Retrieval Market

Retrieval Market in Filecoin


The retrieval market refers to the process of negotiating deals for a provider to serve stored data to a client. It should be highlighted that the negotiation process for the retrieval happens primarily off-chain. It is only some parts of it (mostly relating to redeeming vouchers from payment channels) that involve interaction with the blockchain.

The main components are as follows:

  • A payment channel actor
  • A protocol for making queries
  • A Data Transfer subsystem and protocol used to query retrieval miners and initiate retrieval deals
  • A chain-based content routing interface
  • A client module to query retrieval miners and initiate deals for retrieval
  • A provider module to respond to queries and deal proposals

The retrieval market operate by piggybacking on the Data Transfer system and Graphsync to handle transfer and verification, to support arbitrary selectors, and to reduce round trips. The retrieval market can support sending arbitrary payload CIDs & selectors within a piece.

The Data Transfer System is augmented accordingly to support pausing/resuming and sending intermediate vouchers to facilitate this.

Deal Flow in the Retrieval Market

Retrieval Flow

The Filecoin Retrieval Market protocol for proposing and accepting a deal works as follows:

  • The client finds a provider of a given piece with FindProviders().
  • The client queries a provider to see if it meets its retrieval criteria (via Query Protocol)
  • The client schedules a Data Transfer Pull Request passing the RetrievalDealProposal as a voucher.
  • The provider validates the proposal and rejects it if it is invalid.
  • If the proposal is valid, the provider responds with an accept message and begins monitoring the data transfer process.
  • The client creates a payment channel as necessary and a “lane” and ensures there are enough funds in the channel.
  • The provider unseals the sector as necessary.
  • The provider monitors data transfer as it sends blocks over the protocol, until it requires payment.
  • When the provider requires payment, it pauses the data transfer and sends a request for payment as an intermediate voucher.
  • The client receives the request for payment.
  • The client creates and stores a payment voucher off-chain.
  • The client responds to the provider with a reference to the payment voucher, sent as an intermediate voucher (i.e., acknowledging receipt of a part of the data and channel or lane value).
  • The provider validates the voucher sent by the client and saves it to be redeemed on-chain later
  • The provider resumes sending data and requesting intermediate payments.
  • The process continues until the end of the data transfer.

Some extra notes worth making with regard to the above process are as follows:

  • The payment channel is created by the client.
  • The payment channel is created when the provider accepts the deal, unless an open payment channel already exists between the given client and provider.
  • The vouchers are also created by the client and (a reference/identifier to these vouchers is) sent to the provider.
  • The payment indicated in the voucher is not taken out of the payment channel funds upon creation and exchange of vouchers between the client and the provider.
  • In order for money to be transferred to the provider’s payment channel side, the provider has to redeem the voucher
  • In order for money to be taken out of the payment channel, the provider has to submit the voucher on-chain and Collect the funds.
  • Both redeeming and collecting vouchers/funds can be done at any time during the data transfer, but redeeming vouchers and collecting funds involves the blockchain, which further means that it incurs gas cost.
  • Once the data transfer is complete, the client or provider may Settle the channel. There is then a 12hr period within which the provider has to submit the redeemed vouchers on-chain in order to collect the funds. Once the 12hr period is complete, the client may collect any unclaimed funds from the channel, and the provider loses the funds for vouchers they did not submit.
  • The provider can ask for a small payment ahead of the transfer, before they start unsealing data. The payment is meant to support the providers’ computational cost of unsealing the first chunk of data (where chunk is the agreed step-wise data transfer). This process is needed in order to avoid clients from carrying out a DoS attack, according to which they start several deals and cause the provider to engage a large amount of computational resources.

Bootstrapping Trust

Neither the client nor the provider have any specific reason to trust each other. Therefore, trust is established indirectly by payments for a retrieval deal done incrementally. This is achieved by sending vouchers as the data transfer progresses.

Trust establishment proceeds as follows:

  • When the deal is created, client & provider agree to a “payment interval” in bytes, which is the minimum amount of data the provider will send before each required increment.
  • They also agree to a “payment interval increment”. This means that the interval will increase by this value after each successful transfer and payment, as trust develops between client and provider.
  • Example:
    • If my “payment interval” is 1000, and my “payment interval increase” is 300, then:
    • The provider must send at least 1000 bytes before they require any payment (they may end up sending slightly more because block boundaries are uneven).
    • The client must pay (i.e., issue a voucher) for all bytes sent when the provider requests payment, provided that the provider has sent at least 1000 bytes.
    • The provider now must send at least 1300 bytes before they request payment again.
    • The client must pay (i.e., issue subsequent vouchers) for all bytes it has not yet paid for when the provider requests payment, assuming it has received at least 1300 bytes since last payment.
    • The process continues until the end of the retrieval, when the last payment will simply be for the remainder of bytes.

Data Representation in the Retrieval Market

The retrieval market works based on the Payload CID. The PayloadCID is the hash that represents the root of the IPLD DAG of the UnixFS version of the file. At this stage the file is a raw system file with IPFS-style representation. In order for a client to request for some data under the retrieval market, they have to know the PayloadCID. It is important to highlight that PayloadCIDs are not stored or registered on-chain.

package retrievalmarket

import (
	_ "embed"

	bindnoderegistry ""

	datatransfer ""
	paychtypes ""


//go:generate cbor-gen-for --map-encoding Query QueryResponse DealProposal DealResponse Params QueryParams DealPayment ClientDealState ProviderDealState PaymentInfo RetrievalPeer Ask

//go:embed types.ipldsch
var embedSchema []byte

// QueryProtocolID is the protocol for querying information about retrieval
// deal parameters
const QueryProtocolID = protocol.ID("/fil/retrieval/qry/1.0.0")

// Unsubscribe is a function that unsubscribes a subscriber for either the
// client or the provider
type Unsubscribe func()

// PaymentInfo is the payment channel and lane for a deal, once it is setup
type PaymentInfo struct {
	PayCh address.Address
	Lane  uint64

// ClientDealState is the current state of a deal from the point of view
// of a retrieval client
type ClientDealState struct {
	StoreID *uint64
	// Set when the data transfer is started
	ChannelID            *datatransfer.ChannelID
	LastPaymentRequested bool
	AllBlocksReceived    bool
	TotalFunds           abi.TokenAmount
	ClientWallet         address.Address
	MinerWallet          address.Address
	PaymentInfo          *PaymentInfo
	Status               DealStatus
	Sender               peer.ID
	TotalReceived        uint64
	Message              string
	BytesPaidFor         uint64
	CurrentInterval      uint64
	PaymentRequested     abi.TokenAmount
	FundsSpent           abi.TokenAmount
	UnsealFundsPaid      abi.TokenAmount
	WaitMsgCID           *cid.Cid // the CID of any message the client deal is waiting for
	VoucherShortfall     abi.TokenAmount
	LegacyProtocol       bool

func (deal *ClientDealState) NextInterval() uint64 {
	return deal.Params.nextInterval(deal.CurrentInterval)

type ProviderQueryEvent struct {
	Response QueryResponse
	Error    error

type ProviderValidationEvent struct {
	IsRestart bool
	Receiver  peer.ID
	Proposal  *DealProposal
	BaseCid   cid.Cid
	Selector  ipld.Node
	Response  *DealResponse
	Error     error

// ProviderDealState is the current state of a deal from the point of view
// of a retrieval provider
type ProviderDealState struct {
	StoreID uint64

	ChannelID     *datatransfer.ChannelID
	PieceInfo     *piecestore.PieceInfo
	Status        DealStatus
	Receiver      peer.ID
	FundsReceived abi.TokenAmount
	Message       string

// Identifier provides a unique id for this provider deal
func (pds ProviderDealState) Identifier() ProviderDealIdentifier {
	return ProviderDealIdentifier{Receiver: pds.Receiver, DealID: pds.ID}

// ProviderDealIdentifier is a value that uniquely identifies a deal
type ProviderDealIdentifier struct {
	Receiver peer.ID
	DealID   DealID

func (p ProviderDealIdentifier) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", p.Receiver, p.DealID)

// RetrievalPeer is a provider address/peer.ID pair (everything needed to make
// deals for with a miner)
type RetrievalPeer struct {
	Address  address.Address
	ID       peer.ID // optional
	PieceCID *cid.Cid

// QueryResponseStatus indicates whether a queried piece is available
type QueryResponseStatus uint64

const (
	// QueryResponseAvailable indicates a provider has a piece and is prepared to
	// return it
	QueryResponseAvailable QueryResponseStatus = iota

	// QueryResponseUnavailable indicates a provider either does not have or cannot
	// serve the queried piece to the client

	// QueryResponseError indicates something went wrong generating a query response

// QueryItemStatus (V1) indicates whether the requested part of a piece (payload or selector)
// is available for retrieval
type QueryItemStatus uint64

const (
	// QueryItemAvailable indicates requested part of the piece is available to be
	// served
	QueryItemAvailable QueryItemStatus = iota

	// QueryItemUnavailable indicates the piece either does not contain the requested
	// item or it cannot be served

	// QueryItemUnknown indicates the provider cannot determine if the given item
	// is part of the requested piece (for example, if the piece is sealed and the
	// miner does not maintain a payload CID index)

// QueryParams - V1 - indicate what specific information about a piece that a retrieval
// client is interested in, as well as specific parameters the client is seeking
// for the retrieval deal
type QueryParams struct {
	PieceCID *cid.Cid // optional, query if miner has this cid in this piece. some miners may not be able to respond.
	//Selector                   ipld.Node // optional, query if miner has this cid in this piece. some miners may not be able to respond.
	//MaxPricePerByte            abi.TokenAmount    // optional, tell miner uninterested if more expensive than this
	//MinPaymentInterval         uint64    // optional, tell miner uninterested unless payment interval is greater than this
	//MinPaymentIntervalIncrease uint64    // optional, tell miner uninterested unless payment interval increase is greater than this

// Query is a query to a given provider to determine information about a piece
// they may have available for retrieval
type Query struct {
	PayloadCID  cid.Cid // V0
	QueryParams         // V1

// QueryUndefined is a query with no values
var QueryUndefined = Query{}

// NewQueryV0 creates a V0 query (which only specifies a payload)
func NewQueryV0(payloadCID cid.Cid) Query {
	return Query{PayloadCID: payloadCID}

// NewQueryV1 creates a V1 query (which has an optional pieceCID)
func NewQueryV1(payloadCID cid.Cid, pieceCID *cid.Cid) Query {
	return Query{
		PayloadCID: payloadCID,
		QueryParams: QueryParams{
			PieceCID: pieceCID,

// QueryResponse is a miners response to a given retrieval query
type QueryResponse struct {
	Status        QueryResponseStatus
	PieceCIDFound QueryItemStatus // V1 - if a PieceCID was requested, the result
	// SelectorFound   QueryItemStatus // V1 - if a Selector was requested, the result

	Size uint64 // Total size of piece in bytes
	// ExpectedPayloadSize uint64 // V1 - optional, if PayloadCID + selector are specified and miner knows, can offer an expected size

	PaymentAddress             address.Address // address to send funds to -- may be different than miner addr
	MinPricePerByte            abi.TokenAmount
	MaxPaymentInterval         uint64
	MaxPaymentIntervalIncrease uint64
	Message                    string
	UnsealPrice                abi.TokenAmount

// QueryResponseUndefined is an empty QueryResponse
var QueryResponseUndefined = QueryResponse{}

// PieceRetrievalPrice is the total price to retrieve the piece (size * MinPricePerByte + UnsealedPrice)
func (qr QueryResponse) PieceRetrievalPrice() abi.TokenAmount {
	return big.Add(big.Mul(qr.MinPricePerByte, abi.NewTokenAmount(int64(qr.Size))), qr.UnsealPrice)

// PayloadRetrievalPrice is the expected price to retrieve just the given payload
// & selector (V1)
// func (qr QueryResponse) PayloadRetrievalPrice() abi.TokenAmount {
//	return types.BigMul(qr.MinPricePerByte, types.NewInt(qr.ExpectedPayloadSize))
// }

// IsTerminalError returns true if this status indicates processing of this deal
// is complete with an error
func IsTerminalError(status DealStatus) bool {
	return status == DealStatusDealNotFound ||
		status == DealStatusFailing ||
		status == DealStatusRejected

// IsTerminalSuccess returns true if this status indicates processing of this deal
// is complete with a success
func IsTerminalSuccess(status DealStatus) bool {
	return status == DealStatusCompleted

// IsTerminalStatus returns true if this status indicates processing of a deal is
// complete (either success or error)
func IsTerminalStatus(status DealStatus) bool {
	return IsTerminalError(status) || IsTerminalSuccess(status)

// Params are the parameters requested for a retrieval deal proposal
type Params struct {
	Selector                CborGenCompatibleNode // V1
	PieceCID                *cid.Cid
	PricePerByte            abi.TokenAmount
	PaymentInterval         uint64 // when to request payment
	PaymentIntervalIncrease uint64
	UnsealPrice             abi.TokenAmount

// paramsBindnodeOptions is the bindnode options required to convert custom
// types used by the Param type
var paramsBindnodeOptions = []bindnode.Option{

func (p Params) SelectorSpecified() bool {
	return !p.Selector.IsNull()

func (p Params) IntervalLowerBound(currentInterval uint64) uint64 {
	intervalSize := p.PaymentInterval
	var lowerBound uint64
	var target uint64
	for target <= currentInterval {
		lowerBound = target
		target += intervalSize
		intervalSize += p.PaymentIntervalIncrease
	return lowerBound

// OutstandingBalance produces the amount owed based on the deal params
// for the given transfer state and funds received
func (p Params) OutstandingBalance(fundsReceived abi.TokenAmount, sent uint64, inFinalization bool) big.Int {
	// Check if the payment covers unsealing
	if fundsReceived.LessThan(p.UnsealPrice) {
		return big.Sub(p.UnsealPrice, fundsReceived)

	// if unsealing funds are received and the retrieval is free, proceed
	if p.PricePerByte.IsZero() {
		return big.Zero()

	// Calculate how much payment has been made for transferred data
	transferPayment := big.Sub(fundsReceived, p.UnsealPrice)

	// The provider sends data and the client sends payment for the data.
	// The provider will send a limited amount of extra data before receiving
	// payment. Given the current limit, check if the client has paid enough
	// to unlock the next interval.
	minimumBytesToPay := sent // for last payment, we need to get past zero
	if !inFinalization {
		minimumBytesToPay = p.IntervalLowerBound(sent)

	// Calculate the minimum required payment
	totalPaymentRequired := big.Mul(big.NewInt(int64(minimumBytesToPay)), p.PricePerByte)

	// Calculate payment owed
	owed := big.Sub(totalPaymentRequired, transferPayment)
	if owed.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
		return big.Zero()
	return owed

// NextInterval produces the maximum data that can be transferred before more
// payment is request
func (p Params) NextInterval(fundsReceived abi.TokenAmount) uint64 {
	if p.PricePerByte.NilOrZero() {
		return 0
	currentInterval := uint64(0)
	bytesPaid := fundsReceived
	if !p.UnsealPrice.NilOrZero() {
		bytesPaid = big.Sub(bytesPaid, p.UnsealPrice)
	bytesPaid = big.Div(bytesPaid, p.PricePerByte)
	if bytesPaid.GreaterThan(big.Zero()) {
		currentInterval = bytesPaid.Uint64()
	return p.nextInterval(currentInterval)

func (p Params) nextInterval(currentInterval uint64) uint64 {
	intervalSize := p.PaymentInterval
	var nextInterval uint64
	for nextInterval <= currentInterval {
		nextInterval += intervalSize
		intervalSize += p.PaymentIntervalIncrease
	return nextInterval

// NewParamsV0 generates parameters for a retrieval deal, which is always a whole piece deal
func NewParamsV0(pricePerByte abi.TokenAmount, paymentInterval uint64, paymentIntervalIncrease uint64) Params {
	return Params{
		PricePerByte:            pricePerByte,
		PaymentInterval:         paymentInterval,
		PaymentIntervalIncrease: paymentIntervalIncrease,
		UnsealPrice:             big.Zero(),

// NewParamsV1 generates parameters for a retrieval deal, including a selector
func NewParamsV1(pricePerByte abi.TokenAmount, paymentInterval uint64, paymentIntervalIncrease uint64, sel datamodel.Node, pieceCid *cid.Cid, unsealPrice abi.TokenAmount) (Params, error) {
	if sel == nil {
		return Params{}, xerrors.New("selector required for NewParamsV1")

	return Params{
		Selector:                CborGenCompatibleNode{Node: sel},
		PieceCID:                pieceCid,
		PricePerByte:            pricePerByte,
		PaymentInterval:         paymentInterval,
		PaymentIntervalIncrease: paymentIntervalIncrease,
		UnsealPrice:             unsealPrice,
	}, nil

// DealID is an identifier for a retrieval deal (unique to a client)
type DealID uint64

func (d DealID) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", d)

// DealProposal is a proposal for a new retrieval deal
type DealProposal struct {
	PayloadCID cid.Cid
	ID         DealID

// DealProposalType is the DealProposal voucher type
const DealProposalType = datatransfer.TypeIdentifier("RetrievalDealProposal/1")

// dealProposalBindnodeOptions is the bindnode options required to convert
// custom types used by the DealProposal type; the only custom types involved
// are for Params so we can reuse those options.
var dealProposalBindnodeOptions = paramsBindnodeOptions

func DealProposalFromNode(node datamodel.Node) (*DealProposal, error) {
	if node == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty voucher")
	dpIface, err := BindnodeRegistry.TypeFromNode(node, &DealProposal{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid DealProposal: %w", err)
	dp, _ := dpIface.(*DealProposal) // safe to assume type
	return dp, nil

// DealProposalUndefined is an undefined deal proposal
var DealProposalUndefined = DealProposal{}

// DealResponse is a response to a retrieval deal proposal
type DealResponse struct {
	Status DealStatus
	ID     DealID

	// payment required to proceed
	PaymentOwed abi.TokenAmount

	Message string

// DealResponseType is the DealResponse usable as a voucher type
const DealResponseType = datatransfer.TypeIdentifier("RetrievalDealResponse/1")

// dealResponseBindnodeOptions is the bindnode options required to convert custom
// types used by the DealResponse type
var dealResponseBindnodeOptions = []bindnode.Option{TokenAmountBindnodeOption}

// DealResponseUndefined is an undefined deal response
var DealResponseUndefined = DealResponse{}

func DealResponseFromNode(node datamodel.Node) (*DealResponse, error) {
	if node == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty voucher")
	dpIface, err := BindnodeRegistry.TypeFromNode(node, &DealResponse{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid DealResponse: %w", err)
	dp, _ := dpIface.(*DealResponse) // safe to assume type
	return dp, nil

// DealPayment is a payment for an in progress retrieval deal
type DealPayment struct {
	ID             DealID
	PaymentChannel address.Address
	PaymentVoucher *paychtypes.SignedVoucher

// DealPaymentType is the DealPayment voucher type
const DealPaymentType = datatransfer.TypeIdentifier("RetrievalDealPayment/1")

// dealPaymentBindnodeOptions is the bindnode options required to convert custom
// types used by the DealPayment type
var dealPaymentBindnodeOptions = []bindnode.Option{

// DealPaymentUndefined is an undefined deal payment
var DealPaymentUndefined = DealPayment{}

func DealPaymentFromNode(node datamodel.Node) (*DealPayment, error) {
	if node == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty voucher")
	dpIface, err := BindnodeRegistry.TypeFromNode(node, &DealPayment{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid DealPayment: %w", err)
	dp, _ := dpIface.(*DealPayment) // safe to assume type
	return dp, nil

var (
	// ErrNotFound means a piece was not found during retrieval
	ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found")

	// ErrVerification means a retrieval contained a block response that did not verify
	ErrVerification = errors.New("Error when verify data")

type Ask struct {
	PricePerByte            abi.TokenAmount
	UnsealPrice             abi.TokenAmount
	PaymentInterval         uint64
	PaymentIntervalIncrease uint64

// ShortfallErorr is an error that indicates a short fall of funds
type ShortfallError struct {
	shortfall abi.TokenAmount

// NewShortfallError returns a new error indicating a shortfall of funds
func NewShortfallError(shortfall abi.TokenAmount) error {
	return ShortfallError{shortfall}

// Shortfall returns the numerical value of the shortfall
func (se ShortfallError) Shortfall() abi.TokenAmount {
	return se.shortfall
func (se ShortfallError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Inssufficient Funds. Shortfall: %s", se.shortfall.String())

// ChannelAvailableFunds provides information about funds in a channel
type ChannelAvailableFunds struct {
	// ConfirmedAmt is the amount of funds that have been confirmed on-chain
	// for the channel
	ConfirmedAmt abi.TokenAmount
	// PendingAmt is the amount of funds that are pending confirmation on-chain
	PendingAmt abi.TokenAmount
	// PendingWaitSentinel can be used with PaychGetWaitReady to wait for
	// confirmation of pending funds
	PendingWaitSentinel *cid.Cid
	// QueuedAmt is the amount that is queued up behind a pending request
	QueuedAmt abi.TokenAmount
	// VoucherRedeemedAmt is the amount that is redeemed by vouchers on-chain
	// and in the local datastore
	VoucherReedeemedAmt abi.TokenAmount

// PricingInput provides input parameters required to price a retrieval deal.
type PricingInput struct {
	// PayloadCID is the cid of the payload to retrieve.
	PayloadCID cid.Cid
	// PieceCID is the cid of the Piece from which the Payload will be retrieved.
	PieceCID cid.Cid
	// PieceSize is the size of the Piece from which the payload will be retrieved.
	PieceSize abi.UnpaddedPieceSize
	// Client is the peerID of the retrieval client.
	Client peer.ID
	// VerifiedDeal is true if there exists a verified storage deal for the PayloadCID.
	VerifiedDeal bool
	// Unsealed is true if there exists an unsealed sector from which we can retrieve the given payload.
	Unsealed bool
	// CurrentAsk is the current configured ask in the ask-store.
	CurrentAsk Ask

var BindnodeRegistry = bindnoderegistry.NewRegistry()

func init() {
	for _, r := range []struct {
		typ     interface{}
		typName string
		opts    []bindnode.Option
		{(*Params)(nil), "Params", paramsBindnodeOptions},
		{(*DealProposal)(nil), "DealProposal", dealProposalBindnodeOptions},
		{(*DealResponse)(nil), "DealResponse", dealResponseBindnodeOptions},
		{(*DealPayment)(nil), "DealPayment", dealPaymentBindnodeOptions},
	} {
		if err := BindnodeRegistry.RegisterType(r.typ, string(embedSchema), r.typName, r.opts...); err != nil {