Storage Miner Actor

Storage Miner Actor

Balance of Miner Actor should be greater than or equal to the sum of PreCommitDeposits and LockedFunds. It is possible for balance to fall below the sum of PCD, LF and InitialPledgeRequirements, and this is a bad state (IP Debt) that limits a miner actor’s behavior (i.e. no balance withdrawals) Excess balance as computed by st.GetAvailableBalance will be withdrawable or usable for pre-commit deposit or pledge lock-up.
type State struct {
	// Information not related to sectors.
	Info cid.Cid

	PreCommitDeposits abi.TokenAmount // Total funds locked as PreCommitDeposits
	LockedFunds       abi.TokenAmount // Total rewards and added funds locked in vesting table

	VestingFunds cid.Cid // VestingFunds (Vesting Funds schedule for the miner).

	FeeDebt abi.TokenAmount // Absolute value of debt this miner owes from unpaid fees

	InitialPledge abi.TokenAmount // Sum of initial pledge requirements of all active sectors

	// Sectors that have been pre-committed but not yet proven.
	PreCommittedSectors cid.Cid // Map, HAMT[SectorNumber]SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo

	// PreCommittedSectorsCleanUp maintains the state required to cleanup expired PreCommittedSectors.
	PreCommittedSectorsCleanUp cid.Cid // BitFieldQueue (AMT[Epoch]*BitField)

	// Allocated sector IDs. Sector IDs can never be reused once allocated.
	AllocatedSectors cid.Cid // BitField

	// Information for all proven and not-yet-garbage-collected sectors.
	// Sectors are removed from this AMT when the partition to which the
	// sector belongs is compacted.
	Sectors cid.Cid // Array, AMT[SectorNumber]SectorOnChainInfo (sparse)

	// DEPRECATED. This field will change names and no longer be updated every proving period in a future upgrade
	// The first epoch in this miner's current proving period. This is the first epoch in which a PoSt for a
	// partition at the miner's first deadline may arrive. Alternatively, it is after the last epoch at which
	// a PoSt for the previous window is valid.
	// Always greater than zero, this may be greater than the current epoch for genesis miners in the first
	// WPoStProvingPeriod epochs of the chain; the epochs before the first proving period starts are exempt from Window
	// PoSt requirements.
	// Updated at the end of every period by a cron callback.
	ProvingPeriodStart abi.ChainEpoch

	// DEPRECATED. This field will be removed from state in a future upgrade.
	// Index of the deadline within the proving period beginning at ProvingPeriodStart that has not yet been
	// finalized.
	// Updated at the end of each deadline window by a cron callback.
	CurrentDeadline uint64

	// The sector numbers due for PoSt at each deadline in the current proving period, frozen at period start.
	// New sectors are added and expired ones removed at proving period boundary.
	// Faults are not subtracted from this in state, but on the fly.
	Deadlines cid.Cid

	// Deadlines with outstanding fees for early sector termination.
	EarlyTerminations bitfield.BitField

	// True when miner cron is active, false otherwise
	DeadlineCronActive bool
package miner

import (

	miner7 ""

	addr ""
	rtt ""
	miner0 ""
	miner2 ""
	miner3 ""
	miner5 ""
	cid ""
	cbg ""

	. ""

type Runtime = runtime.Runtime

const (
	// The first 1000 actor-specific codes are left open for user error, i.e. things that might
	// actually happen without programming error in the actor code.
	//ErrToBeDetermined = exitcode.FirstActorSpecificExitCode + iota

	// The following errors are particular cases of illegal state.
	// They're not expected to ever happen, but if they do, distinguished codes can help us
	// diagnose the problem.
	ErrBalanceInvariantBroken = 1000

type Actor struct{}

func (a Actor) Exports() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{
		builtin.MethodConstructor: a.Constructor,
		2:                         a.ControlAddresses,
		3:                         a.ChangeWorkerAddress,
		4:                         a.ChangePeerID,
		5:                         a.SubmitWindowedPoSt,
		6:                         a.PreCommitSector,
		7:                         a.ProveCommitSector,
		8:                         a.ExtendSectorExpiration,
		9:                         a.TerminateSectors,
		10:                        a.DeclareFaults,
		11:                        a.DeclareFaultsRecovered,
		12:                        a.OnDeferredCronEvent,
		13:                        a.CheckSectorProven,
		14:                        a.ApplyRewards,
		15:                        a.ReportConsensusFault,
		16:                        a.WithdrawBalance,
		17:                        a.ConfirmSectorProofsValid,
		18:                        a.ChangeMultiaddrs,
		19:                        a.CompactPartitions,
		20:                        a.CompactSectorNumbers,
		21:                        a.ConfirmUpdateWorkerKey,
		22:                        a.RepayDebt,
		23:                        a.ChangeOwnerAddress,
		24:                        a.DisputeWindowedPoSt,
		25:                        a.PreCommitSectorBatch,
		26:                        a.ProveCommitAggregate,
		27:                        a.ProveReplicaUpdates,

func (a Actor) Code() cid.Cid {
	return builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID

func (a Actor) State() cbor.Er {
	return new(State)

var _ runtime.VMActor = Actor{}

// Constructor //

// Storage miner actors are created exclusively by the storage power actor. In order to break a circular dependency
// between the two, the construction parameters are defined in the power actor.
type ConstructorParams = power.MinerConstructorParams

func (a Actor) Constructor(rt Runtime, params *ConstructorParams) *abi.EmptyValue {

	checkControlAddresses(rt, params.ControlAddrs)
	checkPeerInfo(rt, params.PeerId, params.Multiaddrs)

	if !CanWindowPoStProof(params.WindowPoStProofType) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "proof type %d not allowed for new miner actors", params.WindowPoStProofType)

	owner := resolveControlAddress(rt, params.OwnerAddr)
	worker := resolveWorkerAddress(rt, params.WorkerAddr)
	controlAddrs := make([]addr.Address, 0, len(params.ControlAddrs))
	for _, ca := range params.ControlAddrs {
		resolved := resolveControlAddress(rt, ca)
		controlAddrs = append(controlAddrs, resolved)

	currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()
	offset, err := assignProvingPeriodOffset(rt.Receiver(), currEpoch, rt.HashBlake2b)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrSerialization, "failed to assign proving period offset")
	periodStart := currentProvingPeriodStart(currEpoch, offset)
	builtin.RequireState(rt, periodStart <= currEpoch, "computed proving period start %d after current epoch %d", periodStart, currEpoch)
	deadlineIndex := currentDeadlineIndex(currEpoch, periodStart)
	builtin.RequireState(rt, deadlineIndex < WPoStPeriodDeadlines, "computed proving deadline index %d invalid", deadlineIndex)

	info, err := ConstructMinerInfo(owner, worker, controlAddrs, params.PeerId, params.Multiaddrs, params.WindowPoStProofType)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to construct initial miner info")
	infoCid := rt.StorePut(info)

	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	state, err := ConstructState(store, infoCid, periodStart, deadlineIndex)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to construct state")

	return nil

// Control //

// type GetControlAddressesReturn struct {
// 	Owner        addr.Address
// 	Worker       addr.Address
// 	ControlAddrs []addr.Address
// }
type GetControlAddressesReturn = miner2.GetControlAddressesReturn

func (a Actor) ControlAddresses(rt Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *GetControlAddressesReturn {
	var st State
	info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
	return &GetControlAddressesReturn{
		Owner:        info.Owner,
		Worker:       info.Worker,
		ControlAddrs: info.ControlAddresses,

//type ChangeWorkerAddressParams struct {
//	NewWorker       addr.Address
//	NewControlAddrs []addr.Address
type ChangeWorkerAddressParams = miner0.ChangeWorkerAddressParams

// ChangeWorkerAddress will ALWAYS overwrite the existing control addresses with the control addresses passed in the params.
// If a nil addresses slice is passed, the control addresses will be cleared.
// A worker change will be scheduled if the worker passed in the params is different from the existing worker.
func (a Actor) ChangeWorkerAddress(rt Runtime, params *ChangeWorkerAddressParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	checkControlAddresses(rt, params.NewControlAddrs)

	newWorker := resolveWorkerAddress(rt, params.NewWorker)

	var controlAddrs []addr.Address
	for _, ca := range params.NewControlAddrs {
		resolved := resolveControlAddress(rt, ca)
		controlAddrs = append(controlAddrs, resolved)

	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)

		// Only the Owner is allowed to change the newWorker and control addresses.

		// save the new control addresses
		info.ControlAddresses = controlAddrs

		// save newWorker addr key change request
		if newWorker != info.Worker && info.PendingWorkerKey == nil {
			info.PendingWorkerKey = &WorkerKeyChange{
				NewWorker:   newWorker,
				EffectiveAt: rt.CurrEpoch() + WorkerKeyChangeDelay,

		err := st.SaveInfo(adt.AsStore(rt), info)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "could not save miner info")

	return nil

// Triggers a worker address change if a change has been requested and its effective epoch has arrived.
func (a Actor) ConfirmUpdateWorkerKey(rt Runtime, params *abi.EmptyValue) *abi.EmptyValue {
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)

		// Only the Owner is allowed to change the newWorker.

		processPendingWorker(info, rt, &st)

	return nil

// Proposes or confirms a change of owner address.
// If invoked by the current owner, proposes a new owner address for confirmation. If the proposed address is the
// current owner address, revokes any existing proposal.
// If invoked by the previously proposed address, with the same proposal, changes the current owner address to be
// that proposed address.
func (a Actor) ChangeOwnerAddress(rt Runtime, newAddress *addr.Address) *abi.EmptyValue {
	if newAddress.Empty() {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "empty address")
	if newAddress.Protocol() != addr.ID {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "owner address must be an ID address")
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		if rt.Caller() == info.Owner || info.PendingOwnerAddress == nil {
			// Propose new address.
			info.PendingOwnerAddress = newAddress
		} else { // info.PendingOwnerAddress != nil
			// Confirm the proposal.
			// This validates that the operator can in fact use the proposed new address to sign messages.
			if *newAddress != *info.PendingOwnerAddress {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "expected confirmation of %v, got %v",
					info.PendingOwnerAddress, newAddress)
			info.Owner = *info.PendingOwnerAddress

		// Clear any resulting no-op change.
		if info.PendingOwnerAddress != nil && *info.PendingOwnerAddress == info.Owner {
			info.PendingOwnerAddress = nil

		err := st.SaveInfo(adt.AsStore(rt), info)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save miner info")
	return nil

//type ChangePeerIDParams struct {
//	NewID abi.PeerID
type ChangePeerIDParams = miner0.ChangePeerIDParams

func (a Actor) ChangePeerID(rt Runtime, params *ChangePeerIDParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	checkPeerInfo(rt, params.NewID, nil)

	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)

		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		info.PeerId = params.NewID
		err := st.SaveInfo(adt.AsStore(rt), info)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "could not save miner info")
	return nil

//type ChangeMultiaddrsParams struct {
//	NewMultiaddrs []abi.Multiaddrs
type ChangeMultiaddrsParams = miner0.ChangeMultiaddrsParams

func (a Actor) ChangeMultiaddrs(rt Runtime, params *ChangeMultiaddrsParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	checkPeerInfo(rt, nil, params.NewMultiaddrs)

	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)

		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		info.Multiaddrs = params.NewMultiaddrs
		err := st.SaveInfo(adt.AsStore(rt), info)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "could not save miner info")
	return nil

// WindowedPoSt //

//type PoStPartition struct {
//	// Partitions are numbered per-deadline, from zero.
//	Index uint64
//	// Sectors skipped while proving that weren't already declared faulty
//	Skipped bitfield.BitField
type PoStPartition = miner0.PoStPartition

// Information submitted by a miner to provide a Window PoSt.
//type SubmitWindowedPoStParams struct {
//	// The deadline index which the submission targets.
//	Deadline uint64
//	// The partitions being proven.
//	Partitions []PoStPartition
//	// Array of proofs, one per distinct registered proof type present in the sectors being proven.
//	// In the usual case of a single proof type, this array will always have a single element (independent of number of partitions).
//	Proofs []proof.PoStProof
//	// The epoch at which these proofs is being committed to a particular chain.
//	// NOTE: This field should be removed in the future. See
//	//
//	ChainCommitEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
//	// The ticket randomness on the chain at the chain commit epoch.
//	ChainCommitRand abi.Randomness
type SubmitWindowedPoStParams = miner0.SubmitWindowedPoStParams

// Invoked by miner's worker address to submit their fallback post
func (a Actor) SubmitWindowedPoSt(rt Runtime, params *SubmitWindowedPoStParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()
	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	var st State

	// Verify that the miner has passed exactly 1 proof.
	if len(params.Proofs) != 1 {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "expected exactly one proof, got %d", len(params.Proofs))

	if !CanWindowPoStProof(params.Proofs[0].PoStProof) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "proof type %d not allowed", params.Proofs[0].PoStProof)

	if params.Deadline >= WPoStPeriodDeadlines {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid deadline %d of %d", params.Deadline, WPoStPeriodDeadlines)
	// Technically, ChainCommitRand should be _exactly_ 32 bytes. However:
	// 1. It's convenient to allow smaller slices when testing.
	// 2. Nothing bad will happen if the caller provides too little randomness.
	if len(params.ChainCommitRand) > abi.RandomnessLength {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "expected at most %d bytes of randomness, got %d", abi.RandomnessLength, len(params.ChainCommitRand))

	var postResult *PoStResult
	var info *MinerInfo
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info = getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		maxProofSize, err := info.WindowPoStProofType.ProofSize()
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to determine max window post proof size")

		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		// Make sure the miner is using the correct proof type.
		if params.Proofs[0].PoStProof != info.WindowPoStProofType {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "expected proof of type %d, got proof of type %d", info.WindowPoStProofType, params.Proofs[0])

		// Make sure the proof size doesn't exceed the max. We could probably check for an exact match, but this is safer.
		if maxSize := maxProofSize * uint64(len(params.Partitions)); uint64(len(params.Proofs[0].ProofBytes)) > maxSize {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "expected proof to be smaller than %d bytes", maxSize)

		// Validate that the miner didn't try to prove too many partitions at once.
		submissionPartitionLimit := loadPartitionsSectorsMax(info.WindowPoStPartitionSectors)
		if uint64(len(params.Partitions)) > submissionPartitionLimit {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "too many partitions %d, limit %d", len(params.Partitions), submissionPartitionLimit)

		currDeadline := st.DeadlineInfo(currEpoch)
		// Check that the miner state indicates that the current proving deadline has started.
		// This should only fail if the cron actor wasn't invoked, and matters only in case that it hasn't been
		// invoked for a whole proving period, and hence the missed PoSt submissions from the prior occurrence
		// of this deadline haven't been processed yet.
		if !currDeadline.IsOpen() {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "proving period %d not yet open at %d", currDeadline.PeriodStart, currEpoch)

		// The miner may only submit a proof for the current deadline.
		if params.Deadline != currDeadline.Index {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid deadline %d at epoch %d, expected %d",
				params.Deadline, currEpoch, currDeadline.Index)

		// Verify that the PoSt was committed to the chain at most WPoStChallengeLookback+WPoStChallengeWindow in the past.
		if params.ChainCommitEpoch < currDeadline.Challenge {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "expected chain commit epoch %d to be after %d", params.ChainCommitEpoch, currDeadline.Challenge)
		if params.ChainCommitEpoch >= currEpoch {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "chain commit epoch %d must be less than the current epoch %d", params.ChainCommitEpoch, currEpoch)
		// Verify the chain commit randomness.
		commRand := rt.GetRandomnessFromTickets(crypto.DomainSeparationTag_PoStChainCommit, params.ChainCommitEpoch, nil)
		if !bytes.Equal(commRand, params.ChainCommitRand) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "post commit randomness mismatched")

		sectors, err := LoadSectors(store, st.Sectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors")

		deadlines, err := st.LoadDeadlines(adt.AsStore(rt))
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadlines")

		deadline, err := deadlines.LoadDeadline(store, params.Deadline)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %d", params.Deadline)

		// Record proven sectors/partitions, returning updates to power and the final set of sectors
		// proven/skipped.
		// NOTE: This function does not actually check the proofs but does assume that they're correct. Instead,
		// it snapshots the deadline's state and the submitted proofs at the end of the challenge window and
		// allows third-parties to dispute these proofs.
		// While we could perform _all_ operations at the end of challenge window, we do as we can here to avoid
		// overloading cron.
		faultExpiration := currDeadline.Last() + FaultMaxAge
		postResult, err = deadline.RecordProvenSectors(store, sectors, info.SectorSize, QuantSpecForDeadline(currDeadline), faultExpiration, params.Partitions)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to process post submission for deadline %d", params.Deadline)

		// Make sure we actually proved something.

		provenSectors, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(postResult.Sectors, postResult.IgnoredSectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to determine proven sectors for deadline %d", params.Deadline)

		noSectors, err := provenSectors.IsEmpty()
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to determine if any sectors were proven", params.Deadline)
		if noSectors {
			// Abort verification if all sectors are (now) faults. There's nothing to prove.
			// It's not rational for a miner to submit a Window PoSt marking *all* non-faulty sectors as skipped,
			// since that will just cause them to pay a penalty at deadline end that would otherwise be zero
			// if they had *not* declared them.
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot prove partitions with no active sectors")

		// If we're not recovering power, record the proof for optimistic verification.
		if postResult.RecoveredPower.IsZero() {
			err = deadline.RecordPoStProofs(store, postResult.Partitions, params.Proofs)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to record proof for optimistic verification", params.Deadline)
		} else {
			// otherwise, check the proof
			sectorInfos, err := sectors.LoadForProof(postResult.Sectors, postResult.IgnoredSectors)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors for post verification")

			err = verifyWindowedPost(rt, currDeadline.Challenge, sectorInfos, params.Proofs)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "window post failed")

		err = deadlines.UpdateDeadline(store, params.Deadline, deadline)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to update deadline %d", params.Deadline)

		err = st.SaveDeadlines(store, deadlines)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadlines")

	// Restore power for recovered sectors. Remove power for new faults.
	// NOTE: It would be permissible to delay the power loss until the deadline closes, but that would require
	// additional accounting state.
	requestUpdatePower(rt, postResult.PowerDelta)

	err := st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")

	return nil

// type DisputeWindowedPoStParams struct {
// 		Deadline  uint64
// 		PoStIndex uint64 // only one is allowed at a time to avoid loading too many sector infos.
// }
type DisputeWindowedPoStParams = miner3.DisputeWindowedPoStParams

func (a Actor) DisputeWindowedPoSt(rt Runtime, params *DisputeWindowedPoStParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	reporter := rt.Caller()

	if params.Deadline >= WPoStPeriodDeadlines {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid deadline %d of %d", params.Deadline, WPoStPeriodDeadlines)

	currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()

	// Note: these are going to be slightly inaccurate as time
	// will have moved on from when the post was actually
	// submitted.
	// However, these are estimates _anyways_.
	epochReward := requestCurrentEpochBlockReward(rt)
	pwrTotal := requestCurrentTotalPower(rt)

	toBurn := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
	toReward := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
	pledgeDelta := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
	powerDelta := NewPowerPairZero()
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		dlInfo := st.DeadlineInfo(currEpoch)
		if !deadlineAvailableForOptimisticPoStDispute(dlInfo.PeriodStart, params.Deadline, currEpoch) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "can only dispute window posts during the dispute window (%d epochs after the challenge window closes)", WPoStDisputeWindow)

		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		penalisedPower := NewPowerPairZero()
		store := adt.AsStore(rt)

		// Check proof
			// Find the proving period start for the deadline in question.
			ppStart := dlInfo.PeriodStart
			if dlInfo.Index < params.Deadline {
				ppStart -= WPoStProvingPeriod
			targetDeadline := NewDeadlineInfo(ppStart, params.Deadline, currEpoch)

			// Load the target deadline.
			deadlinesCurrent, err := st.LoadDeadlines(store)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadlines")

			dlCurrent, err := deadlinesCurrent.LoadDeadline(store, params.Deadline)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline")

			// Take the post from the snapshot for dispute.
			// This operation REMOVES the PoSt from the snapshot so
			// it can't be disputed again. If this method fails,
			// this operation must be rolled back.
			partitions, proofs, err := dlCurrent.TakePoStProofs(store, params.PoStIndex)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load proof for dispute")

			// Load the partition info we need for the dispute.
			disputeInfo, err := dlCurrent.LoadPartitionsForDispute(store, partitions)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load partition info for dispute")
			// This includes power that is no longer active (e.g., due to sector terminations).
			// It must only be used for penalty calculations, not power adjustments.
			penalisedPower = disputeInfo.DisputedPower

			// Load sectors for the dispute.
			sectors, err := LoadSectors(store, dlCurrent.SectorsSnapshot)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors snapshot array")

			sectorInfos, err := sectors.LoadForProof(disputeInfo.AllSectorNos, disputeInfo.IgnoredSectorNos)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors to dispute window post")

			// Check proof, we fail if validation succeeds.
			err = verifyWindowedPost(rt, targetDeadline.Challenge, sectorInfos, proofs)
			if err == nil {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to dispute valid post")
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "successfully disputed: %s", err)

			// Ok, now we record faults. This always works because
			// we don't allow compaction/moving sectors during the
			// challenge window.
			// However, some of these sectors may have been
			// terminated. That's fine, we'll skip them.
			faultExpirationEpoch := targetDeadline.Last() + FaultMaxAge
			powerDelta, err = dlCurrent.RecordFaults(store, sectors, info.SectorSize, QuantSpecForDeadline(targetDeadline), faultExpirationEpoch, disputeInfo.DisputedSectors)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to declare faults")

			err = deadlinesCurrent.UpdateDeadline(store, params.Deadline, dlCurrent)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to update deadline %d", params.Deadline)
			err = st.SaveDeadlines(store, deadlinesCurrent)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadlines")

		// Penalties.
			// Calculate the base penalty.
			penaltyBase := PledgePenaltyForInvalidWindowPoSt(

			// Calculate the target reward.
			rewardTarget := RewardForDisputedWindowPoSt(info.WindowPoStProofType, penalisedPower)

			// Compute the target penalty by adding the
			// base penalty to the target reward. We don't
			// take reward out of the penalty as the miner
			// could end up receiving a substantial
			// portion of their fee back as a reward.
			penaltyTarget := big.Add(penaltyBase, rewardTarget)

			err := st.ApplyPenalty(penaltyTarget)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to apply penalty")
			penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance, err := st.RepayPartialDebtInPriorityOrder(store, currEpoch, rt.CurrentBalance())
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to pay debt")
			toBurn = big.Add(penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance)

			// Now, move as much of the target reward as
			// we can from the burn to the reward.
			toReward = big.Min(toBurn, rewardTarget)
			toBurn = big.Sub(toBurn, toReward)

			pledgeDelta = penaltyFromVesting.Neg()

	requestUpdatePower(rt, powerDelta)

	if !toReward.IsZero() {
		// Try to send the reward to the reporter.
		code := rt.Send(reporter, builtin.MethodSend, nil, toReward, &builtin.Discard{})

		// If we fail, log and burn the reward to make sure the balances remain correct.
		if !code.IsSuccess() {
			rt.Log(rtt.ERROR, "failed to send reward")
			toBurn = big.Add(toBurn, toReward)
	burnFunds(rt, toBurn, BurnMethodDisputeWindowedPoSt)
	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, pledgeDelta)

	err := st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")
	return nil

// Sector Commitment //

//type SectorPreCommitInfo struct {
//	SealProof       abi.RegisteredSealProof
//	SectorNumber    abi.SectorNumber
//	SealedCID       cid.Cid `checked:"true"` // CommR
//	SealRandEpoch   abi.ChainEpoch
//	DealIDs         []abi.DealID
//	Expiration      abi.ChainEpoch
//	ReplaceCapacity bool                    // Must be false since v7
//	ReplaceSectorDeadline  uint64           // Unused since v7
//	ReplaceSectorPartition uint64           // Unused since v7
//	ReplaceSectorNumber    abi.SectorNumber // Unused since v7
type PreCommitSectorParams = miner0.SectorPreCommitInfo

// Pledges to seal and commit a single sector.
// See PreCommitSectorBatch for details.
// This method may be deprecated and removed in the future.
func (a Actor) PreCommitSector(rt Runtime, params *PreCommitSectorParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	// This is a direct method call to self, not a message send.
	batchParams := &PreCommitSectorBatchParams{Sectors: []miner0.SectorPreCommitInfo{*params}}
	a.PreCommitSectorBatch(rt, batchParams)
	return nil

//type PreCommitSectorBatchParams struct {
//	Sectors []miner0.SectorPreCommitInfo
type PreCommitSectorBatchParams = miner5.PreCommitSectorBatchParams

// Pledges the miner to seal and commit some new sectors.
// The caller specifies sector numbers, sealed sector data CIDs, seal randomness epoch, expiration, and the IDs
// of any storage deals contained in the sector data. The storage deal proposals must be already submitted
// to the storage market actor.
// This method calculates the sector's power, locks a pre-commit deposit for the sector, stores information about the
// sector in state and waits for it to be proven or expire.
func (a Actor) PreCommitSectorBatch(rt Runtime, params *PreCommitSectorBatchParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()
	if len(params.Sectors) == 0 {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "batch empty")
	} else if len(params.Sectors) > PreCommitSectorBatchMaxSize {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "batch of %d too large, max %d", len(params.Sectors), PreCommitSectorBatchMaxSize)

	// Check per-sector preconditions before opening state transaction or sending other messages.
	challengeEarliest := currEpoch - MaxPreCommitRandomnessLookback
	sectorsDeals := make([]market.SectorDeals, len(params.Sectors))
	sectorNumbers := bitfield.New()
	for i, precommit := range params.Sectors {
		// Bitfied.IsSet() is fast when there are only locally-set values.
		set, err := sectorNumbers.IsSet(uint64(precommit.SectorNumber))
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "error checking sector number")
		if set {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "duplicate sector number %d", precommit.SectorNumber)

		if !CanPreCommitSealProof(precommit.SealProof) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "unsupported seal proof type %v", precommit.SealProof)
		if precommit.SectorNumber > abi.MaxSectorNumber {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector number %d out of range 0..(2^63-1)", precommit.SectorNumber)
		if !precommit.SealedCID.Defined() {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sealed CID undefined")
		if precommit.SealedCID.Prefix() != SealedCIDPrefix {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sealed CID had wrong prefix")
		if precommit.SealRandEpoch >= currEpoch {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "seal challenge epoch %v must be before now %v", precommit.SealRandEpoch, rt.CurrEpoch())
		if precommit.SealRandEpoch < challengeEarliest {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "seal challenge epoch %v too old, must be after %v", precommit.SealRandEpoch, challengeEarliest)

		// Require sector lifetime meets minimum by assuming activation happens at last epoch permitted for seal proof.
		// This could make sector maximum lifetime validation more lenient if the maximum sector limit isn't hit first.
		maxActivation := currEpoch + MaxProveCommitDuration[precommit.SealProof]
		validateExpiration(rt, maxActivation, precommit.Expiration, precommit.SealProof)

		if precommit.ReplaceCapacity {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrForbidden, "cc upgrade through precommit discontinued, use lightweight cc upgrade instead")

		sectorsDeals[i] = market.SectorDeals{
			SectorExpiry: precommit.Expiration,
			DealIDs:      precommit.DealIDs,

	// gather information from other actors
	rewardStats := requestCurrentEpochBlockReward(rt)
	pwrTotal := requestCurrentTotalPower(rt)
	dealWeights := requestDealWeights(rt, sectorsDeals)

	if len(dealWeights.Sectors) != len(params.Sectors) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "deal weight request returned %d records, expected %d",
			len(dealWeights.Sectors), len(params.Sectors))

	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	var st State
	var err error
	feeToBurn := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
	var needsCron bool
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		// Aggregate fee applies only when batching.
		if len(params.Sectors) > 1 {
			aggregateFee := AggregatePreCommitNetworkFee(len(params.Sectors), rt.BaseFee())
			// AggregateFee applied to fee debt to consolidate burn with outstanding debts
			err := st.ApplyPenalty(aggregateFee)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to apply penalty")

		// available balance already accounts for fee debt so it is correct to call
		// this before RepayDebts. We would have to
		// subtract fee debt explicitly if we called this after.
		availableBalance, err := st.GetAvailableBalance(rt.CurrentBalance())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to calculate available balance")
		feeToBurn = RepayDebtsOrAbort(rt, &st)

		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		if ConsensusFaultActive(info, currEpoch) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "pre-commit not allowed during active consensus fault")

		chainInfos := make([]*SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, len(params.Sectors))
		totalDepositRequired := big.Zero()
		cleanUpEvents := map[abi.ChainEpoch][]uint64{}
		dealCountMax := SectorDealsMax(info.SectorSize)
		for i, precommit := range params.Sectors {
			// Sector must have the same Window PoSt proof type as the miner's recorded seal type.
			sectorWPoStProof, err := precommit.SealProof.RegisteredWindowPoStProof()
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to lookup Window PoSt proof type for sector seal proof %d", precommit.SealProof)
			if sectorWPoStProof != info.WindowPoStProofType {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector Window PoSt proof type %d must match miner Window PoSt proof type %d (seal proof type %d)",
					sectorWPoStProof, info.WindowPoStProofType, precommit.SealProof)

			if uint64(len(precommit.DealIDs)) > dealCountMax {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "too many deals for sector %d > %d", len(precommit.DealIDs), dealCountMax)

			// Ensure total deal space does not exceed sector size.
			dealWeight := dealWeights.Sectors[i]
			if dealWeight.DealSpace > uint64(info.SectorSize) {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "deals too large to fit in sector %d > %d", dealWeight.DealSpace, info.SectorSize)

			// Estimate the sector weight using the current epoch as an estimate for activation,
			// and compute the pre-commit deposit using that weight.
			// The sector's power will be recalculated when it's proven.
			duration := precommit.Expiration - currEpoch
			sectorWeight := QAPowerForWeight(info.SectorSize, duration, dealWeight.DealWeight, dealWeight.VerifiedDealWeight)
			depositReq := PreCommitDepositForPower(rewardStats.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed, pwrTotal.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed, sectorWeight)

			// Build on-chain record.
			chainInfos[i] = &SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{
				Info:               SectorPreCommitInfo(precommit),
				PreCommitDeposit:   depositReq,
				PreCommitEpoch:     currEpoch,
				DealWeight:         dealWeight.DealWeight,
				VerifiedDealWeight: dealWeight.VerifiedDealWeight,
			totalDepositRequired = big.Add(totalDepositRequired, depositReq)

			// Calculate pre-commit cleanup
			msd, ok := MaxProveCommitDuration[precommit.SealProof]
			if !ok {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "no max seal duration set for proof type: %d", precommit.SealProof)
			// PreCommitCleanUpDelay > 0 here is critical for the batch verification of proofs. Without it, if a proof arrived exactly on the
			// due epoch, ProveCommitSector would accept it, then the expiry event would remove it, and then
			// ConfirmSectorProofsValid would fail to find it.
			cleanUpBound := currEpoch + msd + ExpiredPreCommitCleanUpDelay
			cleanUpEvents[cleanUpBound] = append(cleanUpEvents[cleanUpBound], uint64(precommit.SectorNumber))

		// Batch update actor state.
		if availableBalance.LessThan(totalDepositRequired) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrInsufficientFunds, "insufficient funds %v for pre-commit deposit: %v", availableBalance, totalDepositRequired)
		err = st.AddPreCommitDeposit(totalDepositRequired)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add pre-commit deposit %v", totalDepositRequired)

		err = st.AllocateSectorNumbers(store, sectorNumbers, DenyCollisions)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to allocate sector ids %v", sectorNumbers)

		err = st.PutPrecommittedSectors(store, chainInfos...)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to write pre-committed sectors")

		err = st.AddPreCommitCleanUps(store, cleanUpEvents)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add pre-commit expiry to queue")

		// Activate miner cron
		needsCron = !st.DeadlineCronActive
		st.DeadlineCronActive = true

	burnFunds(rt, feeToBurn, BurnMethodPreCommitSectorBatch)
	err = st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")
	if needsCron {
		newDlInfo := st.DeadlineInfo(currEpoch)
		enrollCronEvent(rt, newDlInfo.Last(), &CronEventPayload{
			EventType: CronEventProvingDeadline,

	return nil

//type ProveCommitAggregateParams struct {
//	SectorNumbers  bitfield.BitField
//	AggregateProof []byte
type ProveCommitAggregateParams = miner5.ProveCommitAggregateParams

// Checks state of the corresponding sector pre-commitments and verifies aggregate proof of replication
// of these sectors. If valid, the sectors' deals are activated, sectors are assigned a deadline and charged pledge
// and precommit state is removed.
func (a Actor) ProveCommitAggregate(rt Runtime, params *ProveCommitAggregateParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	aggSectorsCount, err := params.SectorNumbers.Count()
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to count aggregated sectors")
	if aggSectorsCount > MaxAggregatedSectors {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "too many sectors addressed, addressed %d want <= %d", aggSectorsCount, MaxAggregatedSectors)
	} else if aggSectorsCount < MinAggregatedSectors {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "too few sectors addressed, addressed %d want >= %d", aggSectorsCount, MinAggregatedSectors)

	if uint64(len(params.AggregateProof)) > MaxAggregateProofSize {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector prove-commit proof of size %d exceeds max size of %d",
			len(params.AggregateProof), MaxAggregateProofSize)

	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	var st State

	info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
	rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

	precommits, err := st.GetAllPrecommittedSectors(store, params.SectorNumbers)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to get precommits")

	// compute data commitments and validate each precommit
	computeDataCommitmentsInputs := make([]*market.SectorDataSpec, len(precommits))
	precommitsToConfirm := []*SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{}
	for i, precommit := range precommits {
		msd, ok := MaxProveCommitDuration[precommit.Info.SealProof]
		if !ok {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "no max seal duration for proof type: %d", precommit.Info.SealProof)
		proveCommitDue := precommit.PreCommitEpoch + msd
		if rt.CurrEpoch() > proveCommitDue {
			rt.Log(rtt.WARN, "skipping commitment for sector %d, too late at %d, due %d", precommit.Info.SectorNumber, rt.CurrEpoch(), proveCommitDue)
		} else {
			precommitsToConfirm = append(precommitsToConfirm, precommit)
		// All sealProof types should match
		if i >= 1 {
			prevSealProof := precommits[i-1].Info.SealProof
			builtin.RequireState(rt, prevSealProof == precommit.Info.SealProof, "aggregate contains mismatched seal proofs %d and %d", prevSealProof, precommit.Info.SealProof)

		computeDataCommitmentsInputs[i] = &market.SectorDataSpec{
			SectorType: precommit.Info.SealProof,
			DealIDs:    precommit.Info.DealIDs,

	// compute shared verification inputs
	commDs := requestUnsealedSectorCIDs(rt, computeDataCommitmentsInputs...)
	svis := make([]proof.AggregateSealVerifyInfo, 0)
	receiver := rt.Receiver()
	minerActorID, err := addr.IDFromAddress(receiver)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "runtime provided non-ID receiver address %s", receiver)
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	err = receiver.MarshalCBOR(buf)
	receiverBytes := buf.Bytes()
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrSerialization, "failed to marshal address for seal verification challenge")

	for i, precommit := range precommits {
		interactiveEpoch := precommit.PreCommitEpoch + PreCommitChallengeDelay
		if rt.CurrEpoch() <= interactiveEpoch {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "too early to prove sector %d", precommit.Info.SectorNumber)

		svInfoRandomness := rt.GetRandomnessFromTickets(crypto.DomainSeparationTag_SealRandomness, precommit.Info.SealRandEpoch, receiverBytes)
		svInfoInteractiveRandomness := rt.GetRandomnessFromBeacon(crypto.DomainSeparationTag_InteractiveSealChallengeSeed, interactiveEpoch, receiverBytes)
		svi := proof.AggregateSealVerifyInfo{
			Number:                precommit.Info.SectorNumber,
			InteractiveRandomness: abi.InteractiveSealRandomness(svInfoInteractiveRandomness),
			Randomness:            abi.SealRandomness(svInfoRandomness),
			SealedCID:             precommit.Info.SealedCID,
			UnsealedCID:           commDs[i],
		svis = append(svis, svi)

	builtin.RequireState(rt, len(precommits) > 0, "bitfield non-empty but zero precommits read from state")
	sealProof := precommits[0].Info.SealProof
	err = rt.VerifyAggregateSeals(
			Infos:          svis,
			Proof:          params.AggregateProof,
			Miner:          abi.ActorID(minerActorID),
			SealProof:      sealProof,
			AggregateProof: abi.RegisteredAggregationProof_SnarkPackV1,
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "aggregate seal verify failed")

	rew := requestCurrentEpochBlockReward(rt)
	pwr := requestCurrentTotalPower(rt)

	confirmSectorProofsValid(rt, precommitsToConfirm, rew.ThisEpochBaselinePower, rew.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed, pwr.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed)

	// Compute and burn the aggregate network fee. We need to re-load the state as
	// confirmSectorProofsValid can change it.
	aggregateFee := AggregateProveCommitNetworkFee(len(precommitsToConfirm), rt.BaseFee())
	unlockedBalance, err := st.GetUnlockedBalance(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to determine unlocked balance")
	if unlockedBalance.LessThan(aggregateFee) {
			"remaining unlocked funds after prove-commit (%s) are insufficient to pay aggregation fee of %s",
			unlockedBalance, aggregateFee,
	burnFunds(rt, aggregateFee, BurnMethodProveCommitAggregate)

	err = st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")

	return nil

//type ProveCommitSectorParams struct {
//	SectorNumber abi.SectorNumber
//	ReplicaProof        []byte
type ProveCommitSectorParams = miner0.ProveCommitSectorParams

// Checks state of the corresponding sector pre-commitment, then schedules the proof to be verified in bulk
// by the power actor.
// If valid, the power actor will call ConfirmSectorProofsValid at the end of the same epoch as this message.
func (a Actor) ProveCommitSector(rt Runtime, params *ProveCommitSectorParams) *abi.EmptyValue {

	if params.SectorNumber > abi.MaxSectorNumber {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector number greater than maximum")

	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	sectorNo := params.SectorNumber

	var st State

	precommit, found, err := st.GetPrecommittedSector(store, sectorNo)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load pre-committed sector %v", sectorNo)
	if !found {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrNotFound, "no pre-committed sector %v", sectorNo)

	maxProofSize, err := precommit.Info.SealProof.ProofSize()
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to determine max proof size for sector %v", sectorNo)
	if uint64(len(params.Proof)) > maxProofSize {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector prove-commit proof of size %d exceeds max size of %d",
			len(params.Proof), maxProofSize)

	msd, ok := MaxProveCommitDuration[precommit.Info.SealProof]
	if !ok {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "no max seal duration for proof type: %d", precommit.Info.SealProof)
	proveCommitDue := precommit.PreCommitEpoch + msd
	if rt.CurrEpoch() > proveCommitDue {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "commitment proof for %d too late at %d, due %d", sectorNo, rt.CurrEpoch(), proveCommitDue)

	svi := getVerifyInfo(rt, &SealVerifyStuff{
		SealedCID:           precommit.Info.SealedCID,
		InteractiveEpoch:    precommit.PreCommitEpoch + PreCommitChallengeDelay,
		SealRandEpoch:       precommit.Info.SealRandEpoch,
		Proof:               params.Proof,
		DealIDs:             precommit.Info.DealIDs,
		SectorNumber:        precommit.Info.SectorNumber,
		RegisteredSealProof: precommit.Info.SealProof,

	code := rt.Send(
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to submit proof for bulk verification")
	return nil

func (a Actor) ConfirmSectorProofsValid(rt Runtime, params *builtin.ConfirmSectorProofsParams) *abi.EmptyValue {

	// This should be enforced by the power actor. We log here just in case
	// something goes wrong.
	if len(params.Sectors) > power.MaxMinerProveCommitsPerEpoch {
		rt.Log(rtt.WARN, "confirmed more prove commits in an epoch than permitted: %d > %d",
			len(params.Sectors), power.MaxMinerProveCommitsPerEpoch,

	var st State
	store := adt.AsStore(rt)

	// This skips missing pre-commits.
	precommittedSectors, err := st.FindPrecommittedSectors(store, params.Sectors...)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load pre-committed sectors")

	confirmSectorProofsValid(rt, precommittedSectors, params.RewardBaselinePower, params.RewardSmoothed, params.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed)

	return nil

func confirmSectorProofsValid(rt Runtime, preCommits []*SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, thisEpochBaselinePower big.Int,
	thisEpochRewardSmoothed smoothing.FilterEstimate, qualityAdjPowerSmoothed smoothing.FilterEstimate) {

	circulatingSupply := rt.TotalFilCircSupply()

	// 1. Activate deals, skipping pre-commits with invalid deals.
	//    - calls the market actor.
	// 2. Add new sectors.
	//    - loads and saves sectors.
	//    - loads and saves deadlines/partitions
	// Ideally, we'd combine some of these operations, but at least we have
	// a constant number of them.

	activation := rt.CurrEpoch()
	// Pre-commits for new sectors.
	var validPreCommits []*SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
	for _, precommit := range preCommits {
		if len(precommit.Info.DealIDs) > 0 {
			// Check (and activate) storage deals associated to sector. Abort if checks failed.
			// TODO: we should batch these calls...
			code := rt.Send(
					DealIDs:      precommit.Info.DealIDs,
					SectorExpiry: precommit.Info.Expiration,

			if code != exitcode.Ok {
				rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "failed to activate deals on sector %d, dropping from prove commit set", precommit.Info.SectorNumber)

		validPreCommits = append(validPreCommits, precommit)

	// When all prove commits have failed abort early
	if len(validPreCommits) == 0 {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "all prove commits failed to validate")

	totalPledge := big.Zero()
	depositToUnlock := big.Zero()
	newSectors := make([]*SectorOnChainInfo, 0)
	newlyVested := big.Zero()
	var st State
	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)

		newSectorNos := make([]abi.SectorNumber, 0, len(validPreCommits))
		for _, precommit := range validPreCommits {
			// compute initial pledge
			duration := precommit.Info.Expiration - activation
			// This should have been caught in precommit, but don't let other sectors fail because of it.
			if duration < MinSectorExpiration {
				rt.Log(rtt.WARN, "precommit %d has lifetime %d less than minimum. ignoring", precommit.Info.SectorNumber, duration, MinSectorExpiration)
			pwr := QAPowerForWeight(info.SectorSize, duration, precommit.DealWeight, precommit.VerifiedDealWeight)

			dayReward := ExpectedRewardForPower(thisEpochRewardSmoothed, qualityAdjPowerSmoothed, pwr, builtin.EpochsInDay)
			// The storage pledge is recorded for use in computing the penalty if this sector is terminated
			// before its declared expiration.
			// It's not capped to 1 FIL, so can exceed the actual initial pledge requirement.
			storagePledge := ExpectedRewardForPower(thisEpochRewardSmoothed, qualityAdjPowerSmoothed, pwr, InitialPledgeProjectionPeriod)
			initialPledge := InitialPledgeForPower(pwr, thisEpochBaselinePower, thisEpochRewardSmoothed,
				qualityAdjPowerSmoothed, circulatingSupply)

			newSectorInfo := SectorOnChainInfo{
				SectorNumber:          precommit.Info.SectorNumber,
				SealProof:             precommit.Info.SealProof,
				SealedCID:             precommit.Info.SealedCID,
				DealIDs:               precommit.Info.DealIDs,
				Expiration:            precommit.Info.Expiration,
				Activation:            activation,
				DealWeight:            precommit.DealWeight,
				VerifiedDealWeight:    precommit.VerifiedDealWeight,
				InitialPledge:         initialPledge,
				ExpectedDayReward:     dayReward,
				ExpectedStoragePledge: storagePledge,
				ReplacedSectorAge:     0,          // The replacement mechanism is disabled since v7
				ReplacedDayReward:     big.Zero(), // The replacement mechanism is disabled since v7

			depositToUnlock = big.Add(depositToUnlock, precommit.PreCommitDeposit)
			newSectors = append(newSectors, &newSectorInfo)
			newSectorNos = append(newSectorNos, newSectorInfo.SectorNumber)
			totalPledge = big.Add(totalPledge, initialPledge)

		err := st.PutSectors(store, newSectors...)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to put new sectors")

		err = st.DeletePrecommittedSectors(store, newSectorNos...)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to delete precommited sectors")

		err = st.AssignSectorsToDeadlines(store, rt.CurrEpoch(), newSectors, info.WindowPoStPartitionSectors, info.SectorSize)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to assign new sectors to deadlines")

		// Unlock deposit for successful proofs, make it available for lock-up as initial pledge.
		err = st.AddPreCommitDeposit(depositToUnlock.Neg())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add pre-commit deposit %v", depositToUnlock.Neg())

		unlockedBalance, err := st.GetUnlockedBalance(rt.CurrentBalance())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to calculate unlocked balance")
		if unlockedBalance.LessThan(totalPledge) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrInsufficientFunds, "insufficient funds for aggregate initial pledge requirement %s, available: %s", totalPledge, unlockedBalance)

		err = st.AddInitialPledge(totalPledge)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add initial pledge %v", totalPledge)
		err = st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")

	// Request pledge update for activated sector.
	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, big.Sub(totalPledge, newlyVested))

//type CheckSectorProvenParams struct {
//	SectorNumber abi.SectorNumber
type CheckSectorProvenParams = miner0.CheckSectorProvenParams

func (a Actor) CheckSectorProven(rt Runtime, params *CheckSectorProvenParams) *abi.EmptyValue {

	if params.SectorNumber > abi.MaxSectorNumber {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector number out of range")

	var st State
	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	sectorNo := params.SectorNumber

	if _, found, err := st.GetSector(store, sectorNo); err != nil {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load proven sector %v", sectorNo)
	} else if !found {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrNotFound, "sector %v not proven", sectorNo)
	return nil

// Sector Modification //

//type ExtendSectorExpirationParams struct {
//	Extensions []ExpirationExtension
type ExtendSectorExpirationParams = miner0.ExtendSectorExpirationParams

//type ExpirationExtension struct {
//	Deadline      uint64
//	Partition     uint64
//	Sectors       bitfield.BitField
//	NewExpiration abi.ChainEpoch
type ExpirationExtension = miner0.ExpirationExtension

// Changes the expiration epoch for a sector to a new, later one.
// The sector must not be terminated or faulty.
// The sector's power is recomputed for the new expiration.
func (a Actor) ExtendSectorExpiration(rt Runtime, params *ExtendSectorExpirationParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	if uint64(len(params.Extensions)) > DeclarationsMax {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "too many declarations %d, max %d", len(params.Extensions), DeclarationsMax)

	// limit the number of sectors declared at once
	var sectorCount uint64
	for _, decl := range params.Extensions {
		if decl.Deadline >= WPoStPeriodDeadlines {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "deadline %d not in range 0..%d", decl.Deadline, WPoStPeriodDeadlines)
		count, err := decl.Sectors.Count()
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument,
			"failed to count sectors for deadline %d, partition %d",
			decl.Deadline, decl.Partition,
		if sectorCount > math.MaxUint64-count {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector bitfield integer overflow")
		sectorCount += count
	if sectorCount > AddressedSectorsMax {
			"too many sectors for declaration %d, max %d",
			sectorCount, AddressedSectorsMax,

	currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()

	powerDelta := NewPowerPairZero()
	pledgeDelta := big.Zero()
	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)

		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		deadlines, err := st.LoadDeadlines(adt.AsStore(rt))
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadlines")

		// Group declarations by deadline, and remember iteration order.
		// This should be merged with the iteration outside the state transaction.
		declsByDeadline := map[uint64][]*ExpirationExtension{}
		var deadlinesToLoad []uint64
		for i := range params.Extensions {
			// Take a pointer to the value inside the slice, don't
			// take a reference to the temporary loop variable as it
			// will be overwritten every iteration.
			decl := &params.Extensions[i]
			if _, ok := declsByDeadline[decl.Deadline]; !ok {
				deadlinesToLoad = append(deadlinesToLoad, decl.Deadline)
			declsByDeadline[decl.Deadline] = append(declsByDeadline[decl.Deadline], decl)

		sectors, err := LoadSectors(store, st.Sectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors array")

		for _, dlIdx := range deadlinesToLoad {
			deadline, err := deadlines.LoadDeadline(store, dlIdx)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %d", dlIdx)

			partitions, err := deadline.PartitionsArray(store)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load partitions for deadline %d", dlIdx)

			quant := st.QuantSpecForDeadline(dlIdx)

			// Group modified partitions by epoch to which they are extended. Duplicates are ok.
			partitionsByNewEpoch := map[abi.ChainEpoch][]uint64{}
			// Remember iteration order of epochs.
			var epochsToReschedule []abi.ChainEpoch

			for _, decl := range declsByDeadline[dlIdx] {
				var partition Partition
				found, err := partitions.Get(decl.Partition, &partition)
				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %v partition %v", dlIdx, decl.Partition)
				if !found {
					rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrNotFound, "no such deadline %v partition %v", dlIdx, decl.Partition)

				oldSectors, err := sectors.Load(decl.Sectors)
				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors in deadline %v partition %v", dlIdx, decl.Partition)
				newSectors := make([]*SectorOnChainInfo, len(oldSectors))
				for i, sector := range oldSectors {
					if !CanExtendSealProofType(sector.SealProof) {
						rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "cannot extend expiration for sector %v with unsupported seal type %v",
							sector.SectorNumber, sector.SealProof)
					// This can happen if the sector should have already expired, but hasn't
					// because the end of its deadline hasn't passed yet.
					if sector.Expiration < currEpoch {
						rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "cannot extend expiration for expired sector %v, expired at %d, now %d",
					if decl.NewExpiration < sector.Expiration {
						rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot reduce sector %v's expiration to %d from %d",
							sector.SectorNumber, decl.NewExpiration, sector.Expiration)
					validateExpiration(rt, sector.Activation, decl.NewExpiration, sector.SealProof)

					// Remove "spent" deal weights
					newDealWeight := big.Div(
						big.Mul(sector.DealWeight, big.NewInt(int64(sector.Expiration-currEpoch))),
					newVerifiedDealWeight := big.Div(
						big.Mul(sector.VerifiedDealWeight, big.NewInt(int64(sector.Expiration-currEpoch))),

					newSector := *sector
					newSector.Expiration = decl.NewExpiration
					newSector.DealWeight = newDealWeight
					newSector.VerifiedDealWeight = newVerifiedDealWeight

					newSectors[i] = &newSector

				// Overwrite sector infos.
				err = sectors.Store(newSectors...)
				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to update sectors %v", decl.Sectors)

				// Remove old sectors from partition and assign new sectors.
				partitionPowerDelta, partitionPledgeDelta, err := partition.ReplaceSectors(store, oldSectors, newSectors, info.SectorSize, quant)
				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to replace sector expirations at deadline %v partition %v", dlIdx, decl.Partition)

				powerDelta = powerDelta.Add(partitionPowerDelta)
				pledgeDelta = big.Add(pledgeDelta, partitionPledgeDelta) // expected to be zero, see note below.

				err = partitions.Set(decl.Partition, &partition)
				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadline %v partition %v", dlIdx, decl.Partition)

				// Record the new partition expiration epoch for setting outside this loop over declarations.
				prevEpochPartitions, ok := partitionsByNewEpoch[decl.NewExpiration]
				partitionsByNewEpoch[decl.NewExpiration] = append(prevEpochPartitions, decl.Partition)
				if !ok {
					epochsToReschedule = append(epochsToReschedule, decl.NewExpiration)

			deadline.Partitions, err = partitions.Root()
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save partitions for deadline %d", dlIdx)

			// Record partitions in deadline expiration queue
			for _, epoch := range epochsToReschedule {
				pIdxs := partitionsByNewEpoch[epoch]
				err := deadline.AddExpirationPartitions(store, epoch, pIdxs, quant)
				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add expiration partitions to deadline %v epoch %v: %v",
					dlIdx, epoch, pIdxs)

			err = deadlines.UpdateDeadline(store, dlIdx, deadline)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadline %d", dlIdx)

		st.Sectors, err = sectors.Root()
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save sectors")

		err = st.SaveDeadlines(store, deadlines)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadlines")

	requestUpdatePower(rt, powerDelta)
	// Note: the pledge delta is expected to be zero, since pledge is not re-calculated for the extension.
	// But in case that ever changes, we can do the right thing here.
	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, pledgeDelta)
	return nil

//type TerminateSectorsParams struct {
//	Terminations []TerminationDeclaration
type TerminateSectorsParams = miner0.TerminateSectorsParams

//type TerminationDeclaration struct {
//	Deadline  uint64
//	Partition uint64
//	Sectors   bitfield.BitField
type TerminationDeclaration = miner0.TerminationDeclaration

//type TerminateSectorsReturn struct {
//	// Set to true if all early termination work has been completed. When
//	// false, the miner may choose to repeatedly invoke TerminateSectors
//	// with no new sectors to process the remainder of the pending
//	// terminations. While pending terminations are outstanding, the miner
//	// will not be able to withdraw funds.
//	Done bool
type TerminateSectorsReturn = miner0.TerminateSectorsReturn

// Marks some sectors as terminated at the present epoch, earlier than their
// scheduled termination, and adds these sectors to the early termination queue.
// This method then processes up to AddressedSectorsMax sectors and
// AddressedPartitionsMax partitions from the early termination queue,
// terminating deals, paying fines, and returning pledge collateral. While
// sectors remain in this queue:
//  1. The miner will be unable to withdraw funds.
//  2. The chain will process up to AddressedSectorsMax sectors and
//     AddressedPartitionsMax per epoch until the queue is empty.
// The sectors are immediately ignored for Window PoSt proofs, and should be
// masked in the same way as faulty sectors. A miner may not terminate sectors in the
// current deadline or the next deadline to be proven.
// This function may be invoked with no new sectors to explicitly process the
// next batch of sectors.
func (a Actor) TerminateSectors(rt Runtime, params *TerminateSectorsParams) *TerminateSectorsReturn {
	// Note: this cannot terminate pre-committed but un-proven sectors.
	// They must be allowed to expire (and deposit burnt).

	if len(params.Terminations) > DeclarationsMax {
			"too many declarations when terminating sectors: %d > %d",
			len(params.Terminations), DeclarationsMax,

	toProcess := make(DeadlineSectorMap)
	for _, term := range params.Terminations {
		err := toProcess.Add(term.Deadline, term.Partition, term.Sectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument,
			"failed to process deadline %d, partition %d", term.Deadline, term.Partition,
	err := toProcess.Check(AddressedPartitionsMax, AddressedSectorsMax)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot process requested parameters")

	var hadEarlyTerminations bool
	var st State
	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()
	powerDelta := NewPowerPairZero()
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		hadEarlyTerminations = havePendingEarlyTerminations(rt, &st)

		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		deadlines, err := st.LoadDeadlines(adt.AsStore(rt))
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadlines")

		// We're only reading the sectors, so there's no need to save this back.
		// However, we still want to avoid re-loading this array per-partition.
		sectors, err := LoadSectors(store, st.Sectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors")

		err = toProcess.ForEach(func(dlIdx uint64, partitionSectors PartitionSectorMap) error {
			// If the deadline is the current or next deadline to prove, don't allow terminating sectors.
			// We assume that deadlines are immutable when being proven.
			if !deadlineIsMutable(st.CurrentProvingPeriodStart(currEpoch), dlIdx, currEpoch) {
				rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot terminate sectors in immutable deadline %d", dlIdx)

			quant := st.QuantSpecForDeadline(dlIdx)

			deadline, err := deadlines.LoadDeadline(store, dlIdx)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %d", dlIdx)

			removedPower, err := deadline.TerminateSectors(store, sectors, currEpoch, partitionSectors, info.SectorSize, quant)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to terminate sectors in deadline %d", dlIdx)


			powerDelta = powerDelta.Sub(removedPower)

			err = deadlines.UpdateDeadline(store, dlIdx, deadline)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to update deadline %d", dlIdx)

			return nil
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to walk sectors")

		err = st.SaveDeadlines(store, deadlines)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadlines")

	epochReward := requestCurrentEpochBlockReward(rt)
	pwrTotal := requestCurrentTotalPower(rt)

	// Now, try to process these sectors.
	more := processEarlyTerminations(rt, epochReward.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed, pwrTotal.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed)
	if more && !hadEarlyTerminations {
		// We have remaining terminations, and we didn't _previously_
		// have early terminations to process, schedule a cron job.
		// NOTE: This isn't quite correct. If we repeatedly fill, empty,
		// fill, and empty, the queue, we'll keep scheduling new cron
		// jobs. However, in practice, that shouldn't be all that bad.

	err = st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")

	requestUpdatePower(rt, powerDelta)
	return &TerminateSectorsReturn{Done: !more}

// Faults //

//type DeclareFaultsParams struct {
//	Faults []FaultDeclaration
type DeclareFaultsParams = miner0.DeclareFaultsParams

//type FaultDeclaration struct {
//	// The deadline to which the faulty sectors are assigned, in range [0..WPoStPeriodDeadlines)
//	Deadline uint64
//	// Partition index within the deadline containing the faulty sectors.
//	Partition uint64
//	// Sectors in the partition being declared faulty.
//	Sectors bitfield.BitField
type FaultDeclaration = miner0.FaultDeclaration

func (a Actor) DeclareFaults(rt Runtime, params *DeclareFaultsParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	if len(params.Faults) > DeclarationsMax {
			"too many fault declarations for a single message: %d > %d",
			len(params.Faults), DeclarationsMax,

	toProcess := make(DeadlineSectorMap)
	for _, term := range params.Faults {
		err := toProcess.Add(term.Deadline, term.Partition, term.Sectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument,
			"failed to process deadline %d, partition %d", term.Deadline, term.Partition,
	err := toProcess.Check(AddressedPartitionsMax, AddressedSectorsMax)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot process requested parameters")

	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	var st State
	powerDelta := NewPowerPairZero()
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		deadlines, err := st.LoadDeadlines(store)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadlines")

		sectors, err := LoadSectors(store, st.Sectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors array")

		currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()
		err = toProcess.ForEach(func(dlIdx uint64, pm PartitionSectorMap) error {
			targetDeadline, err := declarationDeadlineInfo(st.CurrentProvingPeriodStart(currEpoch), dlIdx, currEpoch)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid fault declaration deadline %d", dlIdx)

			err = validateFRDeclarationDeadline(targetDeadline)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed fault declaration at deadline %d", dlIdx)

			deadline, err := deadlines.LoadDeadline(store, dlIdx)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %d", dlIdx)

			faultExpirationEpoch := targetDeadline.Last() + FaultMaxAge
			deadlinePowerDelta, err := deadline.RecordFaults(store, sectors, info.SectorSize, QuantSpecForDeadline(targetDeadline), faultExpirationEpoch, pm)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to declare faults for deadline %d", dlIdx)

			err = deadlines.UpdateDeadline(store, dlIdx, deadline)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to store deadline %d partitions", dlIdx)

			powerDelta = powerDelta.Add(deadlinePowerDelta)
			return nil
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to iterate deadlines")

		err = st.SaveDeadlines(store, deadlines)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadlines")

	// Remove power for new faulty sectors.
	// NOTE: It would be permissible to delay the power loss until the deadline closes, but that would require
	// additional accounting state.
	requestUpdatePower(rt, powerDelta)

	// Payment of penalty for declared faults is deferred to the deadline cron.
	return nil

//type DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams struct {
//	Recoveries []RecoveryDeclaration
type DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams = miner0.DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams

//type RecoveryDeclaration struct {
//	// The deadline to which the recovered sectors are assigned, in range [0..WPoStPeriodDeadlines)
//	Deadline uint64
//	// Partition index within the deadline containing the recovered sectors.
//	Partition uint64
//	// Sectors in the partition being declared recovered.
//	Sectors bitfield.BitField
type RecoveryDeclaration = miner0.RecoveryDeclaration

func (a Actor) DeclareFaultsRecovered(rt Runtime, params *DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	if len(params.Recoveries) > DeclarationsMax {
			"too many recovery declarations for a single message: %d > %d",
			len(params.Recoveries), DeclarationsMax,

	toProcess := make(DeadlineSectorMap)
	for _, term := range params.Recoveries {
		err := toProcess.Add(term.Deadline, term.Partition, term.Sectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument,
			"failed to process deadline %d, partition %d", term.Deadline, term.Partition,
	err := toProcess.Check(AddressedPartitionsMax, AddressedSectorsMax)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot process requested parameters")

	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	var st State
	feeToBurn := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		// Verify unlocked funds cover both InitialPledgeRequirement and FeeDebt
		// and repay fee debt now.
		feeToBurn = RepayDebtsOrAbort(rt, &st)

		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)
		if ConsensusFaultActive(info, rt.CurrEpoch()) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "recovery not allowed during active consensus fault")

		deadlines, err := st.LoadDeadlines(adt.AsStore(rt))
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadlines")

		sectors, err := LoadSectors(store, st.Sectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors array")

		currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()
		err = toProcess.ForEach(func(dlIdx uint64, pm PartitionSectorMap) error {
			targetDeadline, err := declarationDeadlineInfo(st.CurrentProvingPeriodStart(currEpoch), dlIdx, currEpoch)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid recovery declaration deadline %d", dlIdx)
			err = validateFRDeclarationDeadline(targetDeadline)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed recovery declaration at deadline %d", dlIdx)

			deadline, err := deadlines.LoadDeadline(store, dlIdx)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %d", dlIdx)

			err = deadline.DeclareFaultsRecovered(store, sectors, info.SectorSize, pm)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to declare recoveries for deadline %d", dlIdx)

			err = deadlines.UpdateDeadline(store, dlIdx, deadline)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to store deadline %d", dlIdx)
			return nil
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to walk sectors")

		err = st.SaveDeadlines(store, deadlines)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadlines")

	burnFunds(rt, feeToBurn, BurnMethodDeclareFaultsRecovered)
	err = st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")

	// Power is not restored yet, but when the recovered sectors are successfully PoSted.
	return nil

// Maintenance //

//type CompactPartitionsParams struct {
//	Deadline   uint64
//	Partitions bitfield.BitField
type CompactPartitionsParams = miner0.CompactPartitionsParams

// Compacts a number of partitions at one deadline by removing terminated sectors, re-ordering the remaining sectors,
// and assigning them to new partitions so as to completely fill all but one partition with live sectors.
// The addressed partitions are removed from the deadline, and new ones appended.
// The final partition in the deadline is always included in the compaction, whether or not explicitly requested.
// Removed sectors are removed from state entirely.
// May not be invoked if the deadline has any un-processed early terminations.
func (a Actor) CompactPartitions(rt Runtime, params *CompactPartitionsParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	if params.Deadline >= WPoStPeriodDeadlines {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid deadline %v", params.Deadline)

	partitionCount, err := params.Partitions.Count()
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to parse partitions bitfield")

	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		if !deadlineAvailableForCompaction(st.CurrentProvingPeriodStart(rt.CurrEpoch()), params.Deadline, rt.CurrEpoch()) {
				"cannot compact deadline %d during its challenge window, or the prior challenge window, or before %d epochs have passed since its last challenge window ended", params.Deadline, WPoStDisputeWindow)

		submissionPartitionLimit := loadPartitionsSectorsMax(info.WindowPoStPartitionSectors)
		if partitionCount > submissionPartitionLimit {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "too many partitions %d, limit %d", partitionCount, submissionPartitionLimit)

		quant := st.QuantSpecForDeadline(params.Deadline)

		deadlines, err := st.LoadDeadlines(store)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadlines")

		deadline, err := deadlines.LoadDeadline(store, params.Deadline)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %d", params.Deadline)

		live, dead, removedPower, err := deadline.RemovePartitions(store, params.Partitions, quant)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to remove partitions from deadline %d", params.Deadline)

		err = st.DeleteSectors(store, dead)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to delete dead sectors")

		sectors, err := st.LoadSectorInfos(store, live)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load moved sectors")

		proven := true
		addedPower, err := deadline.AddSectors(store, info.WindowPoStPartitionSectors, proven, sectors, info.SectorSize, quant)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add back moved sectors")

		if !removedPower.Equals(addedPower) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "power changed when compacting partitions: was %v, is now %v", removedPower, addedPower)
		err = deadlines.UpdateDeadline(store, params.Deadline, deadline)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to update deadline %d", params.Deadline)

		err = st.SaveDeadlines(store, deadlines)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadlines")
	return nil

//type CompactSectorNumbersParams struct {
//	MaskSectorNumbers bitfield.BitField
type CompactSectorNumbersParams = miner0.CompactSectorNumbersParams

// Compacts sector number allocations to reduce the size of the allocated sector
// number bitfield.
// When allocating sector numbers sequentially, or in sequential groups, this
// bitfield should remain fairly small. However, if the bitfield grows large
// enough such that PreCommitSector fails (or becomes expensive), this method
// can be called to mask out (throw away) entire ranges of unused sector IDs.
// For example, if sectors 1-99 and 101-200 have been allocated, sector number
// 99 can be masked out to collapse these two ranges into one.
func (a Actor) CompactSectorNumbers(rt Runtime, params *CompactSectorNumbersParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	lastSectorNo, err := params.MaskSectorNumbers.Last()
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid mask bitfield")
	if lastSectorNo > abi.MaxSectorNumber {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "masked sector number %d exceeded max sector number", lastSectorNo)

	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		err := st.AllocateSectorNumbers(store, params.MaskSectorNumbers, AllowCollisions)

		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to mask sector numbers")
	return nil

// Pledge Collateral //

// Locks up some amount of the miner's unlocked balance (including funds received alongside the invoking message).
func (a Actor) ApplyRewards(rt Runtime, params *builtin.ApplyRewardParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	if params.Reward.Sign() < 0 {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot lock up a negative amount of funds")
	if params.Penalty.Sign() < 0 {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot penalize a negative amount of funds")

	var st State
	pledgeDeltaTotal := big.Zero()
	toBurn := big.Zero()
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		var err error
		store := adt.AsStore(rt)

		rewardToLock, lockedRewardVestingSpec := LockedRewardFromReward(params.Reward)

		// This ensures the miner has sufficient funds to lock up amountToLock.
		// This should always be true if reward actor sends reward funds with the message.
		unlockedBalance, err := st.GetUnlockedBalance(rt.CurrentBalance())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to calculate unlocked balance")
		if unlockedBalance.LessThan(rewardToLock) {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrInsufficientFunds, "insufficient funds to lock, available: %v, requested: %v", unlockedBalance, rewardToLock)

		newlyVested, err := st.AddLockedFunds(store, rt.CurrEpoch(), rewardToLock, lockedRewardVestingSpec)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to lock funds in vesting table")
		pledgeDeltaTotal = big.Sub(pledgeDeltaTotal, newlyVested)
		pledgeDeltaTotal = big.Add(pledgeDeltaTotal, rewardToLock)

		// If the miner incurred block mining penalties charge these to miner's fee debt
		err = st.ApplyPenalty(params.Penalty)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to apply penalty")
		// Attempt to repay all fee debt in this call. In most cases the miner will have enough
		// funds in the *reward alone* to cover the penalty. In the rare case a miner incurs more
		// penalty than it can pay for with reward and existing funds, it will go into fee debt.
		penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance, err := st.RepayPartialDebtInPriorityOrder(store, rt.CurrEpoch(), rt.CurrentBalance())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to repay penalty")
		pledgeDeltaTotal = big.Sub(pledgeDeltaTotal, penaltyFromVesting)
		toBurn = big.Add(penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance)

	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, pledgeDeltaTotal)
	burnFunds(rt, toBurn, BurnMethodApplyRewards)
	err := st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")

	return nil

//type ReportConsensusFaultParams struct {
//	BlockHeader1     []byte
//	BlockHeader2     []byte
//	BlockHeaderExtra []byte
type ReportConsensusFaultParams = miner0.ReportConsensusFaultParams

func (a Actor) ReportConsensusFault(rt Runtime, params *ReportConsensusFaultParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
	// Note: only the first report of any fault is processed because it sets the
	// ConsensusFaultElapsed state variable to an epoch after the fault, and reports prior to
	// that epoch are no longer valid.
	reporter := rt.Caller()

	fault, err := rt.VerifyConsensusFault(params.BlockHeader1, params.BlockHeader2, params.BlockHeaderExtra)
	if err != nil {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "fault not verified: %s", err)
	if fault.Target != rt.Receiver() {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "fault by %v reported to miner %v", fault.Target, rt.Receiver())

	// Elapsed since the fault (i.e. since the higher of the two blocks)
	currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()
	faultAge := currEpoch - fault.Epoch
	if faultAge <= 0 {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid fault epoch %v ahead of current %v", fault.Epoch, currEpoch)

	// Penalize miner consensus fault fee
	// Give a portion of this to the reporter as reward
	var st State
	rewardStats := requestCurrentEpochBlockReward(rt)
	// The policy amounts we should burn and send to reporter
	// These may differ from actual funds send when miner goes into fee debt
	thisEpochReward := smoothing.Estimate(&rewardStats.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed)
	faultPenalty := ConsensusFaultPenalty(thisEpochReward)
	slasherReward := RewardForConsensusSlashReport(thisEpochReward)
	pledgeDelta := big.Zero()

	// The amounts actually sent to burnt funds and reporter
	burnAmount := big.Zero()
	rewardAmount := big.Zero()
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)

		// verify miner hasn't already been faulted
		if fault.Epoch < info.ConsensusFaultElapsed {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "fault epoch %d is too old, last exclusion period ended at %d", fault.Epoch, info.ConsensusFaultElapsed)

		err := st.ApplyPenalty(faultPenalty)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to apply penalty")

		// Pay penalty
		penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance, err := st.RepayPartialDebtInPriorityOrder(adt.AsStore(rt), currEpoch, rt.CurrentBalance())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to pay fees")
		// Burn the amount actually payable. Any difference in this and faultPenalty already recorded as FeeDebt
		burnAmount = big.Add(penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance)
		pledgeDelta = big.Add(pledgeDelta, penaltyFromVesting.Neg())

		// clamp reward at funds burnt
		rewardAmount = big.Min(burnAmount, slasherReward)
		// reduce burnAmount by rewardAmount
		burnAmount = big.Sub(burnAmount, rewardAmount)
		info.ConsensusFaultElapsed = currEpoch + ConsensusFaultIneligibilityDuration
		err = st.SaveInfo(adt.AsStore(rt), info)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrSerialization, "failed to save miner info")
	code := rt.Send(reporter, builtin.MethodSend, nil, rewardAmount, &builtin.Discard{})
	if !code.IsSuccess() {
		rt.Log(rtt.ERROR, "failed to send reward")
	burnFunds(rt, burnAmount, BurnMethodReportConsensusFault)
	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, pledgeDelta)

	err = st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")

	return nil

//type WithdrawBalanceParams struct {
//	AmountRequested abi.TokenAmount
type WithdrawBalanceParams = miner0.WithdrawBalanceParams

// Attempt to withdraw the specified amount from the miner's available balance.
// Only owner key has permission to withdraw.
// If less than the specified amount is available, yields the entire available balance.
// Returns the amount withdrawn.
func (a Actor) WithdrawBalance(rt Runtime, params *WithdrawBalanceParams) *abi.TokenAmount {
	var st State
	if params.AmountRequested.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "negative fund requested for withdrawal: %s", params.AmountRequested)
	var info *MinerInfo
	newlyVested := big.Zero()
	feeToBurn := big.Zero()
	availableBalance := big.Zero()
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		var err error
		info = getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		// Only the owner is allowed to withdraw the balance as it belongs to/is controlled by the owner
		// and not the worker.

		// Ensure we don't have any pending terminations.
		if count, err := st.EarlyTerminations.Count(); err != nil {
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to count early terminations")
		} else if count > 0 {
				"cannot withdraw funds while %d deadlines have terminated sectors with outstanding fees",

		// Unlock vested funds so we can spend them.
		newlyVested, err = st.UnlockVestedFunds(adt.AsStore(rt), rt.CurrEpoch())
		if err != nil {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to vest fund: %v", err)
		// available balance already accounts for fee debt so it is correct to call
		// this before RepayDebts. We would have to
		// subtract fee debt explicitly if we called this after.
		availableBalance, err = st.GetAvailableBalance(rt.CurrentBalance())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to calculate available balance")

		// Verify unlocked funds cover both InitialPledgeRequirement and FeeDebt
		// and repay fee debt now.
		feeToBurn = RepayDebtsOrAbort(rt, &st)

	amountWithdrawn := big.Min(availableBalance, params.AmountRequested)
	builtin.RequireState(rt, amountWithdrawn.GreaterThanEqual(big.Zero()), "negative amount to withdraw: %v", amountWithdrawn)
	builtin.RequireState(rt, amountWithdrawn.LessThanEqual(availableBalance), "amount to withdraw %v < available %v", amountWithdrawn, availableBalance)

	if amountWithdrawn.GreaterThan(abi.NewTokenAmount(0)) {
		code := rt.Send(info.Owner, builtin.MethodSend, nil, amountWithdrawn, &builtin.Discard{})
		builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to withdraw balance")

	burnFunds(rt, feeToBurn, BurnMethodWithdrawBalance)

	pledgeDelta := newlyVested.Neg()
	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, pledgeDelta)

	err := st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")

	return &amountWithdrawn

func (a Actor) RepayDebt(rt Runtime, _ *abi.EmptyValue) *abi.EmptyValue {
	var st State
	var fromVesting, fromBalance abi.TokenAmount
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		var err error
		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
		rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

		// Repay as much fee debt as possible.
		fromVesting, fromBalance, err = st.RepayPartialDebtInPriorityOrder(adt.AsStore(rt), rt.CurrEpoch(), rt.CurrentBalance())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to unlock fee debt")

	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, fromVesting.Neg())
	burnFunds(rt, big.Sum(fromVesting, fromBalance), BurnMethodRepayDebt)
	err := st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")

	return nil

type ReplicaUpdate = miner7.ReplicaUpdate

type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams = miner7.ProveReplicaUpdatesParams

func (a Actor) ProveReplicaUpdates(rt Runtime, params *ProveReplicaUpdatesParams) *bitfield.BitField {
	// Validate inputs

	builtin.RequireParam(rt, len(params.Updates) <= ProveReplicaUpdatesMaxSize, "too many updates (%d > %d)", len(params.Updates), ProveReplicaUpdatesMaxSize)

	store := adt.AsStore(rt)
	var stReadOnly State
	info := getMinerInfo(rt, &stReadOnly)

	rt.ValidateImmediateCallerIs(append(info.ControlAddresses, info.Owner, info.Worker)...)

	sectors, err := LoadSectors(store, stReadOnly.Sectors)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors array")

	powerDelta := NewPowerPairZero()
	pledgeDelta := big.Zero()

	type updateAndSectorInfo struct {
		update     *ReplicaUpdate
		sectorInfo *SectorOnChainInfo

	var sectorsDeals []market.SectorDeals
	var sectorsDataSpec []*market.SectorDataSpec
	var validatedUpdates []*updateAndSectorInfo
	sectorNumbers := bitfield.New()
	for i := range params.Updates {
		update := params.Updates[i]
		// Bitfied.IsSet() is fast when there are only locally-set values.
		set, err := sectorNumbers.IsSet(uint64(update.SectorID))
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "error checking sector number")
		if set {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "duplicate sector being updated %d, skipping", update.SectorID)


		if len(update.ReplicaProof) > 4096 {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "update proof is too large (%d), skipping sector %d", len(update.ReplicaProof), update.SectorID)

		if len(update.Deals) <= 0 {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "must have deals to update, skipping sector %d", update.SectorID)

		if uint64(len(update.Deals)) > SectorDealsMax(info.SectorSize) {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "more deals than policy allows, skipping sector %d", update.SectorID)

		if update.Deadline >= WPoStPeriodDeadlines {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "deadline %d not in range 0..%d, skipping sector %d", update.Deadline, WPoStPeriodDeadlines, update.SectorID)

		if !update.NewSealedSectorCID.Defined() {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "new sealed CID undefined, skipping sector %d", update.SectorID)

		if update.NewSealedSectorCID.Prefix() != SealedCIDPrefix {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "new sealed CID had wrong prefix %s, skipping sector %d", update.NewSealedSectorCID, update.SectorID)

		// If the deadline is the current or next deadline to prove, don't allow updating sectors.
		// We assume that deadlines are immutable when being proven.
		if !deadlineIsMutable(stReadOnly.CurrentProvingPeriodStart(rt.CurrEpoch()), update.Deadline, rt.CurrEpoch()) {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "cannot upgrade sectors in immutable deadline %d, skipping sector %d", update.Deadline, update.SectorID)

		healthy, err := stReadOnly.CheckSectorActive(store, update.Deadline, update.Partition, update.SectorID, true)

		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "error checking sector health")

		if !healthy {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "sector isn't healthy, skipping sector %d", update.SectorID)

		sectorInfo, err := sectors.MustGet(update.SectorID)
		if err != nil {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "failed to get sector, skipping sector %d", update.SectorID)

		if len(sectorInfo.DealIDs) != 0 {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "cannot update sector with deals, skipping sector %d", update.SectorID)

		code := rt.Send(
				DealIDs:      update.Deals,
				SectorExpiry: sectorInfo.Expiration,

		if code != exitcode.Ok {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "failed to activate deals, skipping sector %d", update.SectorID)

		validatedUpdates = append(validatedUpdates, &updateAndSectorInfo{
			update:     &update,
			sectorInfo: sectorInfo,

		sectorsDeals = append(sectorsDeals, market.SectorDeals{DealIDs: update.Deals, SectorExpiry: sectorInfo.Expiration})
		sectorsDataSpec = append(sectorsDataSpec, &market.SectorDataSpec{
			SectorType: sectorInfo.SealProof,
			DealIDs:    update.Deals,

	builtin.RequireParam(rt, len(validatedUpdates) > 0, "no valid updates")

	// Errors past this point cause the ProveReplicaUpdates call to fail (no more skipping sectors)

	dealWeights := requestDealWeights(rt, sectorsDeals)
	builtin.RequirePredicate(rt, len(dealWeights.Sectors) == len(validatedUpdates), exitcode.ErrIllegalState,
		"deal weight request returned %d records, expected %d", len(dealWeights.Sectors), len(validatedUpdates))

	unsealedSectorCIDs := requestUnsealedSectorCIDs(rt, sectorsDataSpec...)
	builtin.RequirePredicate(rt, len(unsealedSectorCIDs) == len(validatedUpdates), exitcode.ErrIllegalState,
		"unsealed sector cid request returned %d records, expected %d", len(unsealedSectorCIDs), len(validatedUpdates))

	type updateWithDetails struct {
		update            *ReplicaUpdate
		sectorInfo        *SectorOnChainInfo
		dealWeight        market.SectorWeights
		unsealedSectorCID cid.Cid

	// Group declarations by deadline
	declsByDeadline := map[uint64][]*updateWithDetails{}
	var deadlinesToLoad []uint64
	for i, updateWithSectorInfo := range validatedUpdates {
		if _, ok := declsByDeadline[updateWithSectorInfo.update.Deadline]; !ok {
			deadlinesToLoad = append(deadlinesToLoad, updateWithSectorInfo.update.Deadline)
		declsByDeadline[updateWithSectorInfo.update.Deadline] = append(declsByDeadline[updateWithSectorInfo.update.Deadline], &updateWithDetails{
			update:            updateWithSectorInfo.update,
			sectorInfo:        updateWithSectorInfo.sectorInfo,
			dealWeight:        dealWeights.Sectors[i],
			unsealedSectorCID: unsealedSectorCIDs[i],

	rewRet := requestCurrentEpochBlockReward(rt)
	powRet := requestCurrentTotalPower(rt)

	succeededSectors := bitfield.New()
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		deadlines, err := st.LoadDeadlines(store)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadlines")

		newSectors := make([]*SectorOnChainInfo, 0)
		for _, dlIdx := range deadlinesToLoad {
			deadline, err := deadlines.LoadDeadline(store, dlIdx)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %d", dlIdx)

			partitions, err := deadline.PartitionsArray(store)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load partitions for deadline %d", dlIdx)

			quant := st.QuantSpecForDeadline(dlIdx)

			for _, updateWithDetails := range declsByDeadline[dlIdx] {
				updateProofType, err := updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.SealProof.RegisteredUpdateProof()
				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "couldn't load update proof type")
				builtin.RequirePredicate(rt, updateWithDetails.update.UpdateProofType == updateProofType, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "unsupported update proof type %d", updateWithDetails.update.UpdateProofType)

				err = rt.VerifyReplicaUpdate(
						UpdateProofType:      updateProofType,
						NewSealedSectorCID:   updateWithDetails.update.NewSealedSectorCID,
						OldSealedSectorCID:   updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.SealedCID,
						NewUnsealedSectorCID: updateWithDetails.unsealedSectorCID,
						Proof:                updateWithDetails.update.ReplicaProof,

				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to verify replica proof for sector %d", updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.SectorNumber)

				newSectorInfo := *updateWithDetails.sectorInfo

				newSectorInfo.SealedCID = updateWithDetails.update.NewSealedSectorCID
				if newSectorInfo.SectorKeyCID == nil {
					newSectorInfo.SectorKeyCID = &updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.SealedCID

				newSectorInfo.DealIDs = updateWithDetails.update.Deals
				newSectorInfo.Activation = rt.CurrEpoch()

				newSectorInfo.DealWeight = updateWithDetails.dealWeight.DealWeight
				newSectorInfo.VerifiedDealWeight = updateWithDetails.dealWeight.VerifiedDealWeight

				// compute initial pledge
				duration := updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.Expiration - rt.CurrEpoch()

				pwr := QAPowerForWeight(info.SectorSize, duration, newSectorInfo.DealWeight, newSectorInfo.VerifiedDealWeight)

				newSectorInfo.ReplacedDayReward = updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.ExpectedDayReward
				newSectorInfo.ExpectedDayReward = ExpectedRewardForPower(rewRet.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed, powRet.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed, pwr, builtin.EpochsInDay)
				newSectorInfo.ExpectedStoragePledge = ExpectedRewardForPower(rewRet.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed, powRet.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed, pwr, InitialPledgeProjectionPeriod)
				newSectorInfo.ReplacedSectorAge = maxEpoch(0, rt.CurrEpoch()-updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.Activation)

				initialPledgeAtUpgrade := InitialPledgeForPower(pwr, rewRet.ThisEpochBaselinePower, rewRet.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed,
					powRet.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed, rt.TotalFilCircSupply())

				if initialPledgeAtUpgrade.GreaterThan(updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.InitialPledge) {
					deficit := big.Sub(initialPledgeAtUpgrade, updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.InitialPledge)

					unlockedBalance, err := st.GetUnlockedBalance(rt.CurrentBalance())
					builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to calculate unlocked balance")
					builtin.RequirePredicate(rt, unlockedBalance.GreaterThanEqual(deficit), exitcode.ErrInsufficientFunds, "insufficient funds for new initial pledge requirement %s, available: %s, skipping sector %d",
						deficit, unlockedBalance, updateWithDetails.sectorInfo.SectorNumber)

					err = st.AddInitialPledge(deficit)
					builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add initial pledge")

					newSectorInfo.InitialPledge = initialPledgeAtUpgrade

				var partition Partition
				found, err := partitions.Get(updateWithDetails.update.Partition, &partition)

				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %v partition %v",
					updateWithDetails.update.Deadline, updateWithDetails.update.Partition)

				if !found {
					rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrNotFound, "no such deadline %v partition %v", dlIdx, updateWithDetails.update.Partition)

				partitionPowerDelta, partitionPledgeDelta, err := partition.ReplaceSectors(store,

				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to replace sector at deadline %d partition %d", updateWithDetails.update.Deadline, updateWithDetails.update.Partition)

				powerDelta = powerDelta.Add(partitionPowerDelta)
				pledgeDelta = big.Add(pledgeDelta, partitionPledgeDelta)

				err = partitions.Set(updateWithDetails.update.Partition, &partition)
				builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadline %v partition %v",

				newSectors = append(newSectors, &newSectorInfo)

			deadline.Partitions, err = partitions.Root()
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save partitions for deadline %d", dlIdx)

			err = deadlines.UpdateDeadline(store, dlIdx, deadline)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadline %d", dlIdx)

		successCount, err := succeededSectors.Count()
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to count succeededSectors")
		builtin.RequirePredicate(rt, successCount == uint64(len(validatedUpdates)), exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "unexpected successcount %d != %d", successCount, len(validatedUpdates))

		// Overwrite sector infos.
		err = sectors.Store(newSectors...)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to update sector infos")

		st.Sectors, err = sectors.Root()
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save sectors")

		err = st.SaveDeadlines(store, deadlines)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadlines")


	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, pledgeDelta)
	requestUpdatePower(rt, powerDelta)

	return &succeededSectors

// Cron //

//type CronEventPayload struct {
//	EventType CronEventType
type CronEventPayload = miner0.CronEventPayload

type CronEventType = miner0.CronEventType

const (
	CronEventProvingDeadline          = miner0.CronEventProvingDeadline
	CronEventProcessEarlyTerminations = miner0.CronEventProcessEarlyTerminations

func (a Actor) OnDeferredCronEvent(rt Runtime, params *builtin.DeferredCronEventParams) *abi.EmptyValue {

	var payload miner0.CronEventPayload
	err := payload.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewBuffer(params.EventPayload))
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to unmarshal miner cron payload into expected structure")

	switch payload.EventType {
	case CronEventProvingDeadline:
		handleProvingDeadline(rt, params.RewardSmoothed, params.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed)
	case CronEventProcessEarlyTerminations:
		if processEarlyTerminations(rt, params.RewardSmoothed, params.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed) {
		rt.Log(rtt.ERROR, "onDeferredCronEvent invalid event type: %v", payload.EventType)

	var st State
	err = st.CheckBalanceInvariants(rt.CurrentBalance())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, ErrBalanceInvariantBroken, "balance invariants broken")
	return nil

// Utility functions & helpers

// TODO: We're using the current power+epoch reward. Technically, we
// should use the power/reward at the time of termination.
func processEarlyTerminations(rt Runtime, rewardSmoothed smoothing.FilterEstimate, qualityAdjPowerSmoothed smoothing.FilterEstimate) (more bool) {
	store := adt.AsStore(rt)

	var (
		result           TerminationResult
		dealsToTerminate []market.OnMinerSectorsTerminateParams
		penalty          = big.Zero()
		pledgeDelta      = big.Zero()

	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
		var err error
		result, more, err = st.PopEarlyTerminations(store, AddressedPartitionsMax, AddressedSectorsMax)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to pop early terminations")

		// Nothing to do, don't waste any time.
		// This can happen if we end up processing early terminations
		// before the cron callback fires.
		if result.IsEmpty() {
			rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "no early terminations (maybe cron callback hasn't happened yet?)")

		info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)

		sectors, err := LoadSectors(store, st.Sectors)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors array")

		totalInitialPledge := big.Zero()
		dealsToTerminate = make([]market.OnMinerSectorsTerminateParams, 0, len(result.Sectors))
		err = result.ForEach(func(epoch abi.ChainEpoch, sectorNos bitfield.BitField) error {
			sectors, err := sectors.Load(sectorNos)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sector infos")
			params := market.OnMinerSectorsTerminateParams{
				Epoch:   epoch,
				DealIDs: make([]abi.DealID, 0, len(sectors)), // estimate ~one deal per sector.
			for _, sector := range sectors {
				params.DealIDs = append(params.DealIDs, sector.DealIDs...)
				totalInitialPledge = big.Add(totalInitialPledge, sector.InitialPledge)
			penalty = big.Add(penalty, terminationPenalty(info.SectorSize, epoch,
				rewardSmoothed, qualityAdjPowerSmoothed, sectors))
			dealsToTerminate = append(dealsToTerminate, params)

			return nil
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to process terminations")

		// Pay penalty
		err = st.ApplyPenalty(penalty)
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to apply penalty")

		// Remove pledge requirement.
		err = st.AddInitialPledge(totalInitialPledge.Neg())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add initial pledge %v", totalInitialPledge.Neg())
		pledgeDelta = big.Sub(pledgeDelta, totalInitialPledge)

		// Use unlocked pledge to pay down outstanding fee debt
		penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance, err := st.RepayPartialDebtInPriorityOrder(store, rt.CurrEpoch(), rt.CurrentBalance())
		builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to pay penalty")
		penalty = big.Add(penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance)
		pledgeDelta = big.Sub(pledgeDelta, penaltyFromVesting)

	// We didn't do anything, abort.
	if result.IsEmpty() {
		rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "no early terminations")
		return more

	// Burn penalty.
	rt.Log(rtt.DEBUG, "storage provider %s penalized %s for sector termination", rt.Receiver(), penalty)
	burnFunds(rt, penalty, BurnMethodProcessEarlyTerminations)

	// Return pledge.
	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, pledgeDelta)

	// Terminate deals.
	for _, params := range dealsToTerminate {
		requestTerminateDeals(rt, params.Epoch, params.DealIDs)

	// reschedule cron worker, if necessary.
	return more

// Invoked at the end of the last epoch for each proving deadline.
func handleProvingDeadline(rt Runtime,
	rewardSmoothed smoothing.FilterEstimate,
	qualityAdjPowerSmoothed smoothing.FilterEstimate) {
	currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()
	store := adt.AsStore(rt)

	hadEarlyTerminations := false

	powerDeltaTotal := NewPowerPairZero()
	penaltyTotal := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
	pledgeDeltaTotal := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)

	var continueCron bool
	var st State
	rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
			// Vest locked funds.
			// This happens first so that any subsequent penalties are taken
			// from locked vesting funds before funds free this epoch.
			newlyVested, err := st.UnlockVestedFunds(store, rt.CurrEpoch())
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to vest funds")
			pledgeDeltaTotal = big.Add(pledgeDeltaTotal, newlyVested.Neg())

			// Process pending worker change if any
			info := getMinerInfo(rt, &st)
			processPendingWorker(info, rt, &st)

			depositToBurn, err := st.CleanUpExpiredPreCommits(store, currEpoch)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to expire pre-committed sectors")

			err = st.ApplyPenalty(depositToBurn)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to apply penalty")
			rt.Log(rtt.DEBUG, "storage provider %s penalized %s for expired pre commits", rt.Receiver(), depositToBurn)

		// Record whether or not we _had_ early terminations in the queue before this method.
		// That way, don't re-schedule a cron callback if one is already scheduled.
		hadEarlyTerminations = havePendingEarlyTerminations(rt, &st)

			result, err := st.AdvanceDeadline(store, currEpoch)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to advance deadline")

			// Faults detected by this missed PoSt pay no penalty, but sectors that were already faulty
			// and remain faulty through this deadline pay the fault fee.
			penaltyTarget := PledgePenaltyForContinuedFault(

			powerDeltaTotal = powerDeltaTotal.Add(result.PowerDelta)
			pledgeDeltaTotal = big.Add(pledgeDeltaTotal, result.PledgeDelta)

			err = st.ApplyPenalty(penaltyTarget)
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to apply penalty")
			rt.Log(rtt.DEBUG, "storage provider %s penalized %s for continued fault", rt.Receiver(), penaltyTarget)

			penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance, err := st.RepayPartialDebtInPriorityOrder(store, currEpoch, rt.CurrentBalance())
			builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to unlock penalty")
			penaltyTotal = big.Add(penaltyFromVesting, penaltyFromBalance)
			pledgeDeltaTotal = big.Sub(pledgeDeltaTotal, penaltyFromVesting)

		continueCron = st.ContinueDeadlineCron()
		if !continueCron {
			st.DeadlineCronActive = false
	// Remove power for new faults, and burn penalties.
	requestUpdatePower(rt, powerDeltaTotal)
	burnFunds(rt, penaltyTotal, BurnMethodHandleProvingDeadline)
	notifyPledgeChanged(rt, pledgeDeltaTotal)

	// Schedule cron callback for next deadline's last epoch.
	if continueCron {
		newDlInfo := st.DeadlineInfo(currEpoch + 1)
		enrollCronEvent(rt, newDlInfo.Last(), &CronEventPayload{
			EventType: CronEventProvingDeadline,
	} else {
		rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "miner %s going inactive, deadline cron discontinued", rt.Receiver())

	// Record whether or not we _have_ early terminations now.
	hasEarlyTerminations := havePendingEarlyTerminations(rt, &st)

	// If we didn't have pending early terminations before, but we do now,
	// handle them at the next epoch.
	if !hadEarlyTerminations && hasEarlyTerminations {
		// First, try to process some of these terminations.
		if processEarlyTerminations(rt, rewardSmoothed, qualityAdjPowerSmoothed) {
			// If that doesn't work, just defer till the next epoch.
		// Note: _don't_ process early terminations if we had a cron
		// callback already scheduled. In that case, we'll already have
		// processed AddressedSectorsMax terminations this epoch.

// Check expiry is exactly *the epoch before* the start of a proving period.
func validateExpiration(rt Runtime, activation, expiration abi.ChainEpoch, sealProof abi.RegisteredSealProof) {
	// Expiration must be after activation. Check this explicitly to avoid an underflow below.
	if expiration <= activation {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector expiration %v must be after activation (%v)", expiration, activation)
	// expiration cannot be less than minimum after activation
	if expiration-activation < MinSectorExpiration {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid expiration %d, total sector lifetime (%d) must exceed %d after activation %d",
			expiration, expiration-activation, MinSectorExpiration, activation)

	// expiration cannot exceed MaxSectorExpirationExtension from now
	if expiration > rt.CurrEpoch()+MaxSectorExpirationExtension {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid expiration %d, cannot be more than %d past current epoch %d",
			expiration, MaxSectorExpirationExtension, rt.CurrEpoch())

	// total sector lifetime cannot exceed SectorMaximumLifetime for the sector's seal proof
	maxLifetime, err := builtin.SealProofSectorMaximumLifetime(sealProof)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "unrecognized seal proof type %d", sealProof)
	if expiration-activation > maxLifetime {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid expiration %d, total sector lifetime (%d) cannot exceed %d after activation %d",
			expiration, expiration-activation, maxLifetime, activation)

func enrollCronEvent(rt Runtime, eventEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, callbackPayload *CronEventPayload) {
	payload := new(bytes.Buffer)
	err := callbackPayload.MarshalCBOR(payload)
	if err != nil {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to serialize payload: %v", err)
	code := rt.Send(
			EventEpoch: eventEpoch,
			Payload:    payload.Bytes(),
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to enroll cron event")

func requestUpdatePower(rt Runtime, delta PowerPair) {
	if delta.IsZero() {
	code := rt.Send(
			RawByteDelta:         delta.Raw,
			QualityAdjustedDelta: delta.QA,
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to update power with %v", delta)

func requestTerminateDeals(rt Runtime, epoch abi.ChainEpoch, dealIDs []abi.DealID) {
	for len(dealIDs) > 0 {
		size := min64(cbg.MaxLength, uint64(len(dealIDs)))
		code := rt.Send(
				Epoch:   epoch,
				DealIDs: dealIDs[:size],
		builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to terminate deals, exit code %v", code)
		dealIDs = dealIDs[size:]

func scheduleEarlyTerminationWork(rt Runtime) {
	rt.Log(rtt.INFO, "scheduling early terminations with cron...")

	enrollCronEvent(rt, rt.CurrEpoch()+1, &CronEventPayload{
		EventType: CronEventProcessEarlyTerminations,

func havePendingEarlyTerminations(rt Runtime, st *State) bool {
	// Record this up-front
	noEarlyTerminations, err := st.EarlyTerminations.IsEmpty()
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to count early terminations")
	return !noEarlyTerminations

func verifyWindowedPost(rt Runtime, challengeEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, sectors []*SectorOnChainInfo, proofs []proof.PoStProof) error {
	minerActorID, err := addr.IDFromAddress(rt.Receiver())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "runtime provided bad receiver address %v", rt.Receiver())

	// Regenerate challenge randomness, which must match that generated for the proof.
	var addrBuf bytes.Buffer
	receiver := rt.Receiver()
	err = receiver.MarshalCBOR(&addrBuf)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrSerialization, "failed to marshal address for window post challenge")
	postRandomness := rt.GetRandomnessFromBeacon(crypto.DomainSeparationTag_WindowedPoStChallengeSeed, challengeEpoch, addrBuf.Bytes())

	sectorProofInfo := make([]proof.SectorInfo, len(sectors))
	for i, s := range sectors {
		sectorProofInfo[i] = proof.SectorInfo{
			SealProof:    s.SealProof,
			SectorNumber: s.SectorNumber,
			SealedCID:    s.SealedCID,

	// Get public inputs
	pvInfo := proof.WindowPoStVerifyInfo{
		Randomness:        abi.PoStRandomness(postRandomness),
		Proofs:            proofs,
		ChallengedSectors: sectorProofInfo,
		Prover:            abi.ActorID(minerActorID),

	// Verify the PoSt ReplicaProof
	err = rt.VerifyPoSt(pvInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid PoSt %+v: %w", pvInfo, err)
	return nil

// SealVerifyParams is the structure of information that must be sent with a
// message to commit a sector. Most of this information is not needed in the
// state tree but will be verified in sm.CommitSector. See SealCommitment for
// data stored on the state tree for each sector.
type SealVerifyStuff struct {
	SealedCID        cid.Cid        // CommR
	InteractiveEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // Used to derive the interactive PoRep challenge.
	Proof   []byte
	DealIDs []abi.DealID
	SealRandEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // Used to tie the seal to a chain.

func getVerifyInfo(rt Runtime, params *SealVerifyStuff) *proof.SealVerifyInfo {
	if rt.CurrEpoch() <= params.InteractiveEpoch {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "too early to prove sector")

	commDs := requestUnsealedSectorCIDs(rt, &market.SectorDataSpec{
		SectorType: params.RegisteredSealProof,
		DealIDs:    params.DealIDs,

	minerActorID, err := addr.IDFromAddress(rt.Receiver())
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "runtime provided non-ID receiver address %v", rt.Receiver())

	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	receiver := rt.Receiver()
	err = receiver.MarshalCBOR(buf)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrSerialization, "failed to marshal address for seal verification challenge")

	svInfoRandomness := rt.GetRandomnessFromTickets(crypto.DomainSeparationTag_SealRandomness, params.SealRandEpoch, buf.Bytes())
	svInfoInteractiveRandomness := rt.GetRandomnessFromBeacon(crypto.DomainSeparationTag_InteractiveSealChallengeSeed, params.InteractiveEpoch, buf.Bytes())

	return &proof.SealVerifyInfo{
		SealProof: params.RegisteredSealProof,
		SectorID: abi.SectorID{
			Miner:  abi.ActorID(minerActorID),
			Number: params.SectorNumber,
		DealIDs:               params.DealIDs,
		InteractiveRandomness: abi.InteractiveSealRandomness(svInfoInteractiveRandomness),
		Proof:                 params.Proof,
		Randomness:            abi.SealRandomness(svInfoRandomness),
		SealedCID:             params.SealedCID,
		UnsealedCID:           commDs[0],

// Requests the storage market actor compute the unsealed sector CID from a sector's deals.
func requestUnsealedSectorCIDs(rt Runtime, dataCommitmentInputs ...*market.SectorDataSpec) []cid.Cid {
	if len(dataCommitmentInputs) == 0 {
		return nil
	var ret market.ComputeDataCommitmentReturn
	code := rt.Send(
			Inputs: dataCommitmentInputs,
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed request for unsealed sector CIDs")
	builtin.RequireState(rt, len(dataCommitmentInputs) == len(ret.CommDs), "number of data commitments computed %d does not match number of data commitment inputs %d", len(ret.CommDs), len(dataCommitmentInputs))
	unsealedCIDs := make([]cid.Cid, len(ret.CommDs))
	for i, cbgCid := range ret.CommDs {
		unsealedCIDs[i] = cid.Cid(cbgCid)
	return unsealedCIDs

func requestDealWeights(rt Runtime, sectors []market.SectorDeals) *market.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn {
	// Short-circuit if there are no deals in any of the sectors.
	dealCount := 0
	for _, sector := range sectors {
		dealCount += len(sector.DealIDs)
	if dealCount == 0 {
		emptyResult := &market.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn{
			Sectors: make([]market.SectorWeights, len(sectors)),
		for i := 0; i < len(sectors); i++ {
			emptyResult.Sectors[i] = market.SectorWeights{
				DealSpace:          0,
				DealWeight:         big.Zero(),
				VerifiedDealWeight: big.Zero(),
		return emptyResult

	var dealWeights market.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn
	code := rt.Send(
			Sectors: sectors,
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to verify deals and get deal weight")
	return &dealWeights

// Requests the current epoch target block reward from the reward actor.
// return value includes reward, smoothed estimate of reward, and baseline power
func requestCurrentEpochBlockReward(rt Runtime) reward.ThisEpochRewardReturn {
	var ret reward.ThisEpochRewardReturn
	code := rt.Send(builtin.RewardActorAddr, builtin.MethodsReward.ThisEpochReward, nil, big.Zero(), &ret)
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to check epoch baseline power")
	return ret

// Requests the current network total power and pledge from the power actor.
func requestCurrentTotalPower(rt Runtime) *power.CurrentTotalPowerReturn {
	var pwr power.CurrentTotalPowerReturn
	code := rt.Send(builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, builtin.MethodsPower.CurrentTotalPower, nil, big.Zero(), &pwr)
	builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to check current power")
	return &pwr

// Resolves an address to an ID address and verifies that it is address of an account or multisig actor.
func resolveControlAddress(rt Runtime, raw addr.Address) addr.Address {
	resolved, ok := rt.ResolveAddress(raw)
	if !ok {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "unable to resolve address %v", raw)
	ownerCode, ok := rt.GetActorCodeCID(resolved)
	if !ok {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "no code for address %v", resolved)
	if !builtin.IsPrincipal(ownerCode) {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "owner actor type must be a principal, was %v", ownerCode)
	return resolved

// Resolves an address to an ID address and verifies that it is address of an account actor with an associated BLS key.
// The worker must be BLS since the worker key will be used alongside a BLS-VRF.
func resolveWorkerAddress(rt Runtime, raw addr.Address) addr.Address {
	resolved, ok := rt.ResolveAddress(raw)
	if !ok {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "unable to resolve address %v", raw)
	workerCode, ok := rt.GetActorCodeCID(resolved)
	if !ok {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "no code for address %v", resolved)
	if workerCode != builtin.AccountActorCodeID {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "worker actor type must be an account, was %v", workerCode)

	if raw.Protocol() != addr.BLS {
		var pubkey addr.Address
		code := rt.Send(resolved, builtin.MethodsAccount.PubkeyAddress, nil, big.Zero(), &pubkey)
		builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to fetch account pubkey from %v", resolved)
		if pubkey.Protocol() != addr.BLS {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "worker account %v must have BLS pubkey, was %v", resolved, pubkey.Protocol())
	return resolved

func burnFunds(rt Runtime, amt abi.TokenAmount, bt BurnMethod) {
	if amt.GreaterThan(big.Zero()) {
		rt.Log(rtt.DEBUG, "storage provder %s burn type %s burning %s", rt.Receiver(), bt, amt)
		code := rt.Send(builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr, builtin.MethodSend, nil, amt, &builtin.Discard{})
		builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to burn funds")

func notifyPledgeChanged(rt Runtime, pledgeDelta abi.TokenAmount) {
	if !pledgeDelta.IsZero() {
		code := rt.Send(builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, builtin.MethodsPower.UpdatePledgeTotal, &pledgeDelta, big.Zero(), &builtin.Discard{})
		builtin.RequireSuccess(rt, code, "failed to update total pledge")

// Assigns proving period offset randomly in the range [0, WPoStProvingPeriod) by hashing
// the actor's address and current epoch.
func assignProvingPeriodOffset(myAddr addr.Address, currEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, hash func(data []byte) [32]byte) (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
	offsetSeed := bytes.Buffer{}
	err := myAddr.MarshalCBOR(&offsetSeed)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize address: %w", err)

	err = binary.Write(&offsetSeed, binary.BigEndian, currEpoch)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize epoch: %w", err)

	digest := hash(offsetSeed.Bytes())
	var offset uint64
	err = binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(digest[:]), binary.BigEndian, &offset)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to interpret digest: %w", err)

	offset = offset % uint64(WPoStProvingPeriod)
	return abi.ChainEpoch(offset), nil

// Computes the epoch at which a proving period should start such that it is greater than the current epoch, and
// has a defined offset from being an exact multiple of WPoStProvingPeriod.
// A miner is exempt from Winow PoSt until the first full proving period starts.
func currentProvingPeriodStart(currEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, offset abi.ChainEpoch) abi.ChainEpoch {
	currModulus := currEpoch % WPoStProvingPeriod
	var periodProgress abi.ChainEpoch // How far ahead is currEpoch from previous offset boundary.
	if currModulus >= offset {
		periodProgress = currModulus - offset
	} else {
		periodProgress = WPoStProvingPeriod - (offset - currModulus)

	periodStart := currEpoch - periodProgress
	return periodStart

// Computes the deadline index for the current epoch for a given period start.
// currEpoch must be within the proving period that starts at provingPeriodStart to produce a valid index.
func currentDeadlineIndex(currEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, periodStart abi.ChainEpoch) uint64 {
	return uint64((currEpoch - periodStart) / WPoStChallengeWindow)

// Update worker address with pending worker key if exists and delay has passed
func processPendingWorker(info *MinerInfo, rt Runtime, st *State) {
	if info.PendingWorkerKey == nil || rt.CurrEpoch() < info.PendingWorkerKey.EffectiveAt {

	info.Worker = info.PendingWorkerKey.NewWorker
	info.PendingWorkerKey = nil

	err := st.SaveInfo(adt.AsStore(rt), info)
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "could not save miner info")

// Computes deadline information for a fault or recovery declaration.
// If the deadline has not yet elapsed, the declaration is taken as being for the current proving period.
// If the deadline has elapsed, it's instead taken as being for the next proving period after the current epoch.
func declarationDeadlineInfo(periodStart abi.ChainEpoch, deadlineIdx uint64, currEpoch abi.ChainEpoch) (*dline.Info, error) {
	if deadlineIdx >= WPoStPeriodDeadlines {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid deadline %d, must be < %d", deadlineIdx, WPoStPeriodDeadlines)

	deadline := NewDeadlineInfo(periodStart, deadlineIdx, currEpoch).NextNotElapsed()
	return deadline, nil

// Checks that a fault or recovery declaration at a specific deadline is outside the exclusion window for the deadline.
func validateFRDeclarationDeadline(deadline *dline.Info) error {
	if deadline.FaultCutoffPassed() {
		return fmt.Errorf("late fault or recovery declaration at %v", deadline)
	return nil

// Validates that a partition contains the given sectors.
func validatePartitionContainsSectors(partition *Partition, sectors bitfield.BitField) error {
	// Check that the declared sectors are actually assigned to the partition.
	contains, err := BitFieldContainsAll(partition.Sectors, sectors)
	if err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf("failed to check sectors: %w", err)
	if !contains {
		return xerrors.Errorf("not all sectors are assigned to the partition")
	return nil

func terminationPenalty(sectorSize abi.SectorSize, currEpoch abi.ChainEpoch,
	rewardEstimate, networkQAPowerEstimate smoothing.FilterEstimate, sectors []*SectorOnChainInfo) abi.TokenAmount {
	totalFee := big.Zero()
	for _, s := range sectors {
		sectorPower := QAPowerForSector(sectorSize, s)
		fee := PledgePenaltyForTermination(s.ExpectedDayReward, currEpoch-s.Activation, s.ExpectedStoragePledge,
			networkQAPowerEstimate, sectorPower, rewardEstimate, s.ReplacedDayReward, s.ReplacedSectorAge)
		totalFee = big.Add(fee, totalFee)
	return totalFee

func PowerForSector(sectorSize abi.SectorSize, sector *SectorOnChainInfo) PowerPair {
	return PowerPair{
		Raw: big.NewIntUnsigned(uint64(sectorSize)),
		QA:  QAPowerForSector(sectorSize, sector),

// Returns the sum of the raw byte and quality-adjusted power for sectors.
func PowerForSectors(ssize abi.SectorSize, sectors []*SectorOnChainInfo) PowerPair {
	qa := big.Zero()
	for _, s := range sectors {
		qa = big.Add(qa, QAPowerForSector(ssize, s))

	return PowerPair{
		Raw: big.Mul(big.NewIntUnsigned(uint64(ssize)), big.NewIntUnsigned(uint64(len(sectors)))),
		QA:  qa,

func ConsensusFaultActive(info *MinerInfo, currEpoch abi.ChainEpoch) bool {
	// For penalization period to last for exactly finality epochs
	// consensus faults are active until currEpoch exceeds ConsensusFaultElapsed
	return currEpoch <= info.ConsensusFaultElapsed

func getMinerInfo(rt Runtime, st *State) *MinerInfo {
	info, err := st.GetInfo(adt.AsStore(rt))
	builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "could not read miner info")
	return info

func min64(a, b uint64) uint64 {
	if a < b {
		return a
	return b

func max64(a, b uint64) uint64 {
	if a > b {
		return a
	return b

func minEpoch(a, b abi.ChainEpoch) abi.ChainEpoch {
	if a < b {
		return a
	return b

func maxEpoch(a, b abi.ChainEpoch) abi.ChainEpoch { //nolint:deadcode,unused
	if a > b {
		return a
	return b

func checkControlAddresses(rt Runtime, controlAddrs []addr.Address) {
	if len(controlAddrs) > MaxControlAddresses {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "control addresses length %d exceeds max control addresses length %d", len(controlAddrs), MaxControlAddresses)

func checkPeerInfo(rt Runtime, peerID abi.PeerID, multiaddrs []abi.Multiaddrs) {
	if len(peerID) > MaxPeerIDLength {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "peer ID size of %d exceeds maximum size of %d", peerID, MaxPeerIDLength)

	totalSize := 0
	for _, ma := range multiaddrs {
		if len(ma) == 0 {
			rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "invalid empty multiaddr")
		totalSize += len(ma)
	if totalSize > MaxMultiaddrData {
		rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "multiaddr size of %d exceeds maximum of %d", totalSize, MaxMultiaddrData)