the required funds to execute the message and the CID of the message.

Given that Messages should eventually be included in a Block and added to the blockchain, the validity of the message should be checked with regard to the sender and the receiver of the message, the value (which should be non-negative and always smaller than the circulating supply), the gas price (which again should be non-negative) and the BlockGasLimit which should not be greater than the block’s gas limit.

Message semantic validation

Semantic validation refers to validation requiring information outside of the message itself.

A semantically valid SignedMessage must carry a signature that verifies the payload as having been signed with the public key of the account actor identified by the From address. Note that when the From address is an ID-address, the public key must be looked up in the state of the sending account actor in the parent state identified by the block.

Note: the sending actor must exist in the parent state identified by the block that includes the message. This means that it is not valid for a single block to include a message that creates a new account actor and a message from that same actor. The first message from that actor must wait until a subsequent epoch. Message pools may exclude messages from an actor that is not yet present in the chain state.

There is no further semantic validation of a message that can cause a block including the message to be invalid. Every syntactically valid and correctly signed message can be included in a block and will produce a receipt from execution. The MessageReceipt sturct includes the following:

type MessageReceipt struct {
	ExitCode exitcode.ExitCode
	Return   []byte
	GasUsed  int64

However, a message may fail to execute to completion, in which case it will not trigger the desired state change.

The reason for this “no message semantic validation” policy is that the state that a message will be applied to cannot be known before the message is executed as part of a tipset. A block producer does not know whether another block will precede it in the tipset, thus altering the state to which the block’s messages will apply from the declared parent state.

package types

import (

	block ""



const MessageVersion = 0

type ChainMsg interface {
	Cid() cid.Cid
	VMMessage() *Message
	ToStorageBlock() (block.Block, error)
	// FIXME: This is the *message* length, this name is misleading.
	ChainLength() int

type Message struct {
	Version uint64

	To   address.Address
	From address.Address

	Nonce uint64

	Value abi.TokenAmount

	GasLimit   int64
	GasFeeCap  abi.TokenAmount
	GasPremium abi.TokenAmount

	Method abi.MethodNum
	Params []byte

func (m *Message) Caller() address.Address {
	return m.From

func (m *Message) Receiver() address.Address {
	return m.To

func (m *Message) ValueReceived() abi.TokenAmount {
	return m.Value

func DecodeMessage(b []byte) (*Message, error) {
	var msg Message
	if err := msg.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(b)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if msg.Version != MessageVersion {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoded message had incorrect version (%d)", msg.Version)

	return &msg, nil

func (m *Message) Serialize() ([]byte, error) {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if err := m.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return buf.Bytes(), nil

func (m *Message) ChainLength() int {
	ser, err := m.Serialize()
	if err != nil {
	return len(ser)

func (m *Message) ToStorageBlock() (block.Block, error) {
	data, err := m.Serialize()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	c, err := abi.CidBuilder.Sum(data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return block.NewBlockWithCid(data, c)

func (m *Message) Cid() cid.Cid {
	b, err := m.ToStorageBlock()
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal message: %s", err)) // I think this is maybe sketchy, what happens if we try to serialize a message with an undefined address in it?

	return b.Cid()

type mCid struct {
	CID cid.Cid

type RawMessage Message

func (m *Message) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	return json.Marshal(&mCid{
		RawMessage: (*RawMessage)(m),
		CID:        m.Cid(),

func (m *Message) RequiredFunds() BigInt {
	return BigMul(m.GasFeeCap, NewInt(uint64(m.GasLimit)))

func (m *Message) VMMessage() *Message {
	return m

func (m *Message) Equals(o *Message) bool {
	return m.Cid() == o.Cid()

func (m *Message) EqualCall(o *Message) bool {
	m1 := *m
	m2 := *o

	m1.GasLimit, m2.GasLimit = 0, 0
	m1.GasFeeCap, m2.GasFeeCap = big.Zero(), big.Zero()
	m1.GasPremium, m2.GasPremium = big.Zero(), big.Zero()

	return (&m1).Equals(&m2)

func (m *Message) ValidForBlockInclusion(minGas int64, version network.Version) error {
	if m.Version != 0 {
		return xerrors.New("'Version' unsupported")

	if m.To == address.Undef {
		return xerrors.New("'To' address cannot be empty")

	if m.To == buildconstants.ZeroAddress && version >= network.Version7 {
		return xerrors.New("invalid 'To' address")

	if !abi.AddressValidForNetworkVersion(m.To, version) {
		return xerrors.New("'To' address protocol unsupported for network version")

	if m.From == address.Undef {
		return xerrors.New("'From' address cannot be empty")

	if !abi.AddressValidForNetworkVersion(m.From, version) {
		return xerrors.New("'From' address protocol unsupported for network version")

	if m.Value.Int == nil {
		return xerrors.New("'Value' cannot be nil")

	if m.Value.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		return xerrors.New("'Value' field cannot be negative")

	if m.Value.GreaterThan(TotalFilecoinInt) {
		return xerrors.New("'Value' field cannot be greater than total filecoin supply")

	if m.GasFeeCap.Int == nil {
		return xerrors.New("'GasFeeCap' cannot be nil")

	if m.GasFeeCap.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		return xerrors.New("'GasFeeCap' field cannot be negative")

	if m.GasPremium.Int == nil {
		return xerrors.New("'GasPremium' cannot be nil")

	if m.GasPremium.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		return xerrors.New("'GasPremium' field cannot be negative")

	if m.GasPremium.GreaterThan(m.GasFeeCap) {
		return xerrors.New("'GasFeeCap' less than 'GasPremium'")

	if m.GasLimit > buildconstants.BlockGasLimit {
		return xerrors.Errorf("'GasLimit' field cannot be greater than a block's gas limit (%d > %d)", m.GasLimit, buildconstants.BlockGasLimit)

	if m.GasLimit <= 0 {
		return xerrors.Errorf("'GasLimit' field %d must be positive", m.GasLimit)

	// since prices might vary with time, this is technically semantic validation
	if m.GasLimit < minGas {
		return xerrors.Errorf("'GasLimit' field cannot be less than the cost of storing a message on chain %d < %d", m.GasLimit, minGas)

	return nil

// EffectiveGasPremium returns the effective gas premium claimable by the miner
// given the supplied base fee. This method is not used anywhere except the Eth API.
// Filecoin clamps the gas premium at GasFeeCap - BaseFee, if lower than the
// specified premium. Returns 0 if GasFeeCap is less than BaseFee.
func (m *Message) EffectiveGasPremium(baseFee abi.TokenAmount) abi.TokenAmount {
	available := big.Sub(m.GasFeeCap, baseFee)
	// It's possible that storage providers may include messages with gasFeeCap less than the baseFee
	// In such cases, their reward should be viewed as zero
	if available.LessThan(big.NewInt(0)) {
		available = big.NewInt(0)
	if big.Cmp(m.GasPremium, available) <= 0 {
		return m.GasPremium
	return available

const TestGasLimit = 100e6

VM Runtime Environment (Inside the VM)


A MessageReceipt contains the result of a top-level message execution. Every syntactically valid and correctly signed message can be included in a block and will produce a receipt from execution.

A syntactically valid receipt has:

  • a non-negative ExitCode,
  • a non empty Return value only if the exit code is zero, and
  • a non-negative GasUsed.
type MessageReceipt struct {
	ExitCode exitcode.ExitCode
	Return   []byte
	GasUsed  int64

vm/runtime Actors Interface

The Actors Interface implementation can be found here

vm/runtime VM Implementation

The Lotus implementation of the Filecoin Virtual Machine runtime can be found here

Exit Codes

There are some common runtime exit codes that are shared by different actors. Their definition can be found here.

Gas Fees


As is traditionally the case with many blockchains, Gas is a unit of measure of how much storage and/or compute resource an on-chain message operation consumes in order to be executed. At a high level, it works as follows: the message sender specifies the maximum amount they are willing to pay in order for their message to be executed and included in a block. This is specified both in terms of total number of units of gas (GasLimit), which is generally expected to be higher than the actual GasUsed and in terms of the price (or fee) per unit of gas (GasFeeCap).

Traditionally, GasUsed * GasFeeCap goes to the block producing miner as a reward. The result of this product is treated as the priority fee for message inclusion, that is, messages are ordered in decreasing sequence and those with the highest GasUsed * GasFeeCap are prioritised, given that they return more profit to the miner.

However, it has been observed that this tactic (of paying GasUsed * GasFee) is problematic for block producing miners for a few reasons. Firstly, a block producing miner may include a very expensive message (in terms of chain resources required) for free in which case the chain itself needs to bear the cost. Secondly, message senders can set arbitrarily high prices but for low-cost messages (again, in terms of chain resources), leading to a DoS vulnerability.

In order to overcome this situation, the Filecoin blockchain defines a BaseFee, which is burnt for every message. The rationale is that given that Gas is a measure of on-chain resource consumption, it makes sense for it to be burned, as compared to be rewarded to miners. This way, fee manipulation from miners is avoided. The BaseFee is dynamic, adjusted automatically according to network congestion. This fact, makes the network resilient against spam attacks. Given that the network load increases during SPAM attacks, maintaining full blocks of SPAM messages for an extended period of time is impossible for an attacker due to the increasing BaseFee.

Finally, GasPremium is the priority fee included by senders to incentivize miners to pick the most profitable messages. In other words, if a message sender wants its message to be included more quickly, they can set a higher GasPremium.


  • GasUsed is a measure of the amount of resources (or units of gas) consumed, in order to execute a message. Each unit of gas is measured in attoFIL and therefore, GasUsed is a number that represents the units of energy consumed. GasUsed is independent of whether a message was executed correctly or failed.
  • BaseFee is the set price per unit of gas (measured in attoFIL/gas unit) to be burned (sent to an unrecoverable address) for every message execution. The value of the BaseFee is dynamic and adjusts according to current network congestion parameters. For example, when the network exceeds 5B gas limit usage, the BaseFee increases and the opposite happens when gas limit usage falls below 5B. The BaseFee applied to each block should be included in the block itself. It should be possible to get the value of the current BaseFee from the head of the chain. The BaseFee applies per unit of GasUsed and therefore, the total amount of gas burned for a message is BaseFee * GasUsed. Note that the BaseFee is incurred for every message, but its value is the same for all messages in the same block.
  • GasLimit is measured in units of gas and set by the message sender. It imposes a hard limit on the amount of gas (i.e., number of units of gas) that a message’s execution should be allowed to consume on chain. A message consumes gas for every fundamental operation it triggers, and a message that runs out of gas fails. When a message fails, every modification to the state that happened as a result of this message’s execution is reverted back to its previous state. Independently of whether a message execution was successful or not, the miner will receive a reward for the resources they consumed to execute the message (see GasPremium below).
  • GasFeeCap is the maximum price that the message sender is willing to pay per unit of gas (measured in attoFIL/gas unit). Together with the GasLimit, the GasFeeCap is setting the maximum amount of FIL that a sender will pay for a message: a sender is guaranteed that a message will never cost them more than GasLimit * GasFeeCap attoFIL (not including any Premium that the message includes for its recipient).
  • GasPremium is the price per unit of gas (measured in attoFIL/gas) that the message sender is willing to pay (on top of the BaseFee) to “tip” the miner that will include this message in a block. A message typically earns its miner GasLimit * GasPremium attoFIL, where effectively GasPremium = GasFeeCap - BaseFee. Note that GasPremium is applied on GasLimit, as opposed to GasUsed, in order to make message selection for miners more straightforward.
ComputeGasOverestimationBurn computes amount of gas to be refunded and amount of gas to be burned Result is (refund, burn)
func ComputeGasOverestimationBurn(gasUsed, gasLimit int64) (int64, int64) {
	if gasUsed == 0 {
		return 0, gasLimit

	// over = gasLimit/gasUsed - 1 - 0.1
	// over = min(over, 1)
	// gasToBurn = (gasLimit - gasUsed) * over

	// so to factor out division from `over`
	// over*gasUsed = min(gasLimit - (11*gasUsed)/10, gasUsed)
	// gasToBurn = ((gasLimit - gasUsed)*over*gasUsed) / gasUsed
	over := gasLimit - (gasOveruseNum*gasUsed)/gasOveruseDenom
	if over < 0 {
		return gasLimit - gasUsed, 0

	// if we want sharper scaling it goes here:
	// over *= 2

	if over > gasUsed {
		over = gasUsed

	// needs bigint, as it overflows in pathological case gasLimit > 2^32 gasUsed = gasLimit / 2
	gasToBurn := big.NewInt(gasLimit - gasUsed)
	gasToBurn = big.Mul(gasToBurn, big.NewInt(over))
	gasToBurn = big.Div(gasToBurn, big.NewInt(gasUsed))

	return gasLimit - gasUsed - gasToBurn.Int64(), gasToBurn.Int64()
func ComputeNextBaseFee(baseFee types.BigInt, gasLimitUsed int64, noOfBlocks int, epoch abi.ChainEpoch) types.BigInt {
	// deta := gasLimitUsed/noOfBlocks - buildconstants.BlockGasTarget
	// change := baseFee * deta / BlockGasTarget
	// nextBaseFee = baseFee + change
	// nextBaseFee = max(nextBaseFee, buildconstants.MinimumBaseFee)

	var delta int64
	if epoch > buildconstants.UpgradeSmokeHeight {
		delta = gasLimitUsed / int64(noOfBlocks)
		delta -= buildconstants.BlockGasTarget
	} else {
		delta = buildconstants.PackingEfficiencyDenom * gasLimitUsed / (int64(noOfBlocks) * buildconstants.PackingEfficiencyNum)
		delta -= buildconstants.BlockGasTarget

	// cap change at 12.5% (BaseFeeMaxChangeDenom) by capping delta
	if delta > buildconstants.BlockGasTarget {
		delta = buildconstants.BlockGasTarget
	if delta < -buildconstants.BlockGasTarget {
		delta = -buildconstants.BlockGasTarget

	change := big.Mul(baseFee, big.NewInt(delta))
	change = big.Div(change, big.NewInt(buildconstants.BlockGasTarget))
	change = big.Div(change, big.NewInt(buildconstants.BaseFeeMaxChangeDenom))

	nextBaseFee := big.Add(baseFee, change)
	if big.Cmp(nextBaseFee, big.NewInt(buildconstants.MinimumBaseFee)) < 0 {
		nextBaseFee = big.NewInt(buildconstants.MinimumBaseFee)
	return nextBaseFee

Notes & Implications

  • The GasFeeCap should always be higher than the network’s BaseFee. If a message’s GasFeeCap is lower than the BaseFee, then the remainder comes from the miner (as a penalty). This penalty is applied to the miner because they have selected a message that pays less than the network BaseFee (i.e., does not cover the network costs). However, a miner might want to choose a message whose GasFeeCap is smaller than the BaseFee if the same sender has another message in the message pool whose GasFeeCap is much bigger than the BaseFee. Recall, that a miner should pick all the messages of a sender from the message pool, if more than one exists. The justification is that the increased fee of the second message will pay off the loss from the first.

  • If BaseFee + GasPremium > GasFeeCap, then the miner might not earn the entire GasLimit * GasPremium as their reward.

  • A message is hard-constrained to spending no more than GasFeeCap * GasLimit. From this amount, the network BaseFee is paid (burnt) first. After that, up to GasLimit * GasPremium will be given to the miner as a reward.

  • A message that runs out of gas fails with an “out of gas” exit code. GasUsed * BaseFee will still be burned (in this case GasUsed = GasLimit), and the miner will still be rewarded GasLimit * GasPremium. This assumes that GasFeeCap > BaseFee + GasPremium.

  • A low value for the GasFeeCap will likely cause the message to be stuck in the message pool, as it will not be attractive-enough in terms of profit for any miner to pick it and include it in a block. When this happens, there is a procedure to update the GasFeeCap so that the message becomes more attractive to miners. The sender can push a new message into the message pool (which, by default, will propagate to other miners’ message pool) where: i) the identifier of the old and new messages is the same (e.g., same Nonce) and ii) the GasPremium is updated and increased by at least 25% of the previous value.

System Actors

There are eleven (11) builtin System Actors in total, but not all of them interact with the VM. Each actor is identified by a Code ID (or CID).

There are four (4) system actors required for VM processing:

  • the InitActor, which initializes new actors and records the network name, and
  • the CronActor, a scheduler actor that runs critical functions at every epoch.

There are another two actors that interact with the VM:

  • the AccountActor responsible for user accounts (non-singleton), and
  • the RewardActor for block reward and token vesting (singleton).

The remaining seven (7) builtin System Actors that do not interact directly with the VM are the following:

  • StorageMarketActor: responsible for managing storage and retrieval deals [ Market Actor Repo]
  • StorageMinerActor: actor responsible to deal with storage mining operations and collect proofs [ Storage Miner Actor Repo]
  • MultisigActor (or Multi-Signature Wallet Actor): responsible for dealing with operations involving the Filecoin wallet [ Multisig Actor Repo]
  • PaymentChannelActor: responsible for setting up and settling funds related to payment channels [ Paych Actor Repo]
  • StoragePowerActor: responsible for keeping track of the storage power allocated at each storage miner [ Storage Power Actor]
  • VerifiedRegistryActor: responsible for managing verified clients [ Verifreg Actor Repo]
  • SystemActor: general system actor [ System Actor Repo]


Built in to the genesis state, the CronActor’s dispatch table invokes the StoragePowerActor and StorageMarketActor for them to maintain internal state and process deferred events. It could in principle invoke other actors after a network upgrade.

package cron

import (
	rtt ""
	cron0 ""


// The cron actor is a built-in singleton that sends messages to other registered actors at the end of each epoch.
type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		builtin.MethodConstructor: a.Constructor,
		2:                         a.EpochTick,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.CronActorCodeID

func (a Actor) IsSingleton() bool {
	return true

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er {
	return new(State)

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

//type ConstructorParams struct {
//	Entries []Entry
type ConstructorParams = cron0.ConstructorParams

type EntryParam = cron0.Entry

func (a Actor) Constructor(rt runtime.Runtime, params *ConstructorParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	entries := make([]Entry, len(params.Entries))
	for i, e := range params.Entries {
		entries[i] = Entry(e) // Identical
	return nil

// Invoked by the system after all other messages in the epoch have been processed.
func (a Actor) EpochTick(rt runtime.Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *abi.EmptyValue {

	var st State

	for _, entry := range st.Entries {
		code := rt.Send(entry.Receiver, entry.MethodNum, nil, abi.NewTokenAmount(0), &builtin.Discard{})
		// Any error and return value are ignored.
		if code.IsError() {
			rt.Log(rtt.ERROR, "cron failed to send entry to %s, send error code %d", entry.Receiver, code)

	return nil


The InitActor has the power to create new actors, e.g., those that enter the system. It maintains a table resolving a public key and temporary actor addresses to their canonical ID-addresses. Invalid CIDs should not get committed to the state tree.

Note that the canonical ID address does not persist in case of chain re-organization. The actor address or public key survives chain re-organization.

package init

import (
	addr ""
	init0 ""
	cid ""


// The init actor uniquely has the power to create new actors.
// It maintains a table resolving pubkey and temporary actor addresses to the canonical ID-addresses.
type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		builtin.MethodConstructor: a.Constructor,
		2:                         a.Exec,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.InitActorCodeID

func (a Actor) IsSingleton() bool {
	return true

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er { return new(State) }

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

//type ConstructorParams struct {
//	NetworkName string
type ConstructorParams = init0.ConstructorParams

func (a Actor) Constructor(rt runtime.Runtime, params *ConstructorParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	st, err := ConstructState(adt.AsStore(rt), params.NetworkName)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to construct state")
	return nil

//type ExecParams struct {
//	CodeCID           cid.Cid `checked:"true"` // invalid CIDs won't get committed to the state tree
//	ConstructorParams []byte
type ExecParams = init0.ExecParams

//type ExecReturn struct {
//	IDAddress     addr.Address // The canonical ID-based address for the actor.
//	RobustAddress addr.Address // A more expensive but re-org-safe address for the newly created actor.
type ExecReturn = init0.ExecReturn

func (a Actor) Exec(rt runtime.Runtime, params *ExecParams) *ExecReturn {
	callerCodeCID, ok := rt.GetActorCodeCID(rt.Caller())
	builtin.RequireState(rt, ok, "no code for caller at %s", rt.Caller())
	if !canExec(callerCodeCID, params.CodeCID) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "caller type %v cannot exec actor type %v", callerCodeCID, params.CodeCID)

	// Compute a re-org-stable address.
	// This address exists for use by messages coming from outside the system, in order to
	// stably address the newly created actor even if a chain re-org causes it to end up with
	// a different ID.
	uniqueAddress := rt.NewActorAddress()

	// Allocate an ID for this actor.
	// Store mapping of pubkey or actor address to actor ID
	var st State
	var idAddr addr.Address
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		var err error
		idAddr, err = st.MapAddressToNewID(adt.AsStore(rt), uniqueAddress)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to allocate ID address")

	// Create an empty actor.
	rt.CreateActor(params.CodeCID, idAddr)

	// Invoke constructor.
	code := rt.Send(idAddr, builtin.MethodConstructor, builtin.CBORBytes(params.ConstructorParams), rt.ValueReceived(), &builtin.Discard{})
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "constructor failed")

	return &ExecReturn{IDAddress: idAddr, RobustAddress: uniqueAddress}

func canExec(callerCodeID cid.Cid, execCodeID cid.Cid) bool {
	switch execCodeID {
	case builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
		if callerCodeID == builtin.StoragePowerActorCodeID {
			return true
		return false
	case builtin.PaymentChannelActorCodeID, builtin.MultisigActorCodeID:
		return true
		return false


The RewardActor is where unminted Filecoin tokens are kept. The actor distributes rewards directly to miner actors, where they are locked for vesting. The reward value used for the current epoch is updated at the end of an epoch through a cron tick.

package reward

import (
	rtt ""
	reward0 ""
	reward6 ""


// PenaltyMultiplier is the factor miner penaltys are scaled up by
const PenaltyMultiplier = 3

type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		builtin.MethodConstructor: a.Constructor,
		2:                         a.AwardBlockReward,
		3:                         a.ThisEpochReward,
		4:                         a.UpdateNetworkKPI,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.RewardActorCodeID

func (a Actor) IsSingleton() bool {
	return true

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er {
	return new(State)

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

func (a Actor) Constructor(rt runtime.Runtime, currRealizedPower *abi.StoragePower) *abi.EmptyValue {

	if currRealizedPower == nil {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "argument should not be nil")
		return nil // linter does not understand abort exiting
	st := ConstructState(*currRealizedPower)
	return nil

//type AwardBlockRewardParams struct {
//	Miner     address.Address
//	Penalty   abi.TokenAmount // penalty for including bad messages in a block, >= 0
//	GasReward abi.TokenAmount // gas reward from all gas fees in a block, >= 0
//	WinCount  int64           // number of reward units won, > 0
type AwardBlockRewardParams = reward0.AwardBlockRewardParams

// Awards a reward to a block producer.
// This method is called only by the system actor, implicitly, as the last message in the evaluation of a block.
// The system actor thus computes the parameters and attached value.
// The reward includes two components:
// - the epoch block reward, computed and paid from the reward actor's balance,
// - the block gas reward, expected to be transferred to the reward actor with this invocation.
// The reward is reduced before the residual is credited to the block producer, by:
// - a penalty amount, provided as a parameter, which is burnt,
func (a Actor) AwardBlockReward(rt runtime.Runtime, params *AwardBlockRewardParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	priorBalance := rt.CurrentBalance()
	if params.Penalty.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "negative penalty %v", params.Penalty)
	if params.GasReward.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "negative gas reward %v", params.GasReward)
	if priorBalance.LessThan(params.GasReward) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "actor current balance %v insufficient to pay gas reward %v",
			priorBalance, params.GasReward)
	if params.WinCount <= 0 {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid win count %d", params.WinCount)

	minerAddr, ok := rt.ResolveAddress(params.Miner)
	if !ok {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrNotFound, "failed to resolve given owner address")
	// The miner penalty is scaled up by a factor of PenaltyMultiplier
	penalty := big.Mul(big.NewInt(PenaltyMultiplier), params.Penalty)
	totalReward := big.Zero()
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		blockReward := big.Mul(st.ThisEpochReward, big.NewInt(params.WinCount))
		blockReward = big.Div(blockReward, big.NewInt(builtin.ExpectedLeadersPerEpoch))
		totalReward = big.Add(blockReward, params.GasReward)
		currBalance := rt.CurrentBalance()
		if totalReward.GreaterThan(currBalance) {
			rt.Log(rtt.WARN, "reward actor balance %d below totalReward expected %d, paying out rest of balance", currBalance, totalReward)
			totalReward = currBalance

			blockReward = big.Sub(totalReward, params.GasReward)
			// Since we have already asserted the balance is greater than gas reward blockReward is >= 0
			builtin.RequireState(rt, blockReward.GreaterThanEqual(big.Zero()), "programming error, block reward %v below zero", blockReward)
		st.TotalStoragePowerReward = big.Add(st.TotalStoragePowerReward, blockReward)

	builtin.RequireState(rt, totalReward.LessThanEqual(priorBalance), "reward %v exceeds balance %v", totalReward, priorBalance)

	// if this fails, we can assume the miner is responsible and avoid failing here.
	rewardParams := builtin.ApplyRewardParams{
		Reward:  totalReward,
		Penalty: penalty,
	code := rt.Send(minerAddr, builtin.MethodsMiner.ApplyRewards, &rewardParams, totalReward, &builtin.Discard{})
	if !code.IsSuccess() {
		rt.Log(rtt.ERROR, "failed to send ApplyRewards call to the miner actor with funds: %v, code: %v", totalReward, code)
		code := rt.Send(builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr, builtin.MethodSend, nil, totalReward, &builtin.Discard{})
		if !code.IsSuccess() {
			rt.Log(rtt.ERROR, "failed to send unsent reward to the burnt funds actor, code: %v", code)

	return nil

// Changed since v0:
// - removed ThisEpochReward (unsmoothed)
//type ThisEpochRewardReturn struct {
//	ThisEpochRewardSmoothed smoothing.FilterEstimate
//	ThisEpochBaselinePower  abi.StoragePower
type ThisEpochRewardReturn = reward6.ThisEpochRewardReturn

// The award value used for the current epoch, updated at the end of an epoch
// through cron tick.  In the case previous epochs were null blocks this
// is the reward value as calculated at the last non-null epoch.
func (a Actor) ThisEpochReward(rt runtime.Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *ThisEpochRewardReturn {

	var st State
	return &ThisEpochRewardReturn{
		ThisEpochRewardSmoothed: st.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed,
		ThisEpochBaselinePower:  st.ThisEpochBaselinePower,

// Called at the end of each epoch by the power actor (in turn by its cron hook).
// This is only invoked for non-empty tipsets, but catches up any number of null
// epochs to compute the next epoch reward.
func (a Actor) UpdateNetworkKPI(rt runtime.Runtime, currRealizedPower *abi.StoragePower) *abi.EmptyValue {
	if currRealizedPower == nil {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "argument should not be nil")

	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		prev := st.Epoch
		// if there were null runs catch up the computation until
		// st.Epoch == rt.CurrEpoch()
		for st.Epoch < rt.CurrEpoch() {
			// Update to next epoch to process null rounds

		// only update smoothed estimates after updating reward and epoch
		st.updateSmoothedEstimates(st.Epoch - prev)
	return nil


The AccountActor is responsible for user accounts. Account actors are not created by the InitActor, but their constructor is called by the system. Account actors are created by sending a message to a public-key style address. The address must be BLS or SECP, or otherwise there should be an exit error. The account actor is updating the state tree with the new actor address.

package account

import (
	addr ""


type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		1: a.Constructor,
		2: a.PubkeyAddress,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.AccountActorCodeID

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er {
	return new(State)

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

type State struct {
	Address addr.Address

func (a Actor) Constructor(rt runtime.Runtime, address *addr.Address) *abi.EmptyValue {
	// Account actors are created implicitly by sending a message to a pubkey-style address.
	// This constructor is not invoked by the InitActor, but by the system.
	switch address.Protocol() {
	case addr.SECP256K1:
	case addr.BLS:
		break // ok
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "address must use BLS or SECP protocol, got %v", address.Protocol())
	st := State{Address: *address}
	return nil

// Fetches the pubkey-type address from this actor.
func (a Actor) PubkeyAddress(rt runtime.Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *addr.Address {
	var st State
	return &st.Address

VM Interpreter - Message Invocation (Outside VM)

The VM interpreter orchestrates the execution of messages from a tipset on that tipset’s parent state, producing a new state and a sequence of message receipts. The CIDs of this new state and of the receipt collection are included in blocks from the subsequent epoch, which must agree about those CIDs in order to form a new tipset.

Every state change is driven by the execution of a message. The messages from all the blocks in a tipset must be executed in order to produce a next state. All messages from the first block are executed before those of second and subsequent blocks in the tipset. For each block, BLS-aggregated messages are executed first, then SECP signed messages.

Implicit messages

In addition to the messages explicitly included in each block, a few state changes at each epoch are made by implicit messages. Implicit messages are not transmitted between nodes, but constructed by the interpreter at evaluation time.

For each block in a tipset, an implicit message:

  • invokes the block producer’s miner actor to process the (already-validated) election PoSt submission, as the first message in the block;
  • invokes the reward actor to pay the block reward to the miner’s owner account, as the final message in the block;

For each tipset, an implicit message:

  • invokes the cron actor to process automated checks and payments, as the final message in the tipset.

All implicit messages are constructed with a From address being the distinguished system account actor. They specify a gas price of zero, but must be included in the computation. They must succeed (have an exit code of zero) in order for the new state to be computed. Receipts for implicit messages are not included in the receipt list; only explicit messages have an explicit receipt.

Gas payments

In most cases, the sender of a message pays the miner which produced the block including that message a gas fee for its execution.

The gas payments for each message execution are paid to the miner owner account immediately after that message is executed. There are no encumbrances to either the block reward or gas fees earned: both may be spent immediately.

Duplicate messages

Since different miners produce blocks in the same epoch, multiple blocks in a single tipset may include the same message (identified by the same CID). When this happens, the message is processed only the first time it is encountered in the tipset’s canonical order. Subsequent instances of the message are ignored and do not result in any state mutation, produce a receipt, or pay gas to the block producer.

The sequence of executions for a tipset is thus summarised:

  • pay reward for first block
  • process election post for first block
  • messages for first block (BLS before SECP)
  • pay reward for second block
  • process election post for second block
  • messages for second block (BLS before SECP, skipping any already encountered)
  • [... subsequent blocks ...]
  • cron tick

Message validity and failure

Every message in a valid block can be processed and produce a receipt (note that block validity implies all messages are syntactically valid – see Message Syntax – and correctly signed). However, execution may or may not succeed, depending on the state to which the message is applied. If the execution of a message fails, the corresponding receipt will carry a non-zero exit code.

If a message fails due to a reason that can reasonably be attributed to the miner including a message that could never have succeeded in the parent state, or because the sender lacks funds to cover the maximum message cost, then the miner pays a penalty by burning the gas fee (rather than the sender paying fees to the block miner).

The only state changes resulting from a message failure are either:

  • incrementing of the sending actor’s CallSeqNum, and payment of gas fees from the sender to the owner of the miner of the block including the message; or
  • a penalty equivalent to the gas fee for the failed message, burnt by the miner (sender’s CallSeqNum unchanged).

A message execution will fail if, in the immediately preceding state:

  • the From actor does not exist in the state (miner penalized),
  • the From actor is not an account actor (miner penalized),
  • the CallSeqNum of the message does not match the CallSeqNum of the From actor (miner penalized),
  • the From actor does not have sufficient balance to cover the sum of the message Value plus the maximum gas cost, GasLimit * GasPrice (miner penalized),
  • the To actor does not exist in state and the To address is not a pubkey-style address,
  • the To actor exists (or is implicitly created as an account) but does not have a method corresponding to the non-zero MethodNum,
  • deserialized Params is not an array of length matching the arity of the To actor’s MethodNum method,
  • deserialized Params are not valid for the types specified by the To actor’s MethodNum method,
  • the invoked method consumes more gas than the GasLimit allows,
  • the invoked method exits with a non-zero code (via Runtime.Abort()), or
  • any inner message sent by the receiver fails for any of the above reasons.

Note that if the To actor does not exist in state and the address is a valid H(pubkey) address, it will be created as an account actor.


The Filecoin Blockchain is a distributed virtual machine that achieves consensus, processes messages, accounts for storage, and maintains security in the Filecoin Protocol. It is the main interface linking various actors in the Filecoin system.

The Filecoin blockchain system includes:

  • A Message Pool subsystem that nodes use to track and propagate messages that miners have declared they want to include in the blockchain.
  • A Virtual Machine subsystem used to interpret and execute messages in order to update system state.
  • A State Tree subsystem which manages the creation and maintenance of state trees (the system state) deterministically generated by the vm from a given subchain.
  • A Chain Synchronisation (ChainSync) susbystem that tracks and propagates validated message blocks, maintaining sets of candidate chains on which the miner may mine and running syntactic validation on incoming blocks.
  • A Storage Power Consensus subsystem which tracks storage state (i.e., Storage Subystem) for a given chain and helps the blockchain system choose subchains to extend and blocks to include in them.

The blockchain system also includes:

  • A Chain Manager, which maintains a given chain’s state, providing facilities to other blockchain subsystems which will query state about the latest chain in order to run, and ensuring incoming blocks are semantically validated before inclusion into the chain.
  • A Block Producer which is called in the event of a successful leader election in order to produce a new block that will extend the current heaviest chain before forwarding it to the syncer for propagation.

At a high-level, the Filecoin blockchain grows through successive rounds of leader election in which a number of miners are elected to generate a block, whose inclusion in the chain will earn them block rewards. Filecoin’s blockchain runs on storage power. That is, its consensus algorithm by which miners agree on which subchain to mine is predicated on the amount of storage backing that subchain. At a high-level, the Storage Power Consensus subsystem maintains a Power Table that tracks the amount of storage that storage miner actors have contributed to the network through Sector commitments and Proofs of Spacetime.


The Block is the main unit of the Filecoin blockchain, as is also the case with most other blockchains. Block messages are directly linked with Tipsets, which are groups of Block messages as detailed later on in this section. In the following we discuss the main structure of a Block message and the process of validating Block messages in the Filecoin blockchain.


The Block is the main unit of the Filecoin blockchain.

The Block structure in the Filecoin blockchain is composed of: i) the Block Header, ii) the list of messages inside the block, and iii) the signed messages. This is represented inside the FullBlock abstraction. The messages indicate the required set of changes to apply in order to arrive at a deterministic state of the chain.

The Lotus implementation of the block has the following struct:

type FullBlock struct {
	Header        *BlockHeader
	BlsMessages   []*Message
	SecpkMessages []*SignedMessage

A block is functionally the same as a block header in the Filecoin protocol. While a block header contains Merkle links to the full system state, messages, and message receipts, a block can be thought of as the full set of this information (not just the Merkle roots, but rather the full data of the state tree, message tree, receipts tree, etc.). Because a full block is large in size, the Filecoin blockchain consists of block headers rather than full blocks. We often use the terms block and block header interchangeably.

A BlockHeader is a canonical representation of a block. BlockHeaders are propagated between miner nodes. From the BlockHeader message, a miner has all the required information to apply the associated FullBlock’s state and update the chain. In order to be able to do this, the minimum set of information items that need to be included in the BlockHeader are shown below and include among others: the miner’s address, the Ticket, the Proof of SpaceTime, the CID of the parents where this block evolved from in the IPLD DAG, as well as the messages’ own CIDs.

The Lotus implementation of the block header has the following structs:

type BlockHeader struct {
	Miner address.Address // 0 unique per block/miner

	Ticket                *Ticket           // 1 unique per block/miner: should be a valid VRF
	ElectionProof         *ElectionProof    // 2 unique per block/miner: should be a valid VRF
	BeaconEntries         []BeaconEntry     // 3 identical for all blocks in same tipset
	WinPoStProof          []proof.PoStProof // 4 unique per block/miner
	Parents               []cid.Cid         // 5 identical for all blocks in same tipset
	ParentWeight          BigInt            // 6 identical for all blocks in same tipset
	Height                abi.ChainEpoch    // 7 identical for all blocks in same tipset
	ParentStateRoot       cid.Cid           // 8 identical for all blocks in same tipset
	ParentMessageReceipts cid.Cid           // 9 identical for all blocks in same tipset
	Messages              cid.Cid           // 10 unique per block
	BLSAggregate          *crypto.Signature // 11 unique per block: aggrregate of BLS messages from above
	Timestamp             uint64            // 12 identical for all blocks in same tipset / hard-tied to the value of Height above
	BlockSig              *crypto.Signature // 13 unique per block/miner: miner signature
	ForkSignaling         uint64            // 14 currently unused/undefined
	ParentBaseFee         abi.TokenAmount   // 15 identical for all blocks in same tipset: the base fee after executing parent tipset

	validated bool // internal, true if the signature has been validated
type Ticket struct {
	VRFProof []byte
type ElectionProof struct {
	WinCount int64
	VRFProof []byte
type BeaconEntry struct {
	Round uint64
	Data  []byte

The BlockHeader structure has to refer to the TicketWinner of the current round which ensures the correct winner is passed to ChainSync.

func IsTicketWinner(vrfTicket []byte, mypow BigInt, totpow BigInt) bool

The Message structure has to include the source (From) and destination (To) addresses, a Nonce and the GasPrice.

The Lotus implementation of the message has the following structure:

type Message struct {
	Version uint64

	To   address.Address
	From address.Address

	Nonce uint64

	Value abi.TokenAmount

	GasLimit   int64
	GasFeeCap  abi.TokenAmount
	GasPremium abi.TokenAmount

	Method abi.MethodNum
	Params []byte

The message is also validated before it is passed to the chain synchronization logic:

func (m *Message) ValidForBlockInclusion(minGas int64, version network.Version) error {
	if m.Version != 0 {
		return xerrors.New("'Version' unsupported")

	if m.To == address.Undef {
		return xerrors.New("'To' address cannot be empty")

	if m.To == buildconstants.ZeroAddress && version >= network.Version7 {
		return xerrors.New("invalid 'To' address")

	if !abi.AddressValidForNetworkVersion(m.To, version) {
		return xerrors.New("'To' address protocol unsupported for network version")

	if m.From == address.Undef {
		return xerrors.New("'From' address cannot be empty")

	if !abi.AddressValidForNetworkVersion(m.From, version) {
		return xerrors.New("'From' address protocol unsupported for network version")

	if m.Value.Int == nil {
		return xerrors.New("'Value' cannot be nil")

	if m.Value.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		return xerrors.New("'Value' field cannot be negative")

	if m.Value.GreaterThan(TotalFilecoinInt) {
		return xerrors.New("'Value' field cannot be greater than total filecoin supply")

	if m.GasFeeCap.Int == nil {
		return xerrors.New("'GasFeeCap' cannot be nil")

	if m.GasFeeCap.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		return xerrors.New("'GasFeeCap' field cannot be negative")

	if m.GasPremium.Int == nil {
		return xerrors.New("'GasPremium' cannot be nil")

	if m.GasPremium.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		return xerrors.New("'GasPremium' field cannot be negative")

	if m.GasPremium.GreaterThan(m.GasFeeCap) {
		return xerrors.New("'GasFeeCap' less than 'GasPremium'")

	if m.GasLimit > buildconstants.BlockGasLimit {
		return xerrors.Errorf("'GasLimit' field cannot be greater than a block's gas limit (%d > %d)", m.GasLimit, buildconstants.BlockGasLimit)

	if m.GasLimit <= 0 {
		return xerrors.Errorf("'GasLimit' field %d must be positive", m.GasLimit)

	// since prices might vary with time, this is technically semantic validation
	if m.GasLimit < minGas {
		return xerrors.Errorf("'GasLimit' field cannot be less than the cost of storing a message on chain %d < %d", m.GasLimit, minGas)

	return nil
Block syntax validation

Syntax validation refers to validation that should be performed on a block and its messages without reference to outside information such as the parent state tree. This type of validation is sometimes called static validation.

An invalid block must not be transmitted or referenced as a parent.

A syntactically valid block header must decode into fields matching the definitions below, must be a valid CBOR PubSub BlockMsg message and must have:

  • between 1 and 5*ec.ExpectedLeaders Parents CIDs if Epoch is greater than zero (else empty Parents),
  • a non-negative ParentWeight,
  • less than or equal to BlockMessageLimit number of messages,
  • aggregate message CIDs, encapsulated in the MsgMeta structure, serialized to the Messages CID in the block header,
  • a Miner address which is an ID-address. The Miner Address in the block header should be present and correspond to a public-key address in the current chain state.
  • Block signature (BlockSig) that belongs to the public-key address retrieved for the Miner
  • a non-negative Epoch,
  • a positive Timestamp,
  • a Ticket with non-empty VRFResult,
  • ElectionPoStOutput containing:
    • a Candidates array with between 1 and EC.ExpectedLeaders values (inclusive),
    • a non-empty PoStRandomness field,
    • a non-empty Proof field,
  • a non-empty ForkSignal field.

A syntactically valid full block must have:

  • all referenced messages syntactically valid,
  • all referenced parent receipts syntactically valid,
  • the sum of the serialized sizes of the block header and included messages is no greater than block.BlockMaxSize,
  • the sum of the gas limit of all explicit messages is no greater than block.BlockGasLimit.

Note that validation of the block signature requires access to the miner worker address and public key from the parent tipset state, so signature validation forms part of semantic validation. Similarly, message signature validation requires lookup of the public key associated with each message’s From account actor in the block’s parent state.

Block semantic validation

Semantic validation refers to validation that requires reference to information outside the block header and messages themselves. Semantic validation relates to the parent tipset and state on which the block is built.

In order to proceed to semantic validation the FullBlock must be assembled from the received block header retrieving its Filecoin messages. Block message CIDs can be retrieved from the network and be decoded into valid CBOR Message/SignedMessage.

In the Lotus implementation the semantic validation of a block is carried out by the Syncer module:

ValidateBlock should match up with ‘Semantical Validation’ in in the spec
func (syncer *Syncer) ValidateBlock(ctx context.Context, b *types.FullBlock, useCache bool) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		// b.Cid() could panic for empty blocks that are used in tests.
		if rerr := recover(); rerr != nil {
			err = xerrors.Errorf("validate block panic: %w", rerr)

	if useCache {
		isValidated, err :=, b.Cid())
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("check block validation cache %s: %w", b.Cid(), err)

		if isValidated {
			return nil

	validationStart := build.Clock.Now()
	defer func() {
		stats.Record(ctx, metrics.BlockValidationDurationMilliseconds.M(metrics.SinceInMilliseconds(validationStart)))
		log.Infow("block validation", "took", time.Since(validationStart), "height", b.Header.Height, "age", time.Since(time.Unix(int64(b.Header.Timestamp), 0)))

	ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "validateBlock")
	defer span.End()

	if err := syncer.consensus.ValidateBlock(ctx, b); err != nil {
		return err

	if useCache {
		if err :=, b.Cid()); err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("caching block validation %s: %w", b.Cid(), err)

	return nil

Messages are retrieved through the Syncer. There are the following two steps followed by the Syncer: 1- Assemble a FullTipSet populated with the single block received earlier. The Block’s ParentWeight is greater than the one from the (first block of the) heaviest tipset. 2- Retrieve all tipsets from the received Block down to our chain. Validation is expanded to every block inside these tipsets. The validation should ensure that: - Beacon entires are ordered by their round number. - The Tipset Parents CIDs match the fetched parent tipset through BlockSync.

A semantically valid block must meet all of the following requirements.


  • Parents listed in lexicographic order of their header’s Ticket.
  • ParentStateRoot CID of the block matches the state CID computed from the parent Tipset.
  • ParentState matches the state tree produced by executing the parent tipset’s messages (as defined by the VM interpreter) against that tipset’s parent state.
  • ParentMessageReceipts identifying the receipt list produced by parent tipset execution, with one receipt for each unique message from the parent tipset. In other words, the Block’s ParentMessageReceipts CID matches the receipts CID computed from the parent tipset.
  • ParentWeight matches the weight of the chain up to and including the parent tipset.


  • Epoch is greater than that of its Parents, and
    • not in the future according to the node’s local clock reading of the current epoch,
      • blocks with future epochs should not be rejected, but should not be evaluated (validated or included in a tipset) until the appropriate epoch
    • not farther in the past than the soft finality as defined by SPC Finality,
      • this rule only applies when receiving new gossip blocks (i.e. from the current chain head), not when syncing to the chain for the first time.
  • The Timestamp included is in seconds that:
    • must not be bigger than current time plus ΑllowableClockDriftSecs
    • must not be smaller than previous block’s Timestamp plus BlockDelay (including null blocks)
    • is of the precise value implied by the genesis block’s timestamp, the network’s Βlock time and the Βlock’s Epoch.


  • The Miner is active in the storage power table in the parent tipset state. The Miner’s address is registered in the Claims HAMT of the Power Actor
  • The TipSetState should be included for each tipset being validated.
    • Every Block in the tipset should belong to different a miner.
  • The Actor associated with the message’s From address exists, is an account actor and its Nonce matches the message Nonce.
  • Valid proofs that the Miner proved access to sealed versions of the sectors it was challenged for are included. In order to achieve that:
    • draw randomness for current epoch with WinningPoSt domain separation tag.
    • get list of sectors challanged in this epoch for this miner, based on the randomness drawn.
  • Miner is not slashed in StoragePowerActor.

Beacon- & Ticket-Related

  • Valid BeaconEntries should be included:
    • Check that every one of the BeaconEntries is a signature of a message: previousSignature || round signed using DRAND’s public key.
    • All entries between MaxBeaconRoundForEpoch down to prevEntry (from previous tipset) should be included.
  • A Ticket derived from the minimum ticket from the parent tipset’s block headers,
    • Ticket.VRFResult validly signed by the Miner actor’s worker account public key,
  • ElectionProof Ticket is computed correctly by checking BLS signature using miner’s key. The ElectionProof ticket should be a winning ticket.

Message- & Signature-Related

  • secp256k1 messages are correctly signed by their sending actor’s (From) worker account key,
  • A BLSAggregate signature is included that signs the array of CIDs of all the BLS messages referenced by the block with their sending actor’s key.
  • A valid Signature over the block header’s fields from the block’s Miner actor’s worker account public key is included.
  • For each message in ValidForBlockInclusion() the following hold:
    • Message fields Version, To, From, Value, GasPrice, and GasLimit are correctly defined.
    • Message GasLimit is under the message minimum gas cost (derived from chain height and message length).
  • For each message in ApplyMessage (that is before a message is executed), the following hold:
    • Basic gas and value checks in checkMessage():
      • The Message GasLimit is bigger than zero.
      • The Message GasPrice and Value are set.
    • The Message’s storage gas cost is under the message’s GasLimit.
    • The Message’s Nonce matches the nonce in the Actor retrieved from the message’s From address.
    • The Message’s maximum gas cost (derived from its GasLimit, GasPrice, and Value) is under the balance of the Actor retrieved from message’s From address.
    • The Message’s transfer Value is under the balance of the Actor retrieved from message’s From address.

There is no semantic validation of the messages included in a block beyond validation of their signatures. If all messages included in a block are syntactically valid then they may be executed and produce a receipt.

A chain sync system may perform syntactic and semantic validation in stages in order to minimize unnecessary resource expenditure.

If all of the above tests are successful, the block is marked as validated. Ultimately, an invalid block must not be propagated further or validated as a parent node.


Expected Consensus probabilistically elects multiple leaders in each epoch meaning a Filecoin chain may contain zero or multiple blocks at each epoch (one per elected miner). Blocks from the same epoch are assembled into tipsets. The VM Interpreter modifies the Filecoin state tree by executing all messages in a tipset (after de-duplication of identical messages included in more than one block).

Each block references a parent tipset and validates that tipset’s state, while proposing messages to be included for the current epoch. The state to which a new block’s messages apply cannot be known until that block is incorporated into a tipset. It is thus not meaningful to execute the messages from a single block in isolation: a new state tree is only known once all messages in that block’s tipset are executed.

A valid tipset contains a non-empty collection of blocks that have distinct miners and all specify identical:

  • Epoch
  • Parents
  • ParentWeight
  • StateRoot
  • ReceiptsRoot

The blocks in a tipset are canonically ordered by the lexicographic ordering of the bytes in each block’s ticket, breaking ties with the bytes of the CID of the block itself.

Due to network propagation delay, it is possible for a miner in epoch N+1 to omit valid blocks mined at epoch N from their parent tipset. This does not make the newly generated block invalid, it does however reduce its weight and chances of being part of the canonical chain in the protocol as defined by EC’s Chain Selection function.

Block producers are expected to coordinate how they select messages for inclusion in blocks in order to avoid duplicates and thus maximize their expected earnings from message fees (see Message Pool).

The main Tipset structure in the Lotus implementation includes the following:

type TipSet struct {
	cids   []cid.Cid
	blks   []*BlockHeader
	height abi.ChainEpoch

Semantic validation of a Tipset includes the following checks.

NewTipSet checks:

  • A tipset is composed of at least one block. (Because of our variable number of blocks per tipset, determined by randomness, we do not impose an upper limit.)
  • All blocks have the same height.
  • All blocks have the same parents (same number of them and matching CIDs).
func NewTipSet(blks []*BlockHeader) (*TipSet, error) {
	if len(blks) == 0 {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("NewTipSet called with zero length array of blocks")

	sort.Slice(blks, tipsetSortFunc(blks))

	var ts TipSet
	ts.cids = []cid.Cid{blks[0].Cid()}
	ts.blks = blks
	for _, b := range blks[1:] {
		if b.Height != blks[0].Height {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create tipset with mismatching heights")

		if len(blks[0].Parents) != len(b.Parents) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create tipset with mismatching number of parents")

		for i, cid := range b.Parents {
			if cid != blks[0].Parents[i] {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create tipset with mismatching parents")

		ts.cids = append(ts.cids, b.Cid())

	ts.height = blks[0].Height

	return &ts, nil

Chain Manager

The Chain Manager is a central component in the blockchain system. It tracks and updates competing subchains received by a given node in order to select the appropriate blockchain head: the latest block of the heaviest subchain it is aware of in the system.

In so doing, the chain manager is the central subsystem that handles bookkeeping for numerous other systems in a Filecoin node and exposes convenience methods for use by those systems, enabling systems to sample randomness from the chain for instance, or to see which block has been finalized most recently.

Chain Extension
Incoming block reception

For every incoming block, even if the incoming block is not added to the current heaviest tipset, the chain manager should add it to the appropriate subchain it is tracking, or keep track of it independently until either:

  • it is able to add to the current heaviest subchain, through the reception of another block in that subchain, or
  • it is able to discard it, as the block was mined before finality.

It is important to note that ahead of finality, a given subchain may be abandoned for another, heavier one mined in a given round. In order to rapidly adapt to this, the chain manager must maintain and update all subchains being considered up to finality.

Chain selection is a crucial component of how the Filecoin blockchain works. In brief, every chain has an associated weight accounting for the number of blocks mined on it and so the power (storage) they track. The full details of how selection works are provided in the Chain Selection section.


  1. In order to make certain validation checks simpler, blocks should be indexed by height and by parent set. That way sets of blocks with a given height and common parents may be quickly queried.
  2. It may also be useful to compute and cache the resultant aggregate state of blocks in these sets, this saves extra state computation when checking which state root to start a block at when it has multiple parents.
  3. It is recommended that blocks are kept in the local datastore regardless of whether they are understood as the best tip at this point - this is to avoid having to refetch the same blocks in the future.

The Chain Tips Manager is a subcomponent of Filecoin consensus that is responsible for tracking all live tips of the Filecoin blockchain, and tracking what the current ‘best’ tipset is.

// Returns the ticket that is at round 'r' in the chain behind 'head'
func TicketFromRound(head Tipset, r Round) {}

// Returns the tipset that contains round r (Note: multiple rounds' worth of tickets may exist within a single block due to losing tickets being added to the eventually successfully generated block)
func TipsetFromRound(head Tipset, r Round) {}

// GetBestTipset returns the best known tipset. If the 'best' tipset hasn't changed, then this
// will return the previous best tipset.
func GetBestTipset()

// Adds the losing ticket to the chaintips manager so that blocks can be mined on top of it
func AddLosingTicket(parent Tipset, t Ticket)

Block Producer

Mining Blocks

A miner registered with the storage power actor may begin generating and checking election tickets if it has proven storage that meets the Minimum Miner Size threshold requirement.

In order to do so, the miner must be running chain validation, and be keeping track of the most recent blocks received. A miner’s new block will be based on parents from the previous epoch.

Block Creation

Producing a block for epoch H requires waiting for the beacon entry for that epoch and using it to run GenerateElectionProof. If WinCount ≥ 1 (i.e., when the miner is elected), the same beacon entry is used to run WinningPoSt. Armed by the ElectionProof ticket (output of GenerateElectionProof) and the WinningPoSt proof, the miner can produce an new block.

See VM Interpreter for details of parent tipset evaluation, and Block for constraints on valid block header values.

To create a block, the eligible miner must compute a few fields:

  • Parents - the CIDs of the parent tipset’s blocks.
  • ParentWeight - the parent chain’s weight (see Chain Selection).
  • ParentState - the CID of the state root from the parent tipset state evaluation (see the VM Interpreter).
  • ParentMessageReceipts - the CID of the root of an AMT containing receipts produced while computing ParentState.
  • Epoch - the block’s epoch, derived from the Parents epoch and the number of epochs it took to generate this block.
  • Timestamp - a Unix timestamp, in seconds, generated at block creation.
  • BeaconEntries - a set of drand entries generated since the last block (see Beacon Entries).
  • Ticket - a new ticket generated from that in the prior epoch (see Ticket Generation).
  • Miner - the block producer’s miner actor address.
  • Messages - The CID of a TxMeta object containing message proposed for inclusion in the new block:
    • Select a set of messages from the mempool to include in the block, satisfying block size and gas limits
    • Separate the messages into BLS signed messages and secpk signed messages
    • TxMeta.BLSMessages: The CID of the root of an AMT comprising the bare UnsignedMessages
    • TxMeta.SECPMessages: the CID of the root of an AMT comprising the SignedMessages
  • BeaconEntries: a list of beacon entries to derive randomness from
  • BLSAggregate - The aggregated signature of all messages in the block that used BLS signing.
  • Signature - A signature with the miner’s worker account private key (must also match the ticket signature) over the block header’s serialized representation (with empty signature).
  • ForkSignaling - A uint64 flag used as part of signaling forks. Should be set to 0 by default.

Note that the messages to be included in a block need not be evaluated in order to produce a valid block. A miner may wish to speculatively evaluate the messages anyway in order to optimize for including messages which will succeed in execution and pay the most gas.

The block reward is not evaluated when producing a block. It is paid when the block is included in a tipset in the following epoch.

The block’s signature ensures integrity of the block after propagation, since unlike many PoW blockchains, a winning ticket is found independently of block generation.

Block Broadcast

An eligible miner propagates the completed block to the network using the GossipSub /fil/blocks topic and, assuming everything was done correctly, the network will accept it and other miners will mine on top of it, earning the miner a block reward.

Miners should output their valid block as soon as it is produced, otherwise they risk other miners receiving the block after the EPOCH_CUTOFF and not including them in the current epoch.

Block Rewards

Block rewards are handled by the Reward Actor. Further details on the Block Reward are discussed in the Filecoin Token section and details about the Block Reward Collateral are discussed in the Miner Collaterals section.

Message Pool

The Message Pool, or mpool or mempool is a pool of messages in the Filecoin protocol. It acts as the interface between Filecoin nodes and the peer-to-peer network of other nodes used for off-chain message propagation. The message pool is used by nodes to maintain a set of messages they want to transmit to the Filecoin VM and add to the chain (i.e., add for “on-chain” execution).

In order for a message to end up in the blockchain it first has to be in the message pool. In reality, at least in the Lotus implementation of Filecoin, there is no central pool of messages stored somewhere. Instead, the message pool is an abstraction and is realised as a list of messages kept by every node in the network. Therefore, when a node puts a new message in the message pool, this message is propagated to the rest of the network using libp2p’s pubsub protocol, GossipSub. Nodes need to subscribe to the corresponding pubsub topic in order to receive messages.

Message propagation using GossipSub does not happen immediately and therefore, there is some lag before message pools at different nodes can be in sync. In practice, and given continuous streams of messages being added to the message pool and the delay to propagate messages, the message pool is never synchronised across all nodes in the network. This is not a deficiency of the system, as the message pool does not need to be synchronized across the network.

The message pool should have a maximum size defined to avoid DoS attacks, where nodes are spammed and run out of memory. The recommended size for the message pool is 5000 messages.

Message Propagation

The message pool has to interface with the libp2p pubsub GossipSub protocol. This is because messages are propagated over GossipSub the corresponding /fil/msgs/ topic. Every Message is announced in the corresponding /fil/msgs/ topic by any node participating in the network.

There are two main pubsub topics related to messages and blocks: i) the /fil/msgs/ topic that carries messages and, ii) the /fil/blocks/ topic that carries blocks. The /fil/msgs/ topic is linked to the mpool. The process is as follows:

  1. When a client wants to send a message in the Filecoin network, they publish the message to the /fil/msgs/ topic.
  2. The message propagates to all other nodes in the network using GossipSub and eventually ends up in the mpool of all miners.
  3. Depending on cryptoeconomic rules, some miner will eventually pick the message from the mpool (together with other messages) and include it in a block.
  4. The miner publishes the newly-mined block in the /fil/blocks/ pubsub topic and the block propagates to all nodes in the network (including the nodes that published the messages included in this block).

Nodes must check that incoming messages are valid, that is, that they have a valid signature. If the message is not valid it should be dropped and must not be forwarded.

The updated, hardened version of the GossipSub protocol includes a number of attack mitigation strategies. For instance, when a node receives an invalid message it assigns a negative score to the sender peer. Peer scores are not shared with other nodes, but are rather kept locally by every peer for all other peers it is interacting with. If a peer’s score drops below a threshold it is excluded from the scoring peer’s mesh. We discuss more details on these settings in the GossipSub section. The full details can be found in the GossipSub Specification.


  • Fund Checking: It is important to note that the mpool logic is not checking whether there are enough funds in the account of the message issuer. This is checked by the miner before including a message in a block.
  • Message Sorting: Messages are sorted in the mpool of miners as they arrive according to cryptoeconomic rules followed by the miner and in order for the miner to compose the next block.

Message Storage

As mentioned earlier, there is no central pool where messages are included. Instead, every node must have allocated memory for incoming messages.


Blockchain synchronization (“sync”) is a key part of a blockchain system. It handles retrieval and propagation of blocks and messages, and thus is in charge of distributed state replication. As such, this process is security critical – problems with state replication can have severe consequences to the operation of a blockchain.

When a node first joins the network it discovers peers (through the peer discovery discussed above) and joins the /fil/blocks and /fil/msgs GossipSub topics. It listens to new blocks being propagated by other nodes. It picks one block as the BestTargetHead and starts syncing the blockchain up to this height from the TrustedCheckpoint, which by default is the GenesisBlock or GenesisCheckpoint. In order to pick the BestTargetHead the peer is comparing a combination of height and weight - the higher these values the higher the chances of the block being on the main chain. If there are two blocks on the same height, the peer should choose the one with the higher weight. Once the peer chooses the BestTargetHead it uses the BlockSync protocol to fetch the blocks and get to the current height. From that point on it is in CHAIN_FOLLOW mode, where it uses GossipSub to receive new blocks, or Bitswap if it hears about a block that it has not received through GossipSub.

ChainSync Overview

ChainSync is the protocol Filecoin uses to synchronize its blockchain. It is specific to Filecoin’s choices in state representation and consensus rules, but is general enough that it can serve other blockchains. ChainSync is a group of smaller protocols, which handle different parts of the sync process.

Chain synchronisation is generally needed in the following cases:

  1. when a node first joins the network and needs to get to the current state before validating or extending the chain.
  2. when a node has fell out of sync, e.g., due to a brief disconnection.
  3. during normal operation in order to keep up with the latest messages and blocks.

There are three main protocols used to achieve synchronisation for these three cases.

  • GossipSub is the libp2p pubsub protocol used to propagate messages and blocks. It is mainly used in the third process above when a node needs to stay in sync with new blocks being produced and propagated.
  • BlockSync is used to synchronise specific parts of the chain, that is from and to a specific height.
  • hello protocol, which is used when two peers first “meet” (i.e., first time they connect to each other). According to the protocol, they exchange their chain heads.

In addition, Bitswap is used to request and receive blocks, when a node is synchonized (“caught up”), but GossipSub has failed to deliver some blocks to a node. Finally, GraphSync can be used to fetch parts of the blockchain as a more efficient version of Bitswap.

Filecoin nodes are libp2p nodes, and therefore may run a variety of other protocols. As with anything else in Filecoin, nodes MAY opt to use additional protocols to achieve the results. That said, nodes MUST implement the version of ChainSync as described in this spec in order to be considered implementations of Filecoin.

Terms and Concepts

  • LastCheckpoint the last hard social-consensus oriented checkpoint that ChainSync is aware of. This consensus checkpoint defines the minimum finality, and a minimum of history to build on. ChainSync takes LastCheckpoint on faith, and builds on it, never switching away from its history.
  • TargetHeads a list of BlockCIDs that represent blocks at the fringe of block production. These are the newest and best blocks ChainSync knows about. They are “target” heads because ChainSync will try to sync to them. This list is sorted by “likelihood of being the best chain”. At this point this is simply realized through ChainWeight.
  • BestTargetHead the single best chain head BlockCID to try to sync to. This is the first element of TargetHeads

ChainSync State Machine

At a high level, ChainSync does the following:

  • Part 1: Verify internal state (INIT state below)
    • SHOULD verify data structures and validate local chain
    • Resource expensive verification MAY be skipped at nodes’ own risk
  • Part 2: Bootstrap to the network (BOOTSTRAP)
    • Step 1. Bootstrap to the network, and acquire a “secure enough” set of peers (more details below)
    • Step 2. Bootstrap to the GossipSub channels
  • Part 3: Synchronize trusted checkpoint state (SYNC_CHECKPOINT)
    • Step 1. Start with a TrustedCheckpoint (defaults to GenesisCheckpoint). The TrustedCheckpoint SHOULD NOT be verified in software, it SHOULD be verified by operators.
    • Step 2. Get the block it points to, and that block’s parents
    • Step 3. Fetch the StateTree
  • Part 4: Catch up to the chain (CHAIN_CATCHUP)
    • Step 1. Maintain a set of TargetHeads (BlockCIDs), and select the BestTargetHead from it
    • Step 2. Synchronize to the latest heads observed, validating blocks towards them (requesting intermediate points)
    • Step 3. As validation progresses, TargetHeads and BestTargetHead will likely change, as new blocks at the production fringe will arrive, and some target heads or paths to them may fail to validate.
    • Step 4. Finish when node has “caught up” with BestTargetHead (retrieved all the state, linked to local chain, validated all the blocks, etc).
  • Part 5: Stay in sync, and participate in block propagation (CHAIN_FOLLOW)
    • Step 1. If security conditions change, go back to Part 4 (CHAIN_CATCHUP)
    • Step 2. Receive, validate, and propagate received Blocks
    • Step 3. Now with greater certainty of having the best chain, finalize Tipsets, and advance chain state.

ChainSync uses the following conceptual state machine. Since this is a conceptual state machine, implementations MAY deviate from implementing precisely these states, or dividing them strictly. Implementations MAY blur the lines between the states. If so, implementations MUST ensure security of the altered protocol.

ChainSync State Machine

Peer Discovery

Peer discovery is a critical part of the overall architecture. Taking this wrong can have severe consequences for the operation of the protocol. The set of peers a new node initially connects to when joining the network may completely dominate the node’s awareness of other peers, and therefore the view of the state of the network that the node has.

Peer discovery can be driven by arbitrary external means and is pushed outside the core functionality of the protocols involved in ChainSync (i.e., GossipSub, Bitswap, BlockSync). This allows for orthogonal, application-driven development and no external dependencies for the protocol implementation. Nonetheless, the GossipSub protocol supports: i) Peer Exchange, and ii) Explicit Peering Agreements.

Peer Exchange

Peer Exchange allows applications to bootstrap from a known set of peers without an external peer discovery mechanism. This process can be realized either through bootstrap nodes or other normal peers. Bootstrap nodes must be maintained by system operators and must be configured correctly. They have to be stable and operate independently of protocol constructions, such as the GossipSub mesh construction, that is, bootstrap nodes do not maintain connections to the mesh.

For more details on Peer Exchange please refer to the GossipSub specification.

Explicit Peering Agreements

With explicit peering agreements, the operators must specify a list of peers which nodes should connect to when joining. The protocol must have options available for these to be specified. For every explicit peer, the router must establish and maintain a bidirectional (reciprocal) connection.

Progressive Block Validation

  • Blocks may be validated in progressive stages, in order to minimize resource expenditure.

  • Validation computation is considerable, and a serious DOS attack vector.

  • Secure implementations must carefully schedule validation and minimize the work done by pruning blocks without validating them fully.

  • ChainSync SHOULD keep a cache of unvalidated blocks (ideally sorted by likelihood of belonging to the chain), and delete unvalidated blocks when they are passed by FinalityTipset, or when ChainSync is under significant resource load.

  • These stages can be used partially across many blocks in a candidate chain, in order to prune out clearly bad blocks long before actually doing the expensive validation work.

  • Progressive Stages of Block Validation

    • BV0 - Syntax: Serialization, typing, value ranges.
    • BV1 - Plausible Consensus: Plausible miner, weight, and epoch values (e.g from chain state at b.ChainEpoch - consensus.LookbackParameter).
    • BV2 - Block Signature
    • BV3 - Beacon entries: Valid random beacon entries have been inserted in the block (see beacon entry validation).
    • BV4 - ElectionProof: A valid election proof was generated.
    • BV5 - WinningPoSt: Correct PoSt generated.
    • BV6 - Chain ancestry and finality: Verify block links back to trusted chain, not prior to finality.
    • BV7 - Message Signatures:
    • BV8 - State tree: Parent tipset message execution produces the claimed state tree root and receipts.

Storage Power Consensus

The Storage Power Consensus (SPC) subsystem is the main interface which enables Filecoin nodes to agree on the state of the system. Storage Power Consensus accounts for individual storage miners’ effective power over consensus in given chains in its Power Table. It also runs Expected Consensus (the underlying consensus algorithm in use by Filecoin), enabling storage miners to run leader election and generate new blocks updating the state of the Filecoin system.

Succinctly, the SPC subsystem offers the following services:

Distinguishing between storage miners and block miners

There are two ways to earn Filecoin tokens in the Filecoin network:

  • By participating in the Storage Market as a storage provider and being paid by clients for file storage deals.
  • By mining new blocks, extending the blockchain, securing the Filecoin consensus mechanism, and running smart contracts to perform state updates as a Storage Miner.

There are two types of “miners” (storage and block miners) to be distinguished. Leader Election in Filecoin is predicated on a miner’s storage power. Thus, while all block miners will be storage miners, the reverse is not necessarily true.

However, given Filecoin’s “useful Proof-of-Work” is achieved through file storage ( PoRep and PoSt), there is little overhead cost for storage miners to participate in leader election. Such a Storage Miner Actor need only register with the Storage Power Actor in order to participate in Expected Consensus and mine blocks.

On Power

Quality-adjusted power is assigned to every sector as a static function of its Sector Quality which includes: i) the Sector Spacetime, which is the product of the sector size and the promised storage duration, ii) the Deal Weight that converts spacetime occupied by deals into consensus power, iii) the Deal Quality Multiplier that depends on the type of deal done over the sector (i.e., CC, Regular Deal or Verified Client Deal), and finally, iv) the Sector Quality Multiplier, which is an average of deal quality multipliers weighted by the amount of spacetime each type of deal occupies in the sector.

The Sector Quality is a measure that maps size, duration and the type of active deals in a sector during its lifetime to its impact on power and reward distribution.

The quality of a sector depends on the deals made over the data inside the sector. There are generally three types of deals: the Committed Capacity (CC), where there is effectively no deal and the miner is storing arbitrary data inside the sector, the Regular Deals, where a miner and a client agree on a price in the market and the Verified Client deals, which give more power to the sector. We refer the reader to the Sector and Sector Quality sections for details on Sector Types and Sector Quality, the Verified Clients section for more details on what a verified client is, and the CryptoEconomics section for specific parameter values on the Deal Weights and Quality Multipliers.

Quality-Adjusted Power is the number of votes a miner has in the Secret Leader Election and has been defined to increase linearly with the useful storage that a miner has committed to the network.

More precisely, we have the following definitions:

  • Raw-byte power: the size of a sector in bytes.
  • Quality-adjusted power: the consensus power of stored data on the network, equal to Raw-byte power multiplied by the Sector Quality Multiplier.

Beacon Entries

The Filecoin protocol uses randomness produced by a drand beacon to seed unbiasable randomness seeds for use in the chain (see randomness).

In turn these random seeds are used by:

  • The sector_sealer as SealSeeds to bind sector commitments to a given subchain.
  • The post_generator as PoStChallenges to prove sectors remain committed as of a given block.
  • The Storage Power subsystem as randomness in Secret Leader Election to determine how often a miner is chosen to mine a new block.

This randomness may be drawn from various Filecoin chain epochs by the respective protocols that use them according to their security requirements.

It is important to note that a given Filecoin network and a given drand network need not have the same round time, i.e. blocks may be generated faster or slower by Filecoin than randomness is generated by drand. For instance, if the drand beacon is producing randomness twice as fast as Filecoin produces blocks, we might expect two random values to be produced in a Filecoin epoch, conversely if the Filecoin network is twice as fast as drand, we might expect a random value every other Filecoin epoch. Accordingly, depending on both networks' configurations, certain Filecoin blocks could contain multiple or no drand entries. Furthermore, it must be that any call to the drand network for a new randomness entry during an outage should be blocking, as noted with the drand.Public() calls below. In all cases, Filecoin blocks must include all drand beacon outputs generated since the last epoch in the BeaconEntries field of the block header. Any use of randomness from a given Filecoin epoch should use the last valid drand entry included in a Filecoin block. This is shown below.

Get drand randomness for VM

For operations such as PoRep creation, proof validations, or anything that requires randomness for the Filecoin VM, there should be a method that extracts the drand entry from the chain correctly. Note that the round may span multiple filecoin epochs if drand is slower; the lowest epoch number block will contain the requested beacon entry. Similarly, if there has been null rounds where the beacon should have been inserted, we need to iterate on the chain to find where the entry is inserted. Specifically, the next non-null block must contain the drand entry requested by definition.

Fetch randomness from drand network

When mining, a miner can fetch entries from the drand network to include them in the new block.

DrandBeacon connects Lotus with a drand network in order to provide randomness to the system in a way that’s aligned with Filecoin rounds/epochs.

We connect to drand peers via their public HTTP endpoints. The peers are enumerated in the drandServers variable.

The root trust for the Drand chain is configured from buildconstants.DrandConfigs

type DrandBeacon struct {
	isChained bool
	client    dclient.Client

	pubkey kyber.Point

	// seconds
	interval time.Duration

	drandGenTime uint64
	filGenTime   uint64
	filRoundTime uint64
	scheme       *dcrypto.Scheme

	localCache *lru.Cache[uint64, *types.BeaconEntry]
func BeaconEntriesForBlock(ctx context.Context, bSchedule Schedule, nv network.Version, epoch abi.ChainEpoch, parentEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, prev types.BeaconEntry) ([]types.BeaconEntry, error) {
	// When we have "chained" beacons, two entries at a fork are required.
	parentBeacon := bSchedule.BeaconForEpoch(parentEpoch)
	currBeacon := bSchedule.BeaconForEpoch(epoch)
	if parentBeacon != currBeacon && currBeacon.IsChained() {
		// Fork logic
		round := currBeacon.MaxBeaconRoundForEpoch(nv, epoch)
		out := make([]types.BeaconEntry, 2)
		rch := currBeacon.Entry(ctx, round-1)
		res := <-rch
		if res.Err != nil {
			return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting entry %d returned error: %w", round-1, res.Err)
		out[0] = res.Entry
		rch = currBeacon.Entry(ctx, round)
		res = <-rch
		if res.Err != nil {
			return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting entry %d returned error: %w", round, res.Err)
		out[1] = res.Entry
		return out, nil

	start := build.Clock.Now()

	maxRound := currBeacon.MaxBeaconRoundForEpoch(nv, epoch)
	// We don't expect this to ever be the case
	if maxRound == prev.Round {
		return nil, nil

	// TODO: this is a sketchy way to handle the genesis block not having a beacon entry
	if prev.Round == 0 {
		prev.Round = maxRound - 1

	var out []types.BeaconEntry
	for currEpoch := epoch; currEpoch > parentEpoch; currEpoch-- {
		currRound := currBeacon.MaxBeaconRoundForEpoch(nv, currEpoch)
		rch := currBeacon.Entry(ctx, currRound)
		select {
		case resp := <-rch:
			if resp.Err != nil {
				return nil, xerrors.Errorf("beacon entry request returned error: %w", resp.Err)

			out = append(out, resp.Entry)
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return nil, xerrors.Errorf("context timed out waiting on beacon entry to come back for epoch %d: %w", epoch, ctx.Err())

	log.Debugw("fetching beacon entries", "took", build.Clock.Since(start), "numEntries", len(out))
	return out, nil
func (db *DrandBeacon) MaxBeaconRoundForEpoch(nv network.Version, filEpoch abi.ChainEpoch) uint64 {
	// TODO: sometimes the genesis time for filecoin is zero and this goes negative
	latestTs := ((uint64(filEpoch) * db.filRoundTime) + db.filGenTime) - db.filRoundTime

	if nv <= network.Version15 {
		return db.maxBeaconRoundV1(latestTs)

	return db.maxBeaconRoundV2(latestTs)
Validating Beacon Entries on block reception

A Filecoin chain will contain the entirety of the beacon’s output from the Filecoin genesis to the current block.

Given their role in leader election and other critical protocols in Filecoin, a block’s beacon entries must be validated for every block. See drand for details. This can be done by ensuring every beacon entry is a valid signature over the prior one in the chain, using drand’s Verify endpoint as follows:

func ValidateBlockValues(bSchedule Schedule, nv network.Version, h *types.BlockHeader, parentEpoch abi.ChainEpoch,
	prevEntry types.BeaconEntry) error {

	parentBeacon := bSchedule.BeaconForEpoch(parentEpoch)
	currBeacon := bSchedule.BeaconForEpoch(h.Height)
	// When we have "chained" beacons, two entries at a fork are required.
	if parentBeacon != currBeacon && currBeacon.IsChained() {
		if len(h.BeaconEntries) != 2 {
			return xerrors.Errorf("expected two beacon entries at beacon fork, got %d", len(h.BeaconEntries))
		err := currBeacon.VerifyEntry(h.BeaconEntries[1], h.BeaconEntries[0].Data)
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("beacon at fork point invalid: (%v, %v): %w",
				h.BeaconEntries[1], h.BeaconEntries[0], err)
		return nil

	maxRound := currBeacon.MaxBeaconRoundForEpoch(nv, h.Height)
	// We don't expect to ever actually meet this condition
	if maxRound == prevEntry.Round {
		if len(h.BeaconEntries) != 0 {
			return xerrors.Errorf("expected not to have any beacon entries in this block, got %d", len(h.BeaconEntries))
		return nil

	if len(h.BeaconEntries) == 0 {
		return xerrors.Errorf("expected to have beacon entries in this block, but didn't find any")

	// We skip verifying the genesis entry when randomness is "chained".
	if currBeacon.IsChained() && prevEntry.Round == 0 {
		return nil

	last := h.BeaconEntries[len(h.BeaconEntries)-1]
	if last.Round != maxRound {
		return xerrors.Errorf("expected final beacon entry in block to be at round %d, got %d", maxRound, last.Round)

	// If the beacon is UNchained, verify that the block only includes the rounds we want for the epochs in between parentEpoch and h.Height
	// For chained beacons, you must have all the rounds forming a valid chain with prevEntry, so we can skip this step
	if !currBeacon.IsChained() {
		// Verify that all other entries' rounds are as expected for the epochs in between parentEpoch and h.Height
		for i, e := range h.BeaconEntries {
			correctRound := currBeacon.MaxBeaconRoundForEpoch(nv, parentEpoch+abi.ChainEpoch(i)+1)
			if e.Round != correctRound {
				return xerrors.Errorf("unexpected beacon round %d, expected %d for epoch %d", e.Round, correctRound, parentEpoch+abi.ChainEpoch(i))

	// Verify the beacon entries themselves
	for i, e := range h.BeaconEntries {
		if err := currBeacon.VerifyEntry(e, prevEntry.Data); err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("beacon entry %d (%d - %x (%d)) was invalid: %w", i, e.Round, e.Data, len(e.Data), err)
		prevEntry = e

	return nil


Filecoin block headers also contain a single “ticket” generated from its epoch’s beacon entry. Tickets are used to break ties in the Fork Choice Rule, for forks of equal weight.

Whenever comparing tickets in Filecoin, the comparison is that of the ticket’s VRF Digest’s bytes.

Randomness Ticket generation

At a Filecoin epoch n, a new ticket is generated using the appropriate beacon entry for epoch n.

The miner runs the beacon entry through a Verifiable Random Function (VRF) to get a new unique ticket. The beacon entry is prepended with the ticket domain separation tag and concatenated with the miner actor address (to ensure miners using the same worker keys get different tickets).

To generate a ticket for a given epoch n:

randSeed = GetRandomnessFromBeacon(n)
newTicketRandomness = VRF_miner(H(TicketProdDST || index || Serialization(randSeed, minerActorAddress)))

Verifiable Random Functions are used for ticket generation.

Ticket Validation

Each Ticket should be generated from the prior one in the VRF-chain and verified accordingly.

Minimum Miner Size

In order to secure Storage Power Consensus, the system defines a minimum miner size required to participate in consensus.

Specifically, miners must have either at least MIN_MINER_SIZE_STOR of power (i.e. storage power currently used in storage deals) in order to participate in leader election. If no miner has MIN_MINER_SIZE_STOR or more power, miners with at least as much power as the smallest miner in the top MIN_MINER_SIZE_TARG of miners (sorted by storage power) will be able to participate in leader election. In plain english, take MIN_MINER_SIZE_TARG = 3 for instance, this means that miners with at least as much power as the 3rd largest miner will be eligible to participate in consensus.

Miners smaller than this cannot mine blocks and earn block rewards in the network. Their power will still be counted in the total network (raw or claimed) storage power, even though their power will not be counted as votes for leader election. However, it is important to note that such miners can still have their power faulted and be penalized accordingly.

Accordingly, to bootstrap the network, the genesis block must include miners, potentially just CommittedCapacity sectors, to initiate the network.

The MIN_MINER_SIZE_TARG condition will not be used in a network in which any miner has more than MIN_MINER_SIZE_STOR power. It is nonetheless defined to ensure liveness in small networks (e.g. close to genesis or after large power drops).

Storage Power Actor

StoragePowerActorState implementation
type State struct {
	TotalRawBytePower abi.StoragePower
	// TotalBytesCommitted includes claims from miners below min power threshold
	TotalBytesCommitted  abi.StoragePower
	TotalQualityAdjPower abi.StoragePower
	// TotalQABytesCommitted includes claims from miners below min power threshold
	TotalQABytesCommitted abi.StoragePower
	TotalPledgeCollateral abi.TokenAmount

	// These fields are set once per epoch in the previous cron tick and used
	// for consistent values across a single epoch's state transition.
	ThisEpochRawBytePower     abi.StoragePower
	ThisEpochQualityAdjPower  abi.StoragePower
	ThisEpochPledgeCollateral abi.TokenAmount
	ThisEpochQAPowerSmoothed  smoothing.FilterEstimate

	MinerCount int64
	// Number of miners having proven the minimum consensus power.
	MinerAboveMinPowerCount int64

	// A queue of events to be triggered by cron, indexed by epoch.
	CronEventQueue cid.Cid // Multimap, (HAMT[ChainEpoch]AMT[CronEvent])

	// First epoch in which a cron task may be stored.
	// Cron will iterate every epoch between this and the current epoch inclusively to find tasks to execute.
	FirstCronEpoch abi.ChainEpoch

	// Claimed power for each miner.
	Claims cid.Cid // Map, HAMT[address]Claim

	ProofValidationBatch *cid.Cid // Multimap, (HAMT[Address]AMT[SealVerifyInfo])
StoragePowerActor implementation
func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		builtin.MethodConstructor: a.Constructor,
		2:                         a.CreateMiner,
		3:                         a.UpdateClaimedPower,
		4:                         a.EnrollCronEvent,
		5:                         a.CronTick,
		6:                         a.UpdatePledgeTotal,
		7:                         nil, // deprecated
		8:                         a.SubmitPoRepForBulkVerify,
		9:                         a.CurrentTotalPower,
func (a Actor) Constructor(rt Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *abi.EmptyValue {

	st, err := ConstructState(adt.AsStore(rt))
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to construct state")
	return nil
The Power Table

The portion of blocks a given miner generates through leader election in EC (and so the block rewards they earn) is proportional to their Quality-Adjusted Power Fraction over time. That is, a miner whose quality adjusted power represents 1% of total quality adjusted power on the network should mine 1% of blocks on expectation.

SPC provides a power table abstraction which tracks miner power (i.e. miner storage in relation to network storage) over time. The power table is updated for new sector commitments (incrementing miner power), for failed PoSts (decrementing miner power) or for other storage and consensus faults.

Sector ProveCommit is the first time power is proven to the network and hence power is first added upon successful sector ProveCommit. Power is also added when a sector is declared as recovered. Miners are expected to prove over all their sectors that contribute to their power.

Power is decremented when a sector expires, when a sector is declared or detected to be faulty, or when it is terminated through miner invocation. Miners can also extend the lifetime of a sector through ExtendSectorExpiration.

The Miner lifecycle in the power table should be roughly as follows:

  • MinerRegistration: A new miner with an associated worker public key and address is registered on the power table by the storage mining subsystem, along with their associated sector size (there is only one per worker).
  • UpdatePower: These power increments and decrements are called by various storage actors (and must thus be verified by every full node on the network). Specifically:
    • Power is incremented at ProveCommit, as a subcall of miner.ProveCommitSector or miner.ProveCommitAggregate
    • Power of a partition is decremented immediately after a missed WindowPoSt (DetectedFault).
    • A particular sector’s power is decremented when it enters into a faulty state either through Declared Faults or Skipped Faults.
    • A particular sector’s power is added back after recovery is declared and proven by PoSt.
    • A particular sector’s power is removed when the sector is expired or terminated through miner invocation.

To summarize, only sectors in the Active state will command power. A Sector becomes Active when it is added upon ProveCommit. Power is immediately decremented when it enters into the faulty state. Power will be restored when its declared recovery is proven. A sector’s power is removed when it is expired or terminated through miner invocation.

Pledge Collateral

Pledge Collateral is slashed for any fault affecting storage-power consensus, these include:

  • faults to expected consensus in particular (see Consensus Faults), which will be reported by a slasher to the StoragePowerActor in exchange for a reward.
  • faults affecting consensus power more generally, specifically uncommitted power faults (i.e. Storage Faults), which will be reported by the CronActor automatically or when a miner terminates a sector earlier than its promised duration.

For a more detailed discussion on Pledge Collateral, please see the Miner Collaterals section.


Minting Model

Many blockchains mint tokens based on a simple exponential decay model. Under this model, block rewards are highest in the beginning, and miner participation is often the lowest, so mining generates many tokens per unit of work early in the networkʼs life, then rapidly decreases.

Over many cryptoeconomic simulations, it became clear that the simple exponential decay model would encourage short-term behavior around network launch with an unhealthy effect on the Filecoin Economy. Specifically, it would incentivize storage miners to over-invest in hardware for the sealing stage of mining to onboard storage as quickly as possible. It would be profitable to exit the network after exhausting these early rewards, even if it resulted in losing client data. This would harm the network: clients would lose data and have less access to long-term storage, and miners would have little incentive to contribute more resources to the network. Additionally, this would result in the majority of network subsidies being paid based wholly on timing, rather than actual storage (and hence value) provided to the network.

To encourage consistent storage onboarding and investment in long-term storage, not just rapid sealing, Filecoin introduces the concept of a network baseline. Instead of minting tokens based purely on elapsed time, block rewards instead scale up as total storage power on the network increases. This preserves the shape of the original exponential decay model, but softens it in the earliest days of the network. Once the network reaches the baseline, the cumulative block reward issued is identical to a simple exponential decay model, but if the network does not pass the pre-established threshold, a portion of block rewards are deferred. The overall result is that Filecoin rewards to miners more closely match the utility they, and the network as a whole, provide to clients.

Specifically, a hybrid exponential minting mechanism is introduced with a proportion of the reward coming from simple exponential decay, “Simple Minting” and the other proportion from network baseline, “Baseline Minting”. The total reward per epoch will be the sum of the two rewards. Mining Filecoin should be even more profitable with this mechanism. Simple minting allocation disproportionately rewards early miners and provides counter pressure to shocks. Baseline minting allocation mints more tokens when more value for the network has been created. More tokens are minted to facilitate greater trade when the network can unlock a greater potential. This should lead to increased creation of value for the network and lower risk of minting filecoin too quickly.

The protocol allocates 30% of Storage Mining Allocation in Simple Minting and the remaining 70% in Baseline Minting. 30% of Simple Minting can provide counter forces in the event of shocks. Baseline capacity can start from a smaller percentage of worldʼs storage today, grow at a rapid rate, and catch up to a higher but still reasonable percentage of worldʼs storage in the future. The network baseline will start from 2.5EiB, or 2.88888888EB, (which is less than 0.01% of the worldʼs storage today) and grow at an annual rate of 100% (higher than the usual world storage annual growth rate at 40%). The community can come together to slow down the rate of growth when the network is providing 1-10% of the worldʼs storage.

There are many features that will make passing the baseline more efficient and economical and unleash a greater share of baseline minting. The community can come together to collectively achieve these goals:

  • More performant Proof of Replication algorithms, with lower on chain footprint, faster verification time, cheaper hardware requirement, different security assumptions, resulting in sectors with longer lifetime and enabling sector upgrades without reseal.
  • A more scalable consensus algorithm that can provide greater throughput and handle larger volume with shorter finality.
  • More deal functionalities that allow sectors to last for longer.

Lastly, it is important to note that while the block reward incentivizes participation, it cannot be treated as a resource to be exploited. It is a common pool of subsidies that seeds and grows the network to benefit the economy and participants. An example of different stages of the economy and different sources of subsidies is illustrated in the following Figure.

Filecoin Economy Stages

Block Reward Minting

In this section, we provide the mathematical specification for Simple Minting, Baseline Minting and Block Reward Issuance. We will provide the details and key mathematical properties for the above concepts.

Economic parameters

  • $M_\infty$ is the total asymptotic number of tokens to be emitted as storage-mining block rewards. Per the Token Allocation spec, $M_\infty := 55\% \cdot \texttt{FIL\_BASE} = 0.55 \cdot 2\times 10^9 FIL = 1.1 \times 10^9 FIL$. The dimension of the $M_\infty$ quantity is tokens.

  • $\lambda$ is the “simple exponential decay” minting rate corresponding to a 6-year half-life. The meaning of “simple exponential decay” is that the total minted supply at time $t$ is $M_\infty \cdot (1 - e^{-\lambda t})$, so the specification of $\lambda$ in symbols becomes the equation $1 - e^{-\lambda \cdot 6yr} = \frac{1}{2}$. Note that a “year” is poorly defined. The simplified definition of $1yr := 365d$ was agreed upon for Filecoin. Of course, $1d = 86400s$, so $1yr = 31536000s$. We can solve this equation as

\[\lambda = \frac{\ln 2}{6yr} = \frac{\ln 2}{189216000s} \approx 3.663258818 \times 10^{-9} Hz\]

The dimension of the $\lambda$ quantity is time$^{-1}$.

  • $\gamma$ is the mixture between baseline and simple minting. A $\gamma$ value of 1.0 corresponds to pure baseline minting, while a $\gamma$ value of 0.0 corresponds to pure simple minting. We currently use $\gamma := 0.7$. The $\gamma$ quantity is dimensionless.

  • $b(t)$ is the baseline function, which was designed as an exponential

$$b(t) = b_0 \cdot e^{g t}$$


  • $b_0$ is the “initial baseline”. The dimension of the $b_0$ quantity is information.
  • $g$ is related to the baseline’s “annual growth rate” ($g_a$) by the equation $\exp(g \cdot 1yr) = 1 + g_a$, which has the solution
$$g = \frac{\ln\left(1 + g_a\right)}{31536000s}.$$

While $g_a$ is dimensionless, the dimension of the $g$ quantity is time$^{-1}$.

The dimension of the $b(t)$ quantity is information.

Simple Minting

  • $M_{\infty B}$ is the total number of tokens to be emitted via baseline minting: $M_{\infty B} = M_\infty \cdot \gamma$. Correspondingly, $M_{\infty S}$ is the total asymptotic number of tokens to be emitted via simple minting: $M_{\infty S} = M_\infty \cdot (1 - \gamma)$. Of course, $M_{\infty B} + M_{\infty S} = M_\infty$.

  • $M_S(t)$ is the total number of tokens that should ideally have been emitted by simple minting up until time $t$. It is defined as $M_S(t) = M_{\infty S} \cdot (1 - e^{-\lambda t})$. It is easy to verify that $\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty} M_S(t) = M_{\infty S}$.

Note that $M_S(t)$ is easy to calculate, and can be determined quite independently of the network’s state. (This justifies the name “simple minting”.)

Baseline Minting

To define $M_B(t)$ (which is the number of tokens that should be emitted up until time $t$ by baseline minting), we must introduce a number of auxiliary variables, some of which depend on network state.

  • $R(t)$ is the instantaneous network raw-byte power (the total amount of bytes among all active sectors) at time $t$. This quantity is state-dependent—it depends on the activities of miners on the network (specifically: commitment, expiration, faulting, and termination of sectors). The dimension of the $R(t)$ quantity is information.

  • $\overline{R}(t)$ is the capped network raw-byte power, defined as $\overline{R}(t):= \min\{b(t), R(t)\}$. Its dimension is also information.

  • $\overline{R}_\Sigma(t)$ is the cumulative capped raw-byte power, defined as $\overline{R}_\Sigma(t) := \int_0^t \overline{R}(x)\, \mathrm{d}x$. The dimension of $\overline{R_\Sigma}(t)$ is information$\cdot$time (a dimension often referred to as “spacetime”).

  • $\theta(t)$ is the “effective network time”, and is defined as the solution to the equation

$$\int_0^{\theta(t)} b(x)\, \mathrm{d}x = \int_0^t \overline{R}(x)\, \mathrm{d}x = \overline{R}_\Sigma(t)$$

By plugging in the definition of $b(x)$ and evaluating the integral, we can solve for a closed form of $\theta(t)$ as follows:

$$\int_0^{\theta(t)} b(x)\, \mathrm{d}x = \frac{b_0}{g} \left( e^{g\theta(t)} - 1 \right) = \overline{R}_\Sigma(t)$$ $$\theta(t) = \frac{1}{g} \ln \left(\frac{g \overline{R}_\Sigma(t)}{b_0}+1\right)$$
  • $M_B(t)$ is defined similarly to $M_S(t)$, just with $\theta(t)$ in place of $t$ and $M_{\infty B}$ in place of $M_{\infty S}$:
$$M_B(t) = M_{\infty B} \cdot \left(1 - e^{-\lambda \theta(t)}\right)$$

Block Reward Issuance

  • $M(t)$, the total number of tokens to be emitted as expected block rewards up until time $t$, is defined as the sum of simple and baseline minting:
$$M(t) = M_S(t) + M_B(t)$$

Now we have defined a continuous target trajectory for cumulative minting. But minting actually occurs incrementally, and also in discrete increments. Periodically, a “tipset” is formed consisting of multiple winners, each of which receives an equal, finite amount of reward. A single miner may win multiple times, but may only submit one block and may still receive rewards as if they submitted multiple winning blocks. The mechanism by which multiple wins are rewarded is multiplication by a variable called WinCount, so we refer to the finite quantity minted and awarded for each win as “reward per WinCount” or “per win reward”.

  • $\tau$ is the duration of an “epoch” or “round” (these are synonymous). Per the spec, $\tau = 30s$. The dimension of $\tau$ is time.
  • $E$ is a parameter which determines the expected number of wins per round. While $E$ could be considered dimensionless, it useful to give it a dimension of “wins”. In Filecoin, the value of $E$ is 5.
  • $W(n)$ is the total number of wins by all miners in the tipset during round $n$. This also has dimension “wins”. For each $n$, $W(n)$ is a random variable with the independent identical distribution $\mathrm{Poisson}(E)$.
  • $w(n)$ is the “reward per WinCount” or “per win reward” for round $n$. It is defined by:
$$w(n) = \frac{\max\{M(n\tau+\tau) - M(n\tau),0\}}{E}$$

The dimension of $W(n)$ is tokens$\cdot$wins$^{-1}$.

  • While $M(t)$ is a continuous target for minted supply, the discrete and random amount of tokens which have been minted as of time $t$ is
$$m(t) = \sum_{k=0}^{\left\lfloor t/\tau\right\rfloor-1} w(k) W(k)$$

$m(t)$ depends on past values of both $W(n)$ and $R(n\tau)$.

Token Allocation

Filecoinʼs token distribution is broken down as follows. A maximum of 2,000,000,000 FIL will ever be created, referred to as FIL_BASE. Of the Filecoin genesis block allocation, 10% of FIL_BASE were allocated for fundraising, of which 7.5% were sold in the 2017 token sale, and the 2.5% remaining were allocated for ecosystem development and potential future fundraising. 15% of FIL_BASE were allocated to Protocol Labs (including 4.5% for the PL team & contributors), and 5% were allocated to the Filecoin Foundation. The other 70% of all tokens were allocated to miners, as mining rewards, “for providing data storage service, maintaining the blockchain, distributing data, running contracts, and more.” There are multiple types of mining that these rewards will support over time; therefore, this allocation has been subdivided to cover different mining activities. A pie chart reflecting the FIL token allocation is shown in the following Figure.

Filecoin Token Allocation

Storage Mining Allocation. At network launch, the only mining group with allocated incentives will be storage miners. This is the earliest group of miners, and the one responsible for maintaining the core functionality of the protocol. Therefore, this group has been allocated the largest amount of mining rewards. 55% of FIL_BASE (78.6% of mining rewards) is allocated to storage mining. This will cover primarily block rewards, which reward maintaining the blockchain, running actor code, and subsidizing reliable and useful storage. This amount will also cover early storage mining rewards, such as rewards in the SpaceRace competition and other potential types of storage miner initialization, such as faucets.

Mining Reserve. The Filecoin ecosystem must ensure incentives exist for all types of miners (e.g. retrieval miners, repair miners, and including future unknown types of miners) to support a robust economy. In order to ensure the network can provide incentives for these other types of miners, 15% of FIL_BASE (21.4% of mining rewards) have been set aside as a Mining Reserve. It will be up to the community to determine in the future how to distribute those tokens, through Filecoin improvement proposals (FIPs) or similar decentralized decision making processes. For example, the community might decide to create rewards for retrieval mining or other types of mining-related activities. The Filecoin Network, like all blockchain networks and open source projects, will continue to evolve, adapt, and overcome challenges for many years. Reserving these tokens provides future flexibility for miners and the ecosystem as a whole. Other types of mining, like retrieval mining, are not yet subsidized and yet are very important to the Filecoin Economy; Arguably, those uses may need a larger percentage of mining rewards. As years pass and the network evolves, it will be up to the community to decide whether this reserve is enough, or whether to make adjustments with unmined tokens.

Market Cap. Various communities estimate the size of cryptocurrency and token networks using different analogous measures of market capitalization. The most sensible token supply for such calculations is FIL_CirculatingSupply, because unmined, unvested, locked, and burnt funds are not circulating or tradeable in the economy. Any calculations using larger measures such as FIL_BASE are likely to be erroneously inflated and not to be believed.

Total Burnt Funds. Some filecoin are burned to fund on-chain computations and bandwidth as network message fees, in addition to those burned in penalties for storage faults and consensus faults, creating long-term deflationary pressure on the token. Accompanying the network message fees is the priority fee that is not burned, but goes to the block-producing miners for including a message.

Parameter Value Description
FIL_BASE 2,000,000,000 FIL The maximum amount of FIL that will ever be created.
FIL_MiningReserveAlloc 300,000,000 FIL Tokens reserved for funding mining to support growth of the Filecoin Economy, whose future usage will be decided by the Filecoin community
FIL_StorageMiningAlloc 1,100,000,000 FIL The amount of FIL allocated to storage miners through block rewards, network initialization
FIL_Vested Sum of genesis MultisigActors.
Total amount of FIL that is vested from genesis allocation.
FIL_StorageMined RewardActor.
The amount of FIL that has been mined by storage miners
FIL_Locked TotalPledgeCollateral + TotalProviderDealCollateral + TotalClientDealCollateral + TotalPendingDealPayment + OtherLockedFunds The amount of FIL locked as part of mining, deals, and other mechanisms.
FIL_CirculatingSupply FIL_Vested + FIL_Mined - TotalBurntFunds - FIL_Locked The amount of FIL circulating and tradeable in the economy. The basis for Market Cap calculations.
TotalBurntFunds BurntFundsActor.
Total FIL burned as part of penalties and on-chain computations.
TotalPledgeCollateral StoragePowerActor.
Total FIL locked as pledge collateral in all miners.
TotalProviderDealCollateral StorageMarketActor.
Total FIL locked as provider deal collateral
TotalClientDealCollateral StorageMarketActor.
Total FIL locked as client deal collateral
TotalPendingDealPayment StorageMarketActor.
Total FIL locked as pending client deal payment

Payment Channels

Payment channels are generally used as a mechanism to increase the scalability of blockchains and enable users to transact without involving (i.e., publishing their transactions on) the blockchain, which: i) increases the load of the system, and ii) incurs gas costs for the user. Payment channels generally use a smart contract as an agreement between the two participants. In the Filecoin blockchain Payment Channels are realised by the paychActor.

The goal of the Payment Channel Actor specified here is to enable a series of off-chain microtransactions for applications built on top of Filecoin to be reconciled on-chain at a later time with fewer messages that involve the blockchain. Payment channels are already used in the Retrieval Market of the Filecoin Network, but their applicability is not constrained within this use-case only. Hence, here, we provide a detailed description of Payment Channels in the Filecoin network and then describe how Payment Channels are used in the specific case of the Filecoin Retrieval Market.

The payment channel actor can be used to open long-lived, flexible payment channels between users. Filecoin payment channels are uni-directional and can be funded by adding to their balance. Given the context of uni-directional payment channels, we define the payment channel sender as the party that receives some service, creates the channel, deposits funds and sends payments (hence the term payment channel sender). The payment channel recipient, on the other hand is defined as the party that provides services and receives payment for the services delivered (hence the term payment channel recipient). The fact that payment channels are uni-directional means that only the payment channel sender can add funds and the recipient can receive funds. Payment channels are identified by a unique address, as is the case with all Filecoin actors.

The payment channel state structure looks like this:

// A given payment channel actor is established by From (the receipent of a service)
// to enable off-chain microtransactions to To (the provider of a service) to be reconciled
// and tallied on chain.
type State struct {
	// Channel owner, who has created and funded the actor - the channel sender
	From addr.Address
	// Recipient of payouts from channel
	To addr.Address

	// Amount successfully redeemed through the payment channel, paid out on `Collect()`
	ToSend abi.TokenAmount

	// Height at which the channel can be `Collected`
	SettlingAt abi.ChainEpoch
	// Height before which the channel `ToSend` cannot be collected
	MinSettleHeight abi.ChainEpoch

	// Collections of lane states for the channel, maintained in ID order.
	LaneStates []*LaneState

Before continuing with the details of the Payment Channel and its components and features, it is worth defining a few terms.

  • Voucher: a signed message created by either of the two channel parties that updates the channel balance. To differentiate to the payment channel sender/recipient, we refer to the voucher parties as voucher sender/recipient, who might or might not be the same as the payment channel ones (i.e., the voucher sender might be either the payment channel recipient or the payment channel sender).
  • Redeeming a voucher: the voucher MUST be submitted on-chain by the opposite party from the one that created it. Redeeming a voucher does not trigger movement of funds from the channel to the recipient’s account, but it does incur message/gas costs. Vouchers can be redeemed at any time up to Collect (see below), as long as it has got a higher Nonce than a previously submitted one.
  • UpdateChannelState: this is the process by which a voucher is redeemed, i.e., a voucher is submitted (but not cashed-out) on-chain.
  • Settle: this process starts closing the channel. It can be called by either the channel creator (sender) or the channel recipient.
  • Collect: with this process funds are eventually transferred from the payment channel sender to the payment channel recipient. This process incurs message/gas costs.


Traditionally, in order to transact through a Payment Channel, the payment channel parties send to each other signed messages that update the balance of the channel. In Filecoin, these signed messages are called vouchers.

Throughout the interaction between the two parties, the channel sender (From address) is sending vouchers to the recipient (To address). The Value included in the voucher indicates the value available for the receiving party to redeem. The Value is based on the service that the payment channel recipient has provided to the payment channel sender. Either the payment channel recipient or the payment channel sender can Update the balance of the channel and the balance ToSend to the payment channel recipient (using a voucher), but the Update (i.e., the voucher) has to be accepted by the other party before funds can be collected. Furthermore, the voucher has to be redeemed by the opposite party from the one that issued the voucher. The payment channel recipient can choose to Collect this balance at any time incurring the corresponding gas cost.

Redeeming a voucher is not transferring funds from the payment channel to the recipient’s account. Instead, redeeming a voucher denotes the fact that some service worth of Value has been provided by the payment channel recipient to the payment channel sender. It is not until the whole payment channel is collected that the funds are dispatched to the provider’s account.

This is the structure of the voucher:

// A voucher can be created and sent by any of the two parties. The `To` payment channel address can redeem the voucher and then `Collect` the funds.
type SignedVoucher struct {
	// ChannelAddr is the address of the payment channel this signed voucher is valid for
	ChannelAddr addr.Address
	// TimeLockMin sets a min epoch before which the voucher cannot be redeemed
	TimeLockMin abi.ChainEpoch
	// TimeLockMax sets a max epoch beyond which the voucher cannot be redeemed
	// TimeLockMax set to 0 means no timeout
	TimeLockMax abi.ChainEpoch
	// (optional) The SecretPreImage is used by `To` to validate
	SecretPreimage []byte
	// (optional) Extra can be specified by `From` to add a verification method to the voucher
	Extra *ModVerifyParams
	// Specifies which lane the Voucher is added to (will be created if does not exist)
	Lane uint64
	// Nonce is set by `From` to prevent redemption of stale vouchers on a lane
	Nonce uint64
	// Amount voucher can be redeemed for
	Amount big.Int
	// (optional) MinSettleHeight can extend channel MinSettleHeight if needed
	MinSettleHeight abi.ChainEpoch

	// (optional) Set of lanes to be merged into `Lane`
	Merges []Merge

	// Sender's signature over the voucher
	Signature *crypto.Signature

Over the course of a transaction cycle, each participant in the payment channel can send Vouchers to the other participant.

For instance, if the payment channel sender (From address) has sent to the payment channel recipient (To address) the following three vouchers (voucher_val, voucher_nonce) for a lane with 100 FIL to be redeemed: (10, 1), (20, 2), (30, 3), then the recipient could choose to redeem (30, 3) bringing the lane’s value to 70 (100 - 30) and cancelling the preceding vouchers, i.e., they would not be able to redeem (10, 1) or (20, 2) anymore. However, they could redeem (20, 2), that is, 20 FIL, and then follow up with (30, 3) to redeem the remaining 10 FIL later.

It is worth highlighting that while the Nonce is a strictly increasing value to denote the sequence of vouchers issued within the remit of a payment channel, the Value is not a strictly increasing value. Decreasing Value (although expected rarely) can be realized in cases of refunds that need to flow in the direction from the payment channel recipient to the payment channel sender. This can be the case when some bits arrive corrupted in the case of file retrieval, for instance.

Vouchers are signed by the party that creates them and are authenticated using a (Secret, PreImage) pair provided by the paying party (channel sender). If the PreImage is indeed a pre-image of the Secret when used as input to some given algorithm (typically a one-way function like a hash), the Voucher is valid. The Voucher itself contains the PreImage but not the Secret (communicated separately to the receiving party). This enables multi-hop payments since an intermediary cannot redeem a voucher on their own. Vouchers can also be used to update the minimum height at which a channel will be settled (i.e., closed), or have TimeLocks to prevent voucher recipients from redeeming them too early. A channel can also have a MinCloseHeight to prevent it being closed prematurely (e.g. before the payment channel recipient has collected funds) by the payment channel creator/sender.

Once their transactions have completed, either party can choose to Settle (i.e., close) the channel. There is a 12hr period after Settle during which either party can submit any outstanding vouchers. Once the vouchers are submitted, either party can then call Collect. This will send the payment channel recipient the ToPay amount from the channel, and the channel sender (From address) will be refunded the remaining balance in the channel (if any).


In addition, payment channels in Filecoin can be split into lanes created as part of updating the channel state with a payment voucher. Each lane has an associated nonce and amount of tokens it can be redeemed for. Lanes can be thought of as transactions for several different services provided by the channel recipient to the channel sender. The nonce plays the role of a sequence number of vouchers within a given lane, where a voucher with a higher nonce replaces a voucher with a lower nonce.

Payment channel lanes allow for a lot of accounting between parties to be done off-chain and reconciled via single updates to the payment channel. The multiple lanes enable two parties to use a single payment channel to adjudicate multiple independent sets of payments.

One example of such accounting is merging of lanes. When a pair of channel sender-recipient nodes have a payment channel established between them with many lanes, the channel recipient will have to pay gas cost for each one of the lanes in order to Collect funds. Merging of lanes allow the channel recipient to send a “merge” request to the channel sender to request merging of (some of the) lanes and consolidate the funds. This way, the recipient can reduce the overall gas cost. As an incentive for the channel sender to accept the merge lane request, the channel recipient can ask for a lower total value to balance out the gas cost. For instance, if the recipient has collected vouchers worth of 10 FIL from two lanes, say 5 from each, and the gas cost of submitting the vouchers for these funds is 2, then it can ask for 9 from the creator if the latter accepts to merge the two lanes. This way, the channel sender pays less overall for the services it received and the channel recipient pays less gas cost to submit the voucher for the services they provided.

Lifecycle of a Payment Channel

Summarising, we have the following sequence:

  1. Two parties agree to a series of transactions (for instance as part of file retrieval) with one party paying the other party up to some total sum of Filecoin over time. This is part of the deal-phase, it takes place off-chain and does not (at this stage) involve payment channels.
  2. The Payment Channel Actor is used, called the payment channel sender (who is the recipient of some service, e.g., file in case of file retrieval) to create the payment channel and deposit funds.
  3. Any of the two parties can create vouchers to send to the other party.
  4. The voucher recipient saves the voucher locally. Each voucher has to be submitted by the opposite party from the one that created the voucher.
  5. Either immediately or later, the voucher recipient “redeems” the voucher by submitting it to the chain, calling UpdateChannelState
  6. The channel sender or the channel recipient Settle the payment channel.
  7. 12-hour period to close the channel begins.
  8. If any of the two parties have outstanding (i.e., non-redeemed) vouchers, they should now submit the vouchers to the chain (there should be the option of this being done automatically). If the channel recipient so desires, they should send a “merge lanes” request to the sender.
  9. 12-hour period ends.
  10. Either the channel sender or the channel recipient calls Collect.
  11. Funds are transferred to the channel recipient’s account and any unclaimed balance goes back to channel sender.

Payment Channels as part of the Filecoin Retrieval

Payment Channels are used in the Filecoin Retrieval Market to enable efficient off-chain payments and accounting between parties for what is expected to be a series of microtransactions, as these occur during data retrieval.

In particular, given that there is no proving method provided for the act of sending data from a provider (miner) to a client, there is no trust anchor between the two. Therefore, in order to avoid mis-behaviour, Filecoin is making use of payment channels in order to realise a step-wise “data transfer <-> payment” relationship between the data provider and the client (data receiver). Clients issue requests for data that miners are responding to. The miner is entitled to ask for interim payments, the volume-oriented interval for which is agreed in the Deal phase. In order to facilitate this process, the Filecoin client is creating a payment channel once the provider has agreed on the proposed deal. The client should also lock monetary value in the payment channel equal to the one needed for retrieval of the entire block of data requested. Every time a provider is completing transfer of the pre-specified amount of data, they can request a payment. The client is responding to this payment with a voucher which the provider can redeem (immediately or later), as per the process described earlier.

package paychmgr

import (


	cborutil ""
	actorstypes ""

	lpaych ""

// insufficientFundsErr indicates that there are not enough funds in the
// channel to create a voucher
type insufficientFundsErr interface {
	Shortfall() types.BigInt

type ErrInsufficientFunds struct {
	shortfall types.BigInt

func newErrInsufficientFunds(shortfall types.BigInt) *ErrInsufficientFunds {
	return &ErrInsufficientFunds{shortfall: shortfall}

func (e *ErrInsufficientFunds) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("not enough funds in channel to cover voucher - shortfall: %d", e.shortfall)

func (e *ErrInsufficientFunds) Shortfall() types.BigInt {
	return e.shortfall

type laneState struct {
	redeemed big.Int
	nonce    uint64

func (ls laneState) Redeemed() (big.Int, error) {
	return ls.redeemed, nil

func (ls laneState) Nonce() (uint64, error) {
	return ls.nonce, nil

// channelAccessor is used to simplify locking when accessing a channel
type channelAccessor struct {
	from address.Address
	to   address.Address

	// chctx is used by background processes (eg when waiting for things to be
	// confirmed on chain)
	chctx         context.Context
	sa            *stateAccessor
	api           managerAPI
	store         *Store
	lk            *channelLock
	fundsReqQueue []*fundsReq
	msgListeners  msgListeners

func newChannelAccessor(pm *Manager, from address.Address, to address.Address) *channelAccessor {
	return &channelAccessor{
		from:         from,
		to:           to,
		chctx:        pm.ctx,
		sa: ,
		api:          pm.pchapi,
		lk:           &channelLock{globalLock: &},
		msgListeners: newMsgListeners(),

func (ca *channelAccessor) messageBuilder(ctx context.Context, from address.Address) (lpaych.MessageBuilder, error) {
	nwVersion, err := ca.api.StateNetworkVersion(ctx, types.EmptyTSK)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	av, err := actorstypes.VersionForNetwork(nwVersion)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return lpaych.Message(av, from), nil

func (ca *channelAccessor) getChannelInfo(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address) (*ChannelInfo, error) {

	return, addr)

func (ca *channelAccessor) outboundActiveByFromTo(ctx context.Context, from, to address.Address) (*ChannelInfo, error) {

	return, ca.api, from, to)

// createVoucher creates a voucher with the given specification, setting its
// nonce, signing the voucher and storing it in the local datastore.
// If there are not enough funds in the channel to create the voucher, returns
// the shortfall in funds.
func (ca *channelAccessor) createVoucher(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address, voucher paych.SignedVoucher) (*api.VoucherCreateResult, error) {

	// Find the channel for the voucher
	ci, err :=, ch)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get channel info by address: %w", err)

	// Set the voucher channel
	sv := &voucher
	sv.ChannelAddr = ch

	// Get the next nonce on the given lane
	sv.Nonce = ca.nextNonceForLane(ci, voucher.Lane)

	// Sign the voucher
	vb, err := sv.SigningBytes()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get voucher signing bytes: %w", err)

	sig, err := ca.api.WalletSign(ctx, ci.Control, vb)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to sign voucher: %w", err)
	sv.Signature = sig

	// Store the voucher
	if _, err := ca.addVoucherUnlocked(ctx, ch, sv, types.NewInt(0)); err != nil {
		// If there are not enough funds in the channel to cover the voucher,
		// return a voucher create result with the shortfall
		var ife insufficientFundsErr
		if errors.As(err, &ife) {
			return &api.VoucherCreateResult{
				Shortfall: ife.Shortfall(),
			}, nil

		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to persist voucher: %w", err)

	return &api.VoucherCreateResult{Voucher: sv, Shortfall: types.NewInt(0)}, nil

func (ca *channelAccessor) nextNonceForLane(ci *ChannelInfo, lane uint64) uint64 {
	var maxnonce uint64
	for _, v := range ci.Vouchers {
		if v.Voucher.Lane == lane {
			if v.Voucher.Nonce > maxnonce {
				maxnonce = v.Voucher.Nonce

	return maxnonce + 1

func (ca *channelAccessor) checkVoucherValid(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address, sv *paych.SignedVoucher) (map[uint64]lpaych.LaneState, error) {

	return ca.checkVoucherValidUnlocked(ctx, ch, sv)

func (ca *channelAccessor) checkVoucherValidUnlocked(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address, sv *paych.SignedVoucher) (map[uint64]lpaych.LaneState, error) {
	if sv.ChannelAddr != ch {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("voucher ChannelAddr doesn't match channel address, got %s, expected %s", sv.ChannelAddr, ch)

	// check voucher is unlocked
	if sv.Extra != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("voucher is Message Locked")
	if sv.TimeLockMax != 0 {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("voucher is Max Time Locked")
	if sv.TimeLockMin != 0 {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("voucher is Min Time Locked")
	if len(sv.SecretHash) != 0 {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("voucher is Hash Locked")

	// Load payment channel actor state
	act, pchState, err :=, ch)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Load channel "From" account actor state
	f, err := pchState.From()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	from, err := ca.api.ResolveToDeterministicAddress(ctx, f, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// verify voucher signature
	vb, err := sv.SigningBytes()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// TODO: technically, either party may create and sign a voucher.
	// However, for now, we only accept them from the channel creator.
	// More complex handling logic can be added later
	if err := sigs.Verify(sv.Signature, from, vb); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Check the voucher against the highest known voucher nonce / value
	laneStates, err := ca.laneState(ctx, pchState, ch)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// If the new voucher nonce value is less than the highest known
	// nonce for the lane
	ls, lsExists := laneStates[sv.Lane]
	if lsExists {
		n, err := ls.Nonce()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if sv.Nonce <= n {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("nonce too low")

		// If the voucher amount is less than the highest known voucher amount
		r, err := ls.Redeemed()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if sv.Amount.LessThanEqual(r) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("voucher amount is lower than amount for voucher with lower nonce")

	// Total redeemed is the total redeemed amount for all lanes, including
	// the new voucher
	// eg
	// lane 1 redeemed:            3
	// lane 2 redeemed:            2
	// voucher for lane 1:         5
	// Voucher supersedes lane 1 redeemed, therefore
	// effective lane 1 redeemed:  5
	// lane 1:  5
	// lane 2:  2
	//          -
	// total:   7
	totalRedeemed, err := ca.totalRedeemedWithVoucher(laneStates, sv)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Total required balance must not exceed actor balance
	if act.Balance.LessThan(totalRedeemed) {
		return nil, newErrInsufficientFunds(types.BigSub(totalRedeemed, act.Balance))

	if len(sv.Merges) != 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("dont currently support paych lane merges")

	return laneStates, nil

func (ca *channelAccessor) checkVoucherSpendable(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address, sv *paych.SignedVoucher, secret []byte) (bool, error) {

	recipient, err := ca.getPaychRecipient(ctx, ch)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	ci, err :=, ch)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// Check if voucher has already been submitted
	submitted, err := ci.wasVoucherSubmitted(sv)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	if submitted {
		return false, nil

	mb, err := ca.messageBuilder(ctx, recipient)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	mes, err := mb.Update(ch, sv, secret)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	ret, err := ca.api.Call(ctx, mes, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	if ret.MsgRct.ExitCode != 0 {
		return false, nil

	return true, nil

func (ca *channelAccessor) getPaychRecipient(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address) (address.Address, error) {
	_, state, err := ca.api.GetPaychState(ctx, ch, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return address.Address{}, err

	return state.To()

func (ca *channelAccessor) addVoucher(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address, sv *paych.SignedVoucher, minDelta types.BigInt) (types.BigInt, error) {

	return ca.addVoucherUnlocked(ctx, ch, sv, minDelta)

func (ca *channelAccessor) addVoucherUnlocked(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address, sv *paych.SignedVoucher, minDelta types.BigInt) (types.BigInt, error) {
	ci, err :=, ch)
	if err != nil {
		return types.BigInt{}, err

	// Check if the voucher has already been added
	for _, v := range ci.Vouchers {
		eq, err := cborutil.Equals(sv, v.Voucher)
		if err != nil {
			return types.BigInt{}, err
		if eq {
			// Ignore the duplicate voucher.
			log.Warnf("AddVoucher: voucher re-added")
			return types.NewInt(0), nil


	// Check voucher validity
	laneStates, err := ca.checkVoucherValidUnlocked(ctx, ch, sv)
	if err != nil {
		return types.NewInt(0), err

	// The change in value is the delta between the voucher amount and
	// the highest previous voucher amount for the lane
	laneState, exists := laneStates[sv.Lane]
	redeemed := big.NewInt(0)
	if exists {
		redeemed, err = laneState.Redeemed()
		if err != nil {
			return types.NewInt(0), err

	delta := types.BigSub(sv.Amount, redeemed)
	if minDelta.GreaterThan(delta) {
		return delta, xerrors.Errorf("addVoucher: supplied token amount too low; minD=%s, D=%s; laneAmt=%s; v.Amt=%s", minDelta, delta, redeemed, sv.Amount)

	ci.Vouchers = append(ci.Vouchers, &VoucherInfo{
		Voucher: sv,

	if ci.NextLane <= sv.Lane {
		ci.NextLane = sv.Lane + 1

	return delta,, ci)

func (ca *channelAccessor) submitVoucher(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address, sv *paych.SignedVoucher, secret []byte) (cid.Cid, error) {

	ci, err :=, ch)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	has, err := ci.hasVoucher(sv)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	// If the channel has the voucher
	if has {
		// Check that the voucher hasn't already been submitted
		submitted, err := ci.wasVoucherSubmitted(sv)
		if err != nil {
			return cid.Undef, err
		if submitted {
			return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("cannot submit voucher that has already been submitted")

	mb, err := ca.messageBuilder(ctx, ci.Control)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	msg, err := mb.Update(ch, sv, secret)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	smsg, err := ca.api.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	// If the channel didn't already have the voucher
	if !has {
		// Add the voucher to the channel
		ci.Vouchers = append(ci.Vouchers, &VoucherInfo{
			Voucher: sv,

	// Mark the voucher and any lower-nonce vouchers as having been submitted
	err =, ci, sv)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	return smsg.Cid(), nil

func (ca *channelAccessor) allocateLane(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address) (uint64, error) {

	return, ch)

func (ca *channelAccessor) listVouchers(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address) ([]*VoucherInfo, error) {

	// TODO: just having a passthrough method like this feels odd. Seems like
	// there should be some filtering we're doing here
	return, ch)

// laneState gets the LaneStates from chain, then applies all vouchers in
// the data store over the chain state
func (ca *channelAccessor) laneState(ctx context.Context, state lpaych.State, ch address.Address) (map[uint64]lpaych.LaneState, error) {
	// TODO: we probably want to call UpdateChannelState with all vouchers to be fully correct
	//  (but technically don't need to)

	laneCount, err := state.LaneCount()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Note: we use a map instead of an array to store laneStates because the
	// client sets the lane ID (the index) and potentially they could use a
	// very large index.
	laneStates := make(map[uint64]lpaych.LaneState, laneCount)
	err = state.ForEachLaneState(func(idx uint64, ls lpaych.LaneState) error {
		laneStates[idx] = ls
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Apply locally stored vouchers
	vouchers, err :=, ch)
	if err != nil && err != ErrChannelNotTracked {
		return nil, err

	for _, v := range vouchers {
		for range v.Voucher.Merges {
			return nil, xerrors.Errorf("paych merges not handled yet")

		// Check if there is an existing laneState in the payment channel
		// for this voucher's lane
		ls, ok := laneStates[v.Voucher.Lane]

		// If the voucher does not have a higher nonce than the existing
		// laneState for this lane, ignore it
		if ok {
			n, err := ls.Nonce()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if v.Voucher.Nonce < n {

		// Voucher has a higher nonce, so replace laneState with this voucher
		laneStates[v.Voucher.Lane] = laneState{v.Voucher.Amount, v.Voucher.Nonce}

	return laneStates, nil

// Get the total redeemed amount across all lanes, after applying the voucher
func (ca *channelAccessor) totalRedeemedWithVoucher(laneStates map[uint64]lpaych.LaneState, sv *paych.SignedVoucher) (big.Int, error) {
	// TODO: merges
	if len(sv.Merges) != 0 {
		return big.Int{}, xerrors.Errorf("dont currently support paych lane merges")

	total := big.NewInt(0)
	for _, ls := range laneStates {
		r, err := ls.Redeemed()
		if err != nil {
			return big.Int{}, err
		total = big.Add(total, r)

	lane, ok := laneStates[sv.Lane]
	if ok {
		// If the voucher is for an existing lane, and the voucher nonce
		// is higher than the lane nonce
		n, err := lane.Nonce()
		if err != nil {
			return big.Int{}, err

		if sv.Nonce > n {
			// Add the delta between the redeemed amount and the voucher
			// amount to the total
			r, err := lane.Redeemed()
			if err != nil {
				return big.Int{}, err

			delta := big.Sub(sv.Amount, r)
			total = big.Add(total, delta)
	} else {
		// If the voucher is *not* for an existing lane, just add its
		// value (implicitly a new lane will be created for the voucher)
		total = big.Add(total, sv.Amount)

	return total, nil

func (ca *channelAccessor) settle(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) {

	ci, err :=, ch)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	mb, err := ca.messageBuilder(ctx, ci.Control)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err
	msg, err := mb.Settle(ch)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err
	smgs, err := ca.api.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	ci.Settling = true
	err =, ci)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error marking channel as settled: %s", err)

	return smgs.Cid(), err

func (ca *channelAccessor) collect(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) {

	ci, err :=, ch)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	mb, err := ca.messageBuilder(ctx, ci.Control)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	msg, err := mb.Collect(ch)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	smsg, err := ca.api.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return cid.Undef, err

	return smsg.Cid(), nil
A voucher is sent by From to To off-chain in order to enable To to redeem payments on-chain in the future
type SignedVoucher struct {
	// ChannelAddr is the address of the payment channel this signed voucher is valid for
	ChannelAddr addr.Address
	// TimeLockMin sets a min epoch before which the voucher cannot be redeemed
	TimeLockMin abi.ChainEpoch
	// TimeLockMax sets a max epoch beyond which the voucher cannot be redeemed
	// TimeLockMax set to 0 means no timeout
	TimeLockMax abi.ChainEpoch
	// (optional) The SecretPreImage is used by `To` to validate
	SecretPreimage []byte
	// (optional) Extra can be specified by `From` to add a verification method to the voucher
	Extra *ModVerifyParams
	// Specifies which lane the Voucher merges into (will be created if does not exist)
	Lane uint64
	// Nonce is set by `From` to prevent redemption of stale vouchers on a lane
	Nonce uint64
	// Amount voucher can be redeemed for
	Amount big.Int
	// (optional) MinSettleHeight can extend channel MinSettleHeight if needed
	MinSettleHeight abi.ChainEpoch

	// (optional) Set of lanes to be merged into `Lane`
	Merges []Merge

	// Sender's signature over the voucher
	Signature *crypto.Signature
package paych

import (

	addr ""
	paych0 ""
	paych7 ""



const (
	ErrChannelStateUpdateAfterSettled = exitcode.FirstActorSpecificExitCode + iota

type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		builtin.MethodConstructor: a.Constructor,
		2:                         a.UpdateChannelState,
		3:                         a.Settle,
		4:                         a.Collect,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.PaymentChannelActorCodeID

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er {
	return new(State)

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

//type ConstructorParams struct {
//	From addr.Address // Payer
//	To   addr.Address // Payee
type ConstructorParams = paych0.ConstructorParams

// Constructor creates a payment channel actor. See State for meaning of params.
func (pca *Actor) Constructor(rt runtime.Runtime, params *ConstructorParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	// Only InitActor can create a payment channel actor. It creates the actor on
	// behalf of the payer/payee.

	// check that both parties are capable of signing vouchers
	to, err := pca.resolveAccount(rt, params.To)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.Unwrap(err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState), "failed to resolve to address: %s", params.To)
	from, err := pca.resolveAccount(rt, params.From)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.Unwrap(err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState), "failed to resolve from address: %s", params.From)

	emptyArr, err := adt.MakeEmptyArray(adt.AsStore(rt), LaneStatesAmtBitwidth)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to create empty array")
	emptyArrCid, err := emptyArr.Root()
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to persist empty array")

	st := ConstructState(from, to, emptyArrCid)

	return nil

// Resolves an address to a canonical ID address and requires it to address an account actor.
func (pca *Actor) resolveAccount(rt runtime.Runtime, raw addr.Address) (addr.Address, error) {
	resolved, err := builtin.ResolveToIDAddr(rt, raw)
	if err != nil {
		return addr.Undef, exitcode.ErrIllegalState.Wrapf("failed to resolve address %v: %w", raw, err)

	codeCID, ok := rt.GetActorCodeCID(resolved)
	if !ok {
		return addr.Undef, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument.Wrapf("no code for address %v", resolved)
	if codeCID != builtin.AccountActorCodeID {
		return addr.Undef, exitcode.ErrForbidden.Wrapf("actor %v must be an account (%v), was %v", raw,
			builtin.AccountActorCodeID, codeCID)

	return resolved, nil

// Payment Channel state operations

type UpdateChannelStateParams = paych7.UpdateChannelStateParams
type SignedVoucher = paych7.SignedVoucher

func VoucherSigningBytes(t *SignedVoucher) ([]byte, error) {
	osv := *t
	osv.Signature = nil

	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if err := osv.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return buf.Bytes(), nil

// Modular Verification method
//type ModVerifyParams struct {
//	// Actor on which to invoke the method.
//	Actor addr.Address
//	// Method to invoke.
//	Method abi.MethodNum
//	// Pre-serialized method parameters.
//	Params []byte
type ModVerifyParams = paych0.ModVerifyParams

// Specifies which `Lane`s to be merged with what `Nonce` on channelUpdate
//type Merge struct {
//	Lane  uint64
//	Nonce uint64
type Merge = paych0.Merge

func (pca Actor) UpdateChannelState(rt runtime.Runtime, params *UpdateChannelStateParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	var st State

	// both parties must sign voucher: one who submits it, the other explicitly signs it
	rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(st.From, st.To)
	var signer addr.Address
	if rt.Caller() == st.From {
		signer = st.To
	} else {
		signer = st.From
	sv := params.Sv

	if sv.Signature == nil {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "voucher has no signature")

	if st.SettlingAt != 0 && rt.CurrEpoch() >= st.SettlingAt {
		rt.Abortf(ErrChannelStateUpdateAfterSettled, "no vouchers can be processed after SettlingAt epoch")

	if len(params.Secret) > MaxSecretSize {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "secret must be at most 256 bytes long")

	vb, err := VoucherSigningBytes(&sv)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to serialize signedvoucher")

	err = rt.VerifySignature(*sv.Signature, signer, vb)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "voucher signature invalid")

	pchAddr := rt.Receiver()
	svpchIDAddr, found := rt.ResolveAddress(sv.ChannelAddr)
	if !found {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "voucher payment channel address %s does not resolve to an ID address", sv.ChannelAddr)
	if pchAddr != svpchIDAddr {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "voucher payment channel address %s does not match receiver %s", svpchIDAddr, pchAddr)

	if rt.CurrEpoch() < sv.TimeLockMin {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot use this voucher yet!")

	if sv.TimeLockMax != 0 && rt.CurrEpoch() > sv.TimeLockMax {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "this voucher has expired!")

	if sv.Amount.Sign() < 0 {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "voucher amount must be non-negative, was %v", sv.Amount)

	if len(sv.SecretHash) > 0 {
		hashedSecret := rt.HashBlake2b(params.Secret)
		if !bytes.Equal(hashedSecret[:], sv.SecretHash) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "incorrect secret!")

	if sv.Extra != nil {

		code := rt.Send(
		builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "spend voucher verification failed")

	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		laneFound := true

		lstates, err := adt.AsArray(adt.AsStore(rt), st.LaneStates, LaneStatesAmtBitwidth)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load lanes")

		// Find the voucher lane, creating if necessary.
		laneId := sv.Lane
		laneState := findLane(rt, lstates, sv.Lane)

		if laneState == nil {
			laneState = &LaneState{
				Redeemed: big.Zero(),
				Nonce:    0,
			laneFound = false

		if laneFound {
			if laneState.Nonce >= sv.Nonce {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "voucher has an outdated nonce, existing nonce: %d, voucher nonce: %d, cannot redeem",
					laneState.Nonce, sv.Nonce)

		// The next section actually calculates the payment amounts to update the payment channel state
		// 1. (optional) sum already redeemed value of all merging lanes
		redeemedFromOthers := big.Zero()
		for _, merge := range sv.Merges {
			if merge.Lane == sv.Lane {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "voucher cannot merge lanes into its own lane")

			otherls := findLane(rt, lstates, merge.Lane)
			if otherls == nil {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "voucher specifies invalid merge lane %v", merge.Lane)
				return // makes linters happy

			if otherls.Nonce >= merge.Nonce {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "merged lane in voucher has outdated nonce, cannot redeem")

			redeemedFromOthers = big.Add(redeemedFromOthers, otherls.Redeemed)
			otherls.Nonce = merge.Nonce
			err = lstates.Set(merge.Lane, otherls)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to store lane %d", merge.Lane)

		// 2. To prevent double counting, remove already redeemed amounts (from
		// voucher or other lanes) from the voucher amount
		laneState.Nonce = sv.Nonce
		balanceDelta := big.Sub(sv.Amount, big.Add(redeemedFromOthers, laneState.Redeemed))
		// 3. set new redeemed value for merged-into lane
		laneState.Redeemed = sv.Amount

		newSendBalance := big.Add(st.ToSend, balanceDelta)

		// 4. check operation validity
		if newSendBalance.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "voucher would leave channel balance negative")
		if newSendBalance.GreaterThan(rt.CurrentBalance()) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "not enough funds in channel to cover voucher")

		// 5. add new redemption ToSend
		st.ToSend = newSendBalance

		// update channel settlingAt and MinSettleHeight if delayed by voucher
		if sv.MinSettleHeight != 0 {
			if st.SettlingAt != 0 && st.SettlingAt < sv.MinSettleHeight {
				st.SettlingAt = sv.MinSettleHeight
			if st.MinSettleHeight < sv.MinSettleHeight {
				st.MinSettleHeight = sv.MinSettleHeight

		err = lstates.Set(laneId, laneState)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to store lane", laneId)

		st.LaneStates, err = lstates.Root()
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save lanes")
	return nil

func (pca Actor) Settle(rt runtime.Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *abi.EmptyValue {
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(st.From, st.To)

		if st.SettlingAt != 0 {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "channel already settling")

		st.SettlingAt = rt.CurrEpoch() + SettleDelay
		if st.SettlingAt < st.MinSettleHeight {
			st.SettlingAt = st.MinSettleHeight
	return nil

func (pca Actor) Collect(rt runtime.Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *abi.EmptyValue {
	var st State
	rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(st.From, st.To)

	if st.SettlingAt == 0 || rt.CurrEpoch() < st.SettlingAt {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "payment channel not settling or settled")

	// send ToSend to "To"
	codeTo := rt.Send(
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, codeTo, "Failed to send funds to `To`")

	// the remaining balance will be returned to "From" upon deletion.

	return nil

// Returns the insertion index for a lane ID, with the matching lane state if found, or nil.
func findLane(rt runtime.Runtime, ls *adt.Array, id uint64) *LaneState {
	if id > MaxLane {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "maximum lane ID is 2^63-1")

	var out LaneState
	found, err := ls.Get(id, &out)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load lane %d", id)

	if !found {
		return nil

	return &out

Multisig Wallet & Actor

The Multisig actor is a single actor representing a group of Signers. Signers may be external users, other Multisigs, or even the Multisig itself. There should be a maximum of 256 signers in a multisig wallet. In case more signers are needed, then the multisigs should be combined into a tree.

The implementation of the Multisig Actor can be found here.

The Multisig Actor statuses can be found here.

Storage Mining

The Storage Mining System is the part of the Filecoin Protocol that deals with storing Client’s data and producing proof artifacts that demonstrate correct storage behavior.

Storage Mining is one of the most central parts of the Filecoin protocol overall, as it provides all the required consensus algorithms based on proven storage power in the network. Miners are selected to mine blocks and extend the blockchain based on the storage power that they have committed to the network. Storage is added in unit of sectors and sectors are promises to the network that some storage will remain for a promised duration. In order to participate in Storage Mining, the storage miners have to: i) Add storage to the system, and ii) Prove that they maintain a copy of the data they have agreed to throughout the sector’s lifetime.

Storing data and producing proofs is a complex, highly optimizable process, with lots of tunable choices. Miners should explore the design space to arrive at something that (a) satisfies protocol and network-wide constraints, (b) satisfies clients’ requests and expectations (as expressed in Deals), and (c) gives them the most cost-effective operation. This part of the Filecoin Spec primarily describes in detail what MUST and SHOULD happen here, and leaves ample room for various optimizations for implementers, miners, and users to make. In some parts, we describe algorithms that could be replaced by other, more optimized versions, but in those cases it is important that the protocol constraints are satisfied. The protocol constraints are spelled out in clear detail. It is up to implementers who deviate from the algorithms presented here to ensure their modifications satisfy those constraints, especially those relating to protocol security.


Sectors are the basic units of storage on Filecoin. They have standard sizes, as well as well-defined time-increments for commitments. The size of a sector balances security concerns against usability. A sectorʼs lifetime is determined in the storage market, and sets the promised duration of the sector.

In the first iteration of the protocol, 32GiB and 64GiB sectors are supported. Maximum sector lifetime is determined by the proof algorithm. Maximum sector lifetime is initially 18 months. A sector naturally expires when it reaches the end of its lifetime. Additionally, the miner can extend the lifetime of their sectors. Rewards are earned and collaterals recovered when the miner fulfils their commitment.

Individual deals are formed when a storage miner and client are matched on Filecoinʼs storage market. The protocol does not distinguish miners matching with real clients from miners generating self-deals. However, committed capacity is a construction that is introduced to make self-dealing unnecessary and economically irrational. In earlier designs of the network, only sectors filled with deals increased the minerʼs likelihood of winning the block reward. This led to the expectation that miners would attack and exploit the network by playing the role of both storage provider and client, creating a malicious self-deal.

If a sector is only partially full of deals, the network considers the remainder to be committed capacity. Similarly, sectors with no deals are called committed capacity sectors; miners are rewarded for proving to the network that they are pledging storage capacity and are encouraged to find clients who need storage. When a miner finds storage demand, they can upgrade their committed capacity sectors to earn additional revenue in the form of a deal fee from paying clients. More details on how to add storage and upgrade sectors in Adding Storage.

Committed capacity sectors improve minersʼ incentives to store client data, but they donʼt solve the problem entirely. Storing real client files adds some operational overhead for storage miners. In certain circumstances – for example, if a miner values block rewards far more than deal fees – miners might still choose to ignore client data entirely and simply store committed capacity to increase their storage power as rapidly as possible in pursuit of block rewards. This would make Filecoin less useful and limit clientsʼ ability to store data on the network. Filecoin addresses this issue by introducing the concept of verified clients. Verified clients are certified by a decentralized network of verifiers. Once verified, they can post a predetermined amount of verified client deal data to the storage market, set by the size of their DataCap. Sectors with verified client deals are awarded more storage power – and therefore more block rewards – than sectors without. This provides storage miners with an additional incentive to store client data.

Verification is not intended to be scarce – it will be very easy to acquire for anyone with real data to store on Filecoin. Even though verifiers may allocate verified client DataCaps liberally (yet responsibly and transparently) to make onboarding easier, the overall effect should be a dramatic increase in the proportion of useful data stored on Filecoin.

Once a sector is full (either with client data or as committed capacity), the unsealed sector is combined by a proving tree into a single root UnsealedSectorCID. The sealing process then encodes (using CBOR) an unsealed sector into a sealed sector, with the root SealedSectorCID.

This diagram shows the composition of an unsealed sector and a sealed sector.

Unsealed Sectors and Sealed Sectors

Sector Storage & Window PoSt

The Lotus implementation of the Window PoSt scheduler can be found here and the actual execution of Window PoSt on a sector can be found here.

The Lotus block store implementation for sectors can be found here.

Sector Lifecycle

Once the sector has been generated and the deal has been incorporated into the Filecoin blockchain, the storage miner begins generating Proofs-of-Spacetime (PoSt) on the sector, starting to potentially win block rewards and also earn storage fees. Parameters are set so that miners generate and capture more value if they guarantee that their sectors will be around for the duration of the original contract. However, some bounds are placed on a sectorʼs lifetime to improve the network performance.

In particular, as sectors of shorter lifetime are added, the networkʼs capacity can be bottlenecked. The reason is that the chainʼs bandwidth is consumed with new sectors only replacing expiring ones. As a result, a minimum sector lifetime of six months was introduced to more effectively utilize chain bandwidth and miners have the incentive to commit to sectors of longer lifetime. The maximum sector lifetime is limited by the security of the present proofs construction. For a given set of proofs and parameters, the security of Filecoinʼs Proof-of-Replication (PoRep) is expected to decrease as sector lifetimes increase.

It is reasonable to assume that miners enter the network by adding Committed Capacity sectors, that is, sectors that do not contain user data. Once miners agree storage deals with clients, they upgrade their sectors to Regular Sectors. Alternatively, if they find Verified Clients and agree a storage deal with them, they upgrade their sector accordingly. Depending on whether or not a sector includes a (verified) deal, the miner acquires the corresponding storage power in the network.

All sectors are expected to remain live until the end of their sector lifetime and early dropping of sectors will result in slashing. This is done to provide clients a certain level of guarantee on the reliability of their hosted data. Sector termination comes with a corresponding termination fee.

As with every system it is expected that sectors will present faults. Although this might degrade the quality offered by the network, the reaction of the miner to the fault drives system decisions on whether or not the miner should be penalized. A miner can recover the faulty sector, let the system terminate the sector automatically after 42 days of faults, or proactively terminate the sector immediately in the case of unrecoverable data loss. In case of a faulty sector, a small penalty fee approximately equal to the block reward that the sector would win per day is applied. The fee is calculated per day of the sector being unavailable to the network, i.e. until the sector is recovered or terminated.

Miners can extend the lifetime of a sector at any time, though the sector will be expected to remain live until it has reached the end of the new sector lifetime. This can be done by submitting a ExtendedSectorExpiration message to the chain.

A sector can be in one of the following states.

State Description
Precommitted Miner seals sector and submits miner.PreCommitSector or miner.PreCommitSectorBatch
Committed Miner generates a Seal proof and submits miner.ProveCommitSector or miner.ProveCommitAggregate
Active Miner generate valid PoSt proofs and timely submits miner.SubmitWindowedPoSt
Faulty Miner fails to generate a proof (see Fault section)
Recovering Miner declared a faulty sector via miner.DeclareFaultRecovered
Terminated Either sector is expired, or early terminated by a miner via miner.TerminateSectors, or was failed to be proven for 42 consecutive proving periods.

Sector Quality

Given different sector contents, not all sectors have the same usefulness to the network. The notion of Sector Quality distinguishes between sectors with heuristics indicating the presence of valuable data. That distinction is used to allocate more subsidies to higher-quality sectors. To quantify the contribution of a sector to the consensus power of the network, some relevant parameters are described here.

  • Sector Spacetime: This measurement is the sector size multiplied by its promised duration in byte-epochs.
  • Deal Weight: This weight converts spacetime occupied by deals into consensus power. Deal weight of verified client deals in a sector is called Verified Deal Weight and will be greater than the regular deal weight.
  • Deal Quality Multiplier: This factor is assigned to different deal types (committed capacity, regular deals, and verified client deals) to reward different content.
  • Sector Quality Multiplier: Sector quality is assigned on Activation (the epoch when the miner starts proving theyʼre storing the file). The sector quality multiplier is computed as an average of deal quality multipliers (committed capacity, regular deals, and verified client deals), weighted by the amount of spacetime each type of deal occupies in the sector.
$SectorQualityMultiplier = \frac{\sum\nolimits_{deals} DealWeight * DealQualityMultiplier}{SectorSpaceTime}$
  • Raw Byte Power: This measurement is the size of a sector in bytes.
  • Quality-Adjusted Power: This parameter measures the consensus power of stored data on the network, and is equal to Raw Byte Power multiplied by Sector Quality Multiplier.

The multipliers for committed capacity and regular deals are equal to make self dealing irrational in the current configuration of the protocol. In the future, it may make sense to pick different values, depending on other ways of preventing attacks becoming available.

The high quality multiplier and easy verification process for verified client deals facilitates decentralization of miner power. Unlike other proof-of-work-based protocols, like Bitcoin, central control of the network is not simply decided based on the resources that a new participant can bring. In Filecoin, accumulating control either requires significantly more resources or some amount of consent from verified clients, who must make deals with the centralized miners for them to increase their influence. Verified client mechanisms add a layer of social trust to a purely resource driven network. As long as the process is fair and transparent with accountability and bounded trust, abuse can be contained and minimized. A high sector quality multiplier is a very powerful leverage for clients to push storage providers to build features that will be useful to the network as a whole and increase the networkʼs long-term value. The verification process and DataCap allocation are meant to evolve over time as the community learns to automate and improve this process. An illustration of sectors with various contents and their respective sector qualities are shown in the following Figure.

Sector Quality

Sector Quality Adjusted Power is a weighted average of the quality of its space and it is based on the size, duration and quality of its deals.

Name Description
QualityBaseMultiplier (QBM) Multiplier for power for storage without deals.
DealWeightMultiplier (DWM) Multiplier for power for storage with deals.
VerifiedDealWeightMultiplier (VDWM) Multiplier for power for storage with verified deals.

The formula for calculating Sector Quality Adjusted Power (or QAp, often referred to as power) makes use of the following factors:

  • dealSpaceTime: sum of the duration*size of each deal
  • verifiedSpaceTime: sum of the duration*size of each verified deal
  • baseSpaceTime (spacetime without deals): sectorSize*sectorDuration - dealSpaceTime - verifiedSpaceTime

Based on these the average quality of a sector is:

$avgQuality = \frac{baseSpaceTime*QBM + dealSpaceTime*DWM + verifiedSpaceTime*VDWM}{sectorSize*sectorDuration*QBM}$

The Sector Quality Adjusted Power is:

$sectorQuality = avgQuality*size$

During miner.PreCommitSector and miner.PreCommitSectorBatch, the sector quality is calculated and stored in the sector information.

Sector Sealing

Before a Sector can be used, the Miner must seal the Sector: encode the data in the Sector to prepare it for the proving process.

  • Unsealed Sector: A Sector of raw data.
    • UnsealedCID (CommD): The root hash of the Unsealed Sector’s merkle tree. Also called CommD, or “data commitment.”
  • Sealed Sector: A Sector that has been encoded to prepare it for the proving process.
    • SealedCID (CommR): The root hash of the Sealed Sector’s merkle tree. Also called CommR, or “replica commitment.”

Sealing a sector through Proof-of-Replication (PoRep) is a computation-intensive process that results in a unique encoding of the sector. Once data is sealed, storage miners: generate a proof; run a SNARK on the proof to compress it; and finally, submit the result of the compression to the blockchain as a certification of the storage commitment. Depending on the PoRep algorithm and protocol security parameters, cost profiles and performance characteristics vary and tradeoffs have to be made among sealing cost, security, onchain footprint, retrieval latency and so on. However, sectors can be sealed with commercial hardware and sealing cost is expected to decrease over time. The Filecoin Protocol will launch with Stacked Depth Robust (SDR) PoRep with a planned upgrade to Narrow Stacked Expander (NSE) PoRep with improvement in both cost and retrieval latency.

The Lotus-specific set of functions applied to the sealing of a sector can be found here.


Randomness is an important attribute that helps the network verify the integrity of Miners’ stored data. Filecoin’s block creation process includes two types of randomness:

  • DRAND: Values pulled from a distributed random beacon
  • VRF: The output of a Verifiable Random Function (VRF), which takes the previous block’s VRF value and produces the current block’s VRF value.

Each block produced in Filecoin includes values pulled from these two sources of randomness.

When Miners submit proofs about their stored data, the proofs incorporate references to randomness added at specific epochs. Assuming these values were not able to be predicted ahead of time, this helps ensure that Miners generated proofs at a specific point in time.

There are two proof types. Each uses one of the two sources of randomness:

  • Windowed PoSt: Uses Drand values
  • Proof of Replication (PoRep): Uses VRF values
Drawing randomness for sector commitments

Tickets are used as input to calculation of the ReplicaID in order to tie Proofs-of-Replication to a given chain, thereby preventing long-range attacks (from another miner in the future trying to reuse SEALs).

The ticket has to be drawn from a finalized block in order to prevent the miner from potential losing storage (in case of a chain reorg) even though their storage is intact.

Verification should ensure that the ticket was drawn no farther back than necessary by the miner. We note that tickets can uniquely be associated with a given round in the protocol (lest a hash collision be found), but that the round number is explicited by the miner in commitSector.

We present precisely how ticket selection and verification should work. In the below, we use the following notation:

  • F– Finality (number of rounds)
  • X– round in which SEALing starts
  • Z– round in which the SEAL appears (in a block)
  • Y– round announced in the SEAL commitSector (should be X, but a miner could use any Y <= X), denoted by the ticket selection
  • T– estimated time for SEAL, dependent on sector size
  • G = T + variance– necessary flexibility to account for network delay and SEAL-time variance.

We expect Filecoin will be able to produce estimates for sector commitment time based on sector sizes, e.g.: (estimate, variance) <--- SEALTime(sectors) G and T will be selected using these.

Picking a Ticket to Seal: When starting to prepare a SEAL in round X, the miner should draw a ticket from X-F with which to compute the SEAL.

Verifying a Seal’s ticket: When verifying a SEAL in round Z, a verifier should ensure that the ticket used to generate the SEAL is found in the range of rounds [Z-T-F-G, Z-T-F+G].

           ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

         X-F ◀───────F────────▶ X ◀──────────T─────────▶ Z
     -G   .  +G                 .                        .
  ───(┌───────┐)───────────────( )──────────────────────( )────────▶
      └───────┘                 '                        '        time
 [Z-T-F-G, Z-T-F+G]

          └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

Note that the prover here is submitting a message on chain (i.e. the SEAL). Using an older ticket than necessary to generate the SEAL is something the miner may do to gain more confidence about finality (since we are in a probabilistically final system). However it has a cost in terms of securing the chain in the face of long-range attacks (specifically, by mixing in chain randomness here, we ensure that an attacker going back a month in time to try and create their own chain would have to completely regenerate any and all sectors drawing randomness since to use for their fork’s power).

We break this down as follows:

  • The miner should draw from X-F.
  • The verifier wants to find what X-F should have been (to ensure the miner is not drawing from farther back) even though Y (i.e. the round of the ticket actually used) is an unverifiable value.
  • Thus, the verifier will need to make an inference about what X-F is likely to have been based on:
    • (known) round in which the message is received (Z)
    • (known) finality value (F)
    • (approximate) SEAL time (T)
  • Because T is an approximate value, and to account for network delay and variance in SEAL time across miners, the verifier allows for G offset from the assumed value of X-F: Z-T-F, hence verifying that the ticket is drawn from the range [Z-T-F-G, Z-T-F+G].

In Practice, the Filecoin protocol will include a MAX_SEAL_TIME for each sector size and proof type.

Sector Faults

It is very important for storage providers to have a strong incentive to both report the failure to the chain and attempt recovery from the fault in order to uphold the storage guarantee for the networkʼs clients. Without this incentive, it is impossible to distinguish an honest minerʼs hardware failure from malicious behavior, which is necessary to treat miners fairly. The size of the fault fees depend on the severity of the failure and the rewards that the miner is expected to earn from the sector to make sure incentives are aligned. The two types of sector storage fault fees are:

  • Sector fault fee: This fee is paid per sector per day while the sector is in a faulty state. This fee is not paid the first day the system detects the fault allowing a one day grace period for recovery without fee. The size of the sector fault fee is slightly more than the amount the sector is expected to earn per day in block rewards. If a sector remains faulty for more than 42 consecutive days, the sector will pay a termination fee and be removed from the chain state. As storage miner reliability increases above a reasonable threshold, the risk posed by these fees decreases rapidly.
  • Sector termination fee: A sector can be terminated before its expiration through automatic faults or miner decisions. A termination fee is charged that is, in principle, equivalent to how much a sector has earned so far, up to a limit in order to avoid discouraging long sector lifetimes. In an active termination, the miner decides to stop mining and they pay a fee to leave. In a fault termination, a sector is in a faulty state for too long, and the chain terminates the deal, returns unpaid deal fees to the client and penalizes the miner. Termination fee is currently capped at 90 days worth of block reward that a sector will earn. Miners are responsible for deciding to comply with local regulations, and may sometimes need to accept a termination fee for complying with content laws. Many of the concepts and parameters above make use of the notion of “how much a sector would have earned in a day” in order to understand and align incentives for participants. This concept is robustly tracked and extrapolated on chain.

Sector Recovery

Miners should try to recover faulty sectors in order to avoid paying the penalty, which is approximately equal to the block reward that the miner would receive from that sector. After fixing technical issues, the miner should call RecoveryDeclaration and produce the WindowPoSt challenge in order to regain the power from that sector.

Note that if a sector is in a faulty state for 42 consecutive days it will be terminated and the miner will receive a penalty. The miner can terminate the sector themselves by calling TerminationDeclaration, if they know that they cannot recover it, in which case they will receive a smaller penalty fee.

Both the RecoveryDeclaration and the TerminationDeclaration can be found in the miner actor implementation.

Adding Storage

A Miner adds more storage in the form of Sectors. Adding more storage is a two-step process:

  1. PreCommitting a Sector: A Miner publishes a Sector’s SealedCID, through miner.PreCommitSector of miner.PreCommitSectorBatch, and makes a deposit. The Sector is now registered to the Miner, and the Miner must ProveCommit the Sector or lose their deposit.
  2. ProveCommitting a Sector: The Miner provides a Proof of Replication (PoRep) for the Sector through miner.ProveCommitSector or miner.ProveCommitAggregate. This proof must be submitted AFTER a delay (the InteractiveEpoch), and BEFORE PreCommit expiration.

This two-step process provides assurance that the Miner’s PoRep actually proves that the Miner has replicated the Sector data and is generating proofs from it:

  • ProveCommitments must happen AFTER the InteractiveEpoch (150 blocks after Sector PreCommit), as the randomness included at that epoch is used in the PoRep.
  • ProveCommitments must happen BEFORE the PreCommit expiration, which is a boundary established to make sure Miners don’t have enough time to “fake” PoRep generation.

For each Sector successfully ProveCommitted, the Miner becomes responsible for continuously proving the existence of their Sectors’ data. In return, the Miner is awarded storage power.

Upgrading Sectors

Miners are granted storage power in exchange for the storage space they dedicate to Filecoin. Ideally, this storage space is used to store data on behalf of Clients, but there may not always be enough Clients to utilize all the space a Miner has to offer.

In order for a Miner to maximize storage power (and profit), they should take advantage of all available storage space immediately, even before they find enough Clients to use this space.

To facilitate this, there are two types of Sectors that may be sealed and ProveCommitted:

  • Regular Sector: A Sector that contains Client data
  • Committed Capacity (CC) Sector: A Sector with no data (all zeroes)

Miners are free to choose which types of Sectors to store. CC sectors, in particular, allow Miners to immediately make use of existing disk space: earning storage power and a higher chance at producing a block. Miners can decide if they should upgrade their CC sectors to take client deals or continue proving CC sectors. Currently, CC sectors store randomness by default in client implementation, but this does not preclude miners from storing any type of useful data that increase their private utility in CC sectors (as long as it is legal). The protocol expects that new use-cases and diversity will emerge out of such behaviour.

To incentivize Miners to hoard storage space and dedicate it to Filecoin, CC Sectors have a unique capability: they can be “upgraded” to Regular Sectors (also called “replacing a CC Sector”).

Miners upgrade their ProveCommitted CC Sectors by PreCommitting a Regular Sector, and specifying that it should replace an existing CC Sector. Once the Regular Sector is successfully ProveCommitted, it will replace the existing CC Sector. If the newly ProveCommitted Regular sector contains a Verified Client deal, i.e., a deal with higher Sector Quality, then the miner’s storage power will increase accordingly.

Upgrading capacity currently involves resealing, that is, creating a unique representation of the new data included in the Sector through a computationally intensive process. Looking ahead, committed capacity upgrades should eventually be possible without a reseal. A succinct and publicly verifiable proof that the committed capacity has been correctly replaced with replicated data should achieve this goal. However, this mechanism must be fully specified to preserve the security and incentives of the network before it can be implemented and is, therefore, left as a future improvement.

Storage Miner

Storage Mining Subsystem

The Filecoin Storage Mining Subsystem ensures a storage miner can effectively commit storage to the Filecoin protocol in order to both:

  • Participate in the Filecoin Storage Market by taking on client data and participating in storage deals.
  • Participate in Filecoin Storage Power Consensus by verifying and generating blocks to grow the Filecoin blockchain and earning block rewards and fees for doing so.

The above involves a number of steps to putting on and maintaining online storage, such as:

Filecoin Proofs

Proof of Replication

A Proof of Replication (PoRep) is a proof that a Miner has correctly generated a unique replica of some underlying data.

In practice, the underlying data is the raw data contained in an Unsealed Sector, and a PoRep is a SNARK proof that the sealing process was performed correctly to produce a Sealed Sector (See Sealing a Sector).

It is important to note that the replica should not only be unique to the miner, but also to the time when a miner has actually created the replica, i.e., sealed the sector. This means that if the same miner produces a sealed sector out of the same raw data twice, then this would count as a different replica.

When Miners commit to storing data, they must first produce a valid Proof of Replication.

Proof of Spacetime

A Proof of Spacetime (aka PoSt) is a long-term assurance of a Miner’s continuous storage of their Sectors’ data. This is not a single proof, but a collection of proofs the Miner has submitted over time. Periodically, a Miner must add to these proofs by submitting a WindowPoSt:

  • Fundamentally, a WindowPoSt is a collection of merkle proofs over the underlying data in a Miner’s Sectors.
  • WindowPoSts bundle proofs of various leaves across groups of Sectors (called Partitions).
  • These proofs are submitted as a single SNARK.

The historical and ongoing submission of WindowPoSts creates assurance that the Miner has been storing, and continues to store the Sectors they agreed to store in the storage deal.

Once a Miner successfully adds and ProveCommits a Sector, the Sector is assigned to a Deadline: a specific window of time during which PoSts must be submitted. The day is broken up into 48 individual Deadlines of 30 minutes each, and ProveCommitted Sectors are assigned to one of these 48 Deadlines.

  • PoSts may only be submitted for the currently-active Deadline. Deadlines are open for 30 minutes, starting from the Deadline’s “Open” epoch and ending at its “Close” epoch.
  • PoSts must incorporate randomness pulled from a random beacon. This randomness becomes publicly available at the Deadline’s “Challenge” epoch, which is 20 epochs prior to its “Open” epoch.
  • Deadlines also have a FaultCutoff epoch, 70 epochs prior to its “Open” epoch. After this epoch, Faults can no longer be declared for the Deadline’s Sectors.

Miner Accounting

A Miner’s financial gain or loss is affected by the following three actions:

  1. Miners deposit tokens to act as collateral for their PreCommitted and ProveCommitted Sectors
  2. Miners earn tokens from block rewards, when they are elected to mine a new block and extend the blockchain.
  3. Miners lose tokens if they fail to prove storage of a sector and are given penalties as a result.
Balance Requirements

A Miner’s token balance MUST cover ALL of the following:

  • PreCommit Deposits: When a Miner PreCommits a Sector, they must supply a “precommit deposit” for the Sector, which acts as collateral. If the Sector is not ProveCommitted on time, this deposit is removed and burned.
  • Initial Pledge: When a Miner ProveCommits a Sector, they must supply an “initial pledge” for the Sector, which acts as collateral. If the Sector is terminated, this deposit is removed and burned along with rewards earned by this sector up to a limit.
  • Locked Funds: When a Miner receives tokens from block rewards, the tokens are locked and added to the Miner’s vesting table to be unlocked linearly over some future epochs.
Faults, Penalties and Fee Debt